
  1. 半椭圆形河谷上沉积层地震响应研究

    Seismic response of alluvial soil deposit on a semi & elliptical canyon

  2. 在河谷上筑起水坝,被水坝拦住的水就会升高而形成一个人工湖。

    When a river valley is dammed up , the waters contained by the barrage rise to form an artificial lake .

  3. 除了修建钢铁生产厂之外,淡水河谷上个月还宣布正在巴西修建一家铝厂,这样它就可以把矿点开采出的铝土矿供应给新工厂。

    In addition to the steel complex , Vale announced last month that it was building an aluminum plant in Brazil so it could feed that new plant with the bauxite from its mines .

  4. 身后的道路从河谷爬上高原。

    Behind me was a road climbing out of a river valley .

  5. 我们沿着河谷自上走去,然后登山观赏贝加尔湖周围迷人的森林。

    We walked up the river vally , then climbed the mountains to look at the extraordinary forest that surrounds Lake Baikal .

  6. 一个月以后,我步行来到这里,看一看仿佛是翠绿河谷脸面上那深深的疤痕,希望在如此近的距离感受它那怕是一丝的呼吸。

    A month later I walked the length and breath of the scar that was had cut across the face of this green valley .

  7. 同时下坝址河谷相对上坝址较窄,混凝土重力坝和混凝土拱坝均可行。

    Meanwhile the down dam-site river valley is narrower than the up one , concrete gravity dam and concrete arch dams are both feasible .

  8. 这些所谓的干旱河谷是地球上十分荒凉的地方。

    These so-called dry valleys are some of the most inhospitable places on Earth .

  9. Takstang的意思是“老虎穴”,并高高的挂在帕罗河谷的悬崖峭壁上。

    Takstang means " tiger 's lair " and hangs on a cliff high above the Paro valley .

  10. 干热干旱河谷是世界上环境最恶劣的立地类型之一,其植被恢复是林业工作者多年来一直未攻克的难题。

    The dry-hot river valley is one of the site types with the worst ecological environment in the world .

  11. 希夫德·戈兰葡萄酒厂2003年卡本内苏维浓在2005年天鹅河谷葡萄酒展览会上获得金牌,使该公司的生意一开始就表现不俗。

    Heafod Glen Wines , made a glowing start to its business when its2003 Cabernet Sauvignon won a Gold Medal at the Swan Valley wine show in2005 .

  12. 岷江上游干旱河谷海拔梯度上四川黄栌叶片特征及其与环境因子的关系

    Leaf characteristics and Their Relationship of Cotinus coggygria in Arid River Valley Located in the Upper Reaches of Minjiang River with Environmental Factors Depending on Its Altitude Gradients

  13. 他会说,不错,比上星期好,然后我会接着拉他喜欢的曲子红河谷和山上的家。听着听着,他慢慢睡着了,报纸叠在腿上。

    Very nice , better than last week , he 'd say . Then I would follow into a medley of his favorites , Red River Valley and Home on the Range , and he would drift off to sleep , the newspaper folded on his lap .

  14. 撒哈拉沙漠中部,几排饱经风霜的沙岩像远古时期的石柱一样耸立在乍得卡纳塞河谷的红色沙丘上。

    Spires of eroded sandstone stand like ancient pillars in the red dunes of Chad 's Karnasai Valley in the central Sahara desert .

  15. 甚至连在粘在尼安德河谷人的牙齿上的菜叶中也可以检测到这些物质,因为一具美味的动物尸体在生前也吃过素食。

    Even plant remains in Neandertal teeth could have gotten there because a tasty animal carcass itself contained traces of a last vegetarian meal .

  16. 淡水河谷现在是世界上第二大矿产:比必和必拓小,但是比力拓和其它比较出名的对手要大。

    It is now the world 's second-largest miner : smaller than BHP Billiton , but bigger than Rio Tinto and other better-known rivals .

  17. 河谷型大城市是在地理位置较好、水土资源组合条件良好的河谷阶地地带上形成的。

    Valley-basin cities usually develop in the area of a valley terrace with a good location and better conditions of water and land resources .