
  1. 东线、中线一期主体工程建成通水以来,直接受益人口达1.2亿多人,供水到达40多个大中型城市,同时助力东线、中线沿线河湖生态修复。

    More than 120 million people had directly benefited from the project since the first phase of its eastern and middle routes began supplying water . More than 40 big and medium-sized cities received water from the project , which has also helped ecological restoration of rivers and lakes along its eastern and middle routes .

  2. 应用GIS提高北京市城市河湖管理现代化水平

    Application GIS to raising modernization management of urban lake and river of Beijing

  3. ESR法和古地磁法测年结果表明,札达盆地香孜组河湖相地层的形成时代为早更新世早期(2.68~1.36Ma)。

    ESR and paleomagnetic dating indicates that the age of the fluvio-lacustrine sediments of the Qangz ê Formation in the Zanda basin is earliest Pleistocene ( 2.681.36 Ma ) .

  4. 156.2~102.8m间为河湖交替沉积环境;

    156.2m ~ 102.8m , deposit of fluvial-lacustrine alternative facies ;

  5. 以三峡水库为实例,阐述了河湖指数(RLI)的构建形式、计算步骤,指标的取舍和使用方法。

    The Three Gorges Reservoir is used as an example to show the frame form of RLI , computation steps , choice of indicators and application methods .

  6. 结果表明:侏罗系剥蚀厚度一般在200~1000m,原始沉积厚度约1000~1500m,厚度稳定,以河湖交互沉积为主,是在印支期形成的向斜坳陷背景上发育的断陷盆地;

    The Jurassic formation is fault basin developed within syncline formed during Indo-Chinese movement , which are mainly alternative fluvial and lake deposition with strata erosion thickness of 200-1000m and stable original sedimentary thickness of 1000-1500m .

  7. 病区多为河湖相和滨海相沉积,粘土、粘土质淤泥和有机淤泥层发育,为富含有机质的还原环境,地下水中砷的含量一般为0.2~0.6mg/L。

    The arseniasis areas are mostly deposits of river and limnetic facies or marine bed with clay , clayey and organic mud , and belong to environment with rich organic matter .

  8. 洞庭湖河湖疏浚对洪水位影响分析

    Analysis on the Effect of Lake Dongting Dredging on Flood Elevation

  9. 洞庭湖河湖疏浚工程数值模拟分析研究

    Study on Simulation Data Analysis of Dredging Project for Dongting Lake

  10. 漂浮植物修复技术净化城市河湖水体试验研究

    Water Quality Purification of Urban Lakes and Rivers with Floating Phytoremediation System

  11. 一种适用于河湖数模计算的网格自动生成方法

    Research on Auto-generation Algorithm of Meshes Used forRiver / Lake Mathematic Model

  12. 河湖滨岸缓冲带净污机理及适宜宽度研究进展

    Research progresses in purification mechanism and fitting width of riparian buffer strip

  13. 北京城区河湖水系治理中的问题与建议

    Problems and suggestions in rehabilitation of urban waters in Beij in g

  14. 河湖沙冲淤和三角洲发育的长期数值模拟研究

    Long-Term Computational Modeling Research on River Sedimentation and Delta Evolution

  15. 城市河湖水华防治技术研究

    E City Study on prevention algal bloom of urban lake and river

  16. 河湖底泥有机污染物迁移转化规律研究

    Study on Organic Contaminant Transport and Transform in Bottom Sediment of Water System

  17. 河湖底泥的生物修复研究进展

    Research progress of sediment bioremediation in rivers and lakes

  18. 河湖污染治理对策的调查研究&Ⅰ现状分析

    The survey of pollution control in rivers and lakes & ⅰ Current status

  19. 城市河湖生态系统健康评价&以北京市六海为例

    Ecosystem health assessment of urban rivers and lakes for six lakes in Beijing

  20. 另外,随着人类活动的增加,城市河湖水质污染日趋严重。

    Moreover , water pollution issues are becoming serious due to mankind activities .

  21. 北京城市河湖的营养状态分析

    Trophic state analysis on urban lakes of Beijing

  22. 城市河湖底泥疏浚对水生态的影响分析与对策探讨

    Analysis and discussion on aquatic ecological impact of urban water systems ' sediment dredging

  23. 大型水生植物与东太湖河湖交汇区矿质元素分异特征

    Mineral Element Variables with Macrophytes at the Intersection Area of the East Lake Taihu

  24. 河湖堤坝工程震害危险性与破坏等级判断模型研究

    Study on Damage Dangerous of Lake Dam Project and Damage Model Levels of Determine

  25. 河湖流域开发问题区域间会议

    Interregional Meeting on River and Lake Basin Development

  26. 河湖沉积体系层序地层学研究试论地层单位的划分

    Sequence Stratigraphic Study of Fluviolacustrine Sedimentary System

  27. 中更新世时期,太湖平原为河湖交替的沉积环境。

    In Middle Pleistocene Epoch , Taihu Lake Plain was a fluviolacustrine alternative sedimentary environment .

  28. 浅析小型河湖消亡及其对生态环境的危害

    Analysis on the brooks and small lakes withering away and its harmfulness on ecological environment

  29. 蓝鳃太阳鱼北美洲河湖中一种常见的可食太阳鱼(蓝鳃太阳鱼)

    A common edible sunfish ( Lepomis macrochirus ) of North American lakes and streams .

  30. 河湖体系的分布不受局部箕状凹陷所控制。

    The distribution of the system is not mainly controlled by the local dustpan-like sags .