
  • 网络drainage density
  1. 对贵州省喀斯特地貌进行了特征分析,讨论了喀地貌类型及其与人口、经济、植被和河网密度等的关系。

    The karst topography in Guizhou province is analysed , the topographic sorts and correlations among population , GDP , vegetation and drainage density are portrayed respectively .

  2. 提出了一种方法,利用河源密度(或河网密度)与汇水面积阈值的关系,确定汇水面积阈值,当河源密度(或河网密度)趋于稳定时对应合理的面积阈值。

    A method is proposed , in which the relation between source density ( or drainage density ) and the threshold is used to produce an ideal drainage network , the area threshold when source density ( or drainage density ) show stability is reasonable .

  3. GIS支持下的河网密度提取及其在洪水危险性分析中的应用

    GIS-based extraction of drainage network density and it 's application to flood hazard analysis

  4. 利用DEM可以提取地形因子,如坡度、坡向、高程信息、地表粗糙度、曲面面积、体积、水系、河网密度等。

    Terrain factors such as slope , aspect , elevation , surface roughness , and so on , can be extracted by utilizing DEM based on GIS .

  5. 河网密度为0.46,河网密度中等;

    The density of the drainage network was 0.46 , which was belong to moderate degree .

  6. 喀斯特面积比重图与河网密度图的编制及其应用

    The drawing up and application of the river - net density map and the proportion map of karst area

  7. 研究表明:(1)浦东开发以来,河网密度下降了1/3强;

    The study shows that : ( 1 ) the density of river system has declined more than 1 / 3 ;

  8. 平原地区一般河网密度高,河道比降小,水流流泄不畅,极易造成内涝灾害。

    In the plain area , because of the channel density is large and the slope of riverbed is small , the channel flow is slow and the waterlogging often occurs .

  9. 水文具有长江上游的典型特征,河网密度、分歧率、弯曲系数及分维均与区域构造、新构造运动和地震成正相关关系。土壤具有岩性差异背景及垂直谱带性。

    Hydrology has obvious characteristics of the upper reaches of the Yangtze , water density , bifurcation ratio , bend coefficient and fractural have close relationship with regional structure , Neotectonics and seismic .

  10. 统计结果表明:流域的枯季前期降水、岩性、地貌、流域面积、河网密度、主河道长度及其比降等因子与喀斯特流域的枯水四特征的相关关系异常复杂。

    The statistics show that the correlation of antecedent precipitation , lithology , landform , drainage density , drainage area , length and ratio of demotion of main river and four characteristics of low flow is very complex .

  11. 在经济密度较高,距京杭运河和黄河较远,距海岸线较近,年均温、河网密度和人均地区生产总值变化率较低的地方,城市扩展和耕地丧失的发生率较大。

    Urban expansion and farm loss happen more frequently where economic density is higher , distances to canal and yellow river are further , distance to coastal line is nearer , and annual average temperature , hydrological density and rate of change of Per Capita GDP are lower .

  12. 该文以2000年第五次全国人口普查数据为基础,分析福建省各市县平均人口密度与海拔高度、土地利用、河网密度、道路网密度以及与海岸线的距离和居民点密度之间的相关性。

    Based on the 5th national population census data in 2000 , this paper analyses the relationship between the population density of Fujian Province and its influencing factors , including average territorial elevation , coastline , network density of waterways , land use , road network density and residential areas .

  13. 本文在与前人的锡山区河网概化模型相比较基础上,通过增加河网密度,建立了与该地区河网实际河道分布情况更为相近的河网一维水量水质模型。

    Compared with recent results on hydro-dynamic and quality numerical model , the paper established a new one dimension hydro-dynamic and quality equations which is more similar to this area water net distribution by increasing the water net consistency .

  14. 本文应用随机河网的理论对流域河网结构中的一些经验的定量关系(如Horton经验律、流域面积与长度、河频率与河网密度等)作了解释。

    Some experienced empirical relations of the landforms of drainage channel network , drainage area , length , channel frequency and channel network density are explained with the random channel network theory .