
  • 网络sediment movement in estuaries
  1. 潮汐对河口泥沙运动和淤积的影响

    The Effect of Tide on the Motion and Silt of Sand in Estuary

  2. 在此基础上开展了典型水沙条件下黄河河口泥沙运动规律的模拟研究。

    On this basis , the model is applied to study the movement of sediment in the estuary of Yellow River under typical flow and sediment condition .

  3. 对海岸河口泥沙运动的基本方程、数值方法、边界条件、参数选取等进行了归纳总结和评述,以期对本学科的发展起到一定的引导和促进作用。

    This paper makes summaries and comments on various mathematical models ( basic equations , numerical methods , boundary conditions and parameter determination , etc. ) of sediment movement in coastal and estuarine waters , in the hope of guiding and promoting the study of the subject .

  4. 研究结果对于河口海岸泥沙运动具有一定的理论和应用价值。

    These research findings have both theoretical and applicable value of estuary and coastal sediment movement .

  5. 海河口潮流泥沙运动数值模拟及清淤方案研究

    A numerical model of current and sediment and its application in analysis of Estuary of Haihe River

  6. 河口海岸泥沙运动研究涉及三大要素:河口海岸动力因素、泥沙特性和工程环境因素。

    Three essentials must be considered when studying on estuary and coastal sediment movement , dynamic factors of estuarial and coastal areas , characteristics of sediment and factors of engineering environment .

  7. 长江河口涨潮槽泥沙运动规律

    Sediment transport in flood channels of the Changjiang estuary

  8. 小清河口附近海域泥沙运动特征及风场对泥沙输运的影响

    Sediment movement and the effect of wind to sediment transport near Xiaoqing River Estuary

  9. 潮流泥沙数学模型河口海岸潮流泥沙运动具有三维特性,三维数学模型能较合理地反映河口海岸潮流运动的三维特性和悬沙与床沙之间复杂的交换问题。

    Tidal flow and sediment mathematic model . The motion of the tidal current and sediment of estuarial and coastal areas has three-dimensional characteristic in nature . Thus 3-D mathematic model can reflect this characteristic and the complicate exchanges between suspended load and bed load reasonably .

  10. 1998长江全流域特大洪水期河口区床面泥沙运动特征

    Micro-features and Their Changes of Bed Configuration in the Changjiang Estuary during the 1998 Disastrous Flood

  11. 通过分析灌河口附近海域的泥沙运动特点,采用经验公式从定性和定量两个方面对灌河口拦门沙整治工程后的岸滩演变进行了预报。

    By analyzing the sediment movement characteristics , we use the selected empirical formulas to forecast the coastal evolution after the regulation project in Guanhe estuary .

  12. 黏性泥沙絮团的形成机理和沉降特性对河口海岸细颗粒泥沙运动规律研究具有重要作用。

    The complicated fractal flocculation processes and settling behavior of cohesive sediment are very important to understand the cohesive sediment transport in estuaries and along coasts .

  13. 河口海岸地区是物质流和能量流的重要聚散地带,河口潮流泥沙运动较为复杂,与径流的丰枯、潮汐的大小、波浪的高低、风速风向及河床底质等多种因素有关。

    Estuarine and coastal area is an important gathering and scattering zone of material flow and energy flow , the movement of estuarine flow and sediment is quite complex and concerned with runoff , tide , wave , wind speed and direction , bed material and so on .