
hé wài
  • extragalactic
河外 [hé wài]
  • [extragalactic] 位于银河系以外或在银河系的那边

  1. N-Cat系列综合河外射电源表

    N-Cat Series Combined Extragalactic Radio Source Catalogues

  2. 河外天体喷流的观测研究&Ⅱ.在R和I波段观测到的三个河外天体延伸物的特性

    Observational Investigations of Jets of Extragalactic Objects ⅱ . Properties of the Extended Media of Three Extragalactic Objects Observed in the R and 1 Bands

  3. 南天区20个河外射电源的VLBI研究

    A VLBI Survey of 20 Extragalactic Radio Sources in the Southern Hemisphere

  4. 高频VLBI观测揭示出河外射电源在pc或者亚pc尺度上大都有核-喷流的内部结构。

    VLBI observations at high frequencies show that most of extragalactic radio sources have a nucleus-jet structure on pc or sub-pc scales .

  5. 对河外星系OH超脉泽的观测和研究,是探测和研究其所成协的活动星系核、星暴星系的中央源和拱核盘的有效工具。

    The observations and studies of the OH megamasers associated with AGN and starburst galaxies are the very efficient tools to investigate characteristics of their central sources an .

  6. 三颗河外射电源第一历元的VLBI图像

    First Epoch VLBI Images of Three Extragalactic Radio Sources

  7. CCD用于建立惯性坐标系(Ⅰ)测定河外星系与定标星的相对位置

    To Build Up the Inertial Coordinate System With A CCD (ⅰ) Measuring the Relative Position of An Extragalactic System with Respect to the Reference Stars

  8. 河外IRAS源,星暴星系和活动星系核

    Extragalactic IRAS Sources , Starburst Galaxis and Active Galactic Nucleus

  9. 第二类、第三类则直接利用河外星体的视角径红移关系以及视星等红移关系(θ-z,m-z方法)得到q0的。

    Groups 2 and 3 do so directly from the angular diameter-redshift and apparent magnitude-redshift relations of extragalactic objects ( the θ - z and the m-z methods ) .

  10. 1988至1992各年度IERS综合河外射电源表的重新归算

    Recompilation of the Combined Extragalactic Radio Source Catalogues of IERS for Years from 1988 to 1992

  11. 本文评述VLBI天体物理学的进展,特别是在河外连续谱天文学、星际脉泽、脉冲星和恒星等方面VLBI观测的主要结果。

    This paper touches the progress in VLBI astrophysics concerning some high lights of extragalactic continuum astronomy , interstellar masers and pulsars and stars from VLBI observations .

  12. 明亮的OH脉泽是探测银河系中各类天体甚至河外星系的极好工具,但是对OH脉泽的抽运机制的鉴别和模拟上的困难使得这个极好工具一直没有得到极好的发挥。

    The bright OH masers are excellent probes of different kinds of astronomical objects in the Galaxy and even of distant galaxies , but the difficulties in identifying the pumping mechanisms of these OH masers and modeling them have hindered the application of this excellent probe .

  13. 第四宇宙速度(V4)宇宙速度的一级,预计物体具有110~120km/s的速度时,就可以脱离银河系而进入河外星系,这个速度叫做第四宇宙速度。

    The fourth speed of the universe ( V4 ) of a speed of the universe , objects are expected to have 110 ~ 120km / s speed , you can enter Hewaixingxi out of the Milky Way , known as the pace of the fourth rate of the universe .

  14. SAS-2的Υ辐射数据,已被用来测定类星体和赛弗特星系的Υ辐射绝对光度与光学绝对光度间的函数关系,并由此导出它们对河外Υ射线背景辐射的贡献。

    The SAS-2 r-ray data have been employed to determine the functional relationships between the absolute y-ray luminosities Ly and the absolute optical luminosities of quasars and Seyfert galaxies . From these , their contribution to the extragalactic y-ray background have been derived .

  15. SN1996W:中国天文学家首次发现的河外超新星

    SN 1996W : the First Extragalactic Supernova Discovered by Chinese Astronomers

  16. 银河和河外γ射线辐射

    The γ - Ray radiation of the Galaxy and Extragalactic Sources

  17. 嘉兴环城河外侧绿地景观规划设计

    Planning of Greenbelt Landscape at Outer Side of Ring River in Jiaxing

  18. 在本文中评述河外射电源变化的观测进展。

    The observational progress in the study of the variability is reviewed .

  19. 河外致密射电源,类星体嗯,每月700美元外加电费?

    Extragalactic compact radio source Hmm. $ 700 a month plus electricity ?

  20. 以河外星系为参考系的恒星自行测定现状

    Present Situation on Determinations of Stellar Proper Motions with Respect to Extragalactic System

  21. 甚至几乎不涉及现代河外天文学中吸引人的课题。

    We shall hardly even touch the captivating problems of modern extragalactic astronomy .

  22. 河外水脉泽的研究进展

    Progress in the Study on Extragalactic H _2O Masers

  23. 基列人安居在约旦河外。但人为何等在船上。

    Gilead abode beyond Jordan : and why did Dan remain in ships ?

  24. α吸积盘与河外喷流的进动

    α - Disks and the Precession of Extragalactic Jets

  25. 这是在约旦河外伯大尼(注:有古卷作“伯大巴喇”),约翰施洗的地方作的见证。

    These things were done in Bethabara beyond Jordan , where John was baptizing .

  26. 河外射电双源中相对论激波和热斑的计算分析

    Computation and analysis for relativistic shock waves and hot-spot in extragalactic double radio sources

  27. 河外射电双源和多重源

    Extragalactic double radio sources and multiple radio sources

  28. 河外射电变源与致密源

    Extragalactic Variable and Compact Radio Sources

  29. 判断与消除河外射电源表之间局部相对形变的方法评述

    A Review of Methods on Identifying and Deleting Local Relative Deformations between Extragalactic Radio Source Catalogues

  30. 离散时空和河外星系红移

    Discrete space-time and red-shifts of galaxies