
  • Crab culture;【水产】culture of Chinese mitten crab
  1. 基于Web的河蟹养殖专家系统的研究

    Study on Web - based Expert System of Mitten Crab Aquiculture

  2. 草型湖泊河蟹养殖容量初探

    Studies on the carrying capacity of Chinese mitten crab in macrophytic lakes

  3. 中国的河蟹养殖及其发展前景

    The culture of Chinese mitten crab and the prospect of its development

  4. 小网箱河蟹养殖试验

    Aquacultural Test of Young Mitten Crab Eriocheir sinensis by Means of Little Net-cage

  5. 本文阐述了沈阳地区河蟹养殖技术。

    This thesis Tillustrates the raising skills of river crabs in Shenyang area .

  6. 光合细菌的分离鉴定及在河蟹养殖中的应用

    Isolation and Identification of Photosynthetic Bacteria and its Application in Eriocheir Sinensis Aquiculture

  7. 河蟹养殖中气象条件的影响及趋利避害对策研究

    Effects of Meteorological Conditions on River Crab Raising and Strategies for Trending Advantages and Avoiding Disadvantages

  8. 水生植物净化中微生物变化及净化效果研究一种生物净水剂对河蟹养殖水体水质净化效果研究

    Water Purification by Hydrophytes and Change of Microorganism in Root Zone and Water The Purification Functions of a Biological Cleaning Agent on Aquaculture Water of Chinese Mitten Crab

  9. 结果表明,水体中氮、磷含量全年保持稳定,水体透明度高,晴好天气透明度达0.8米,为河蟹养殖对象生长提供了较稳定的水环境。

    Nitrogen and phosphorus content remained stable throughout the year , water transparency , transparency of 0.8 m in fine weather , the growth target for the crab culture provides a more stable water environment .

  10. 通过专家咨询的方式,确定了针对河蟹池塘养殖的最主要水质指标:溶解氧、酸碱度(pH值)、温度和盐度。

    According to experts ' advice , the most important indicators for water quality of crab ponds were determined : dissolved oxygen , pH , temperature and salinity .

  11. 总而言之,河蟹生态养殖池塘PVC底层增氧机使用规律为:晴天中午开,日出前夕勤开;阴雨天夜间长开;闷热天气延长开,大风天气可少开。

    In short , ecological aquaculture pond bottom crabs PVC aerator rule is : sunny noon open , before sunrise frequently open ; rain night always open ; Hot weather extended open , windy weather may be less open .

  12. 池塘河蟹生态养殖对水体环境的影响

    Effect of river crab eco-culture in ponds on water environment

  13. 河蟹池塘养殖底层微孔曝气增氧技术的研究和应用

    Research and application of the techniques of increase DO using micropore aeration in the bottom of crab pond

  14. 早熟河蟹的养殖生态学及其渔业价值评价

    Cultural ecology of mature yearling Chinese mitten-handed crab , Eriocheir sinensis ( crustacea , decapoda ), and its fishery evaluation

  15. 在河蟹无公害养殖方面,泗洪县具有良好的生态环境优势和社会优势,但是目前养殖户发展无公害养殖的意识和能力、小规模分散养殖等因素影响了泗洪县无公害河蟹养殖的进一步发展。

    In non-pollution cultivation of river crab , Sihong County has good environmental advantage and social advantage , but raisers ' consciousness and ability to develop non-pollution cultivation and dispersive cultivation on a small scale at present constrains the further development of non-pollution cultivation of river crab .

  16. 利用休眠控制河蟹性腺早熟的养殖试验

    Breeding experiment on controlling precocity of sexual gland by using dormancy for Chinese Mitten Crab

  17. 池塘养殖不同规格、密度河蟹生长特性及养殖效果

    The Comparison of Culture Results and Growth Characteristics of Eriocheir Sinensis under Different Specifications and Densities