
  1. 广西高速公路电子不停车收费ETC系统的应用研究

    The Study on ETC None-stop Tolling System in Guangxi , Highway

  2. 通过分析、比较国内高速公路现有的收费系统的通行介质方案,并从经济性及方便管理出发,提出了广西高速公路收费系统通行介质的使用方案。IP网络摄像机在高速公路收费领域中应用的设想

    By comparing and analyzing the traffic medium schemes of the existing expressway toll system within China , the paper recommends the selected scheme from the point of view that convenient management and economic investment . Application of IP Network Camera / Web Camera in Expressway Toll System

  3. 关于提高广西高速公路行业公共服务水平的思考

    Thoughts Regarding Raising the Level of Public Service of Guangxi Highway

  4. 硅芯管在广西高速公路通信管道工程中的应用

    The Application of Silicon Core Tube in Guangxi Highway Communicational Pipeline

  5. 浅谈广西高速公路征费的现代化管理

    On the Modernization Management of Fee-collection of High-speed Highway in Guangxi

  6. 储值卡收费系统在广西高速公路中的应用

    The Application of Stored-value Card Toll Collection System in Highways of Guangxi

  7. 广西高速公路收费系统通行介质方案的比选

    Comparison and Selection on Traffic Medium Alternatives for Expressway Toll System in Guangxi

  8. 广西高速公路安全行车速度的探讨

    On Safe Traveling Speed on Expressways in Guangxi

  9. 格宾网箱挡土墙在广西高速公路的应用

    Application of Gabion Mesh Cage Retaining Wall in Quanzhou to Xing'an Expressway of Guangxi

  10. 裂缝问题一直是困扰广西高速公路水泥混凝土路面建设的一个主要问题。

    The problem of broken crack always puzzles concrete pavement construction in Guangxi highway .

  11. 为提高广西高速公路管理水平,广西高速公路管理局对广西高速公路征费工作进行全面质量控制的现代化管理。

    Overall quality control management for the fee collection of Guangxi high speed highway was under way for improving the management of Guangxi high speed highway .

  12. 广西高速公路沥青路面面层多采用辉绿岩材料,储量少,成本高。

    Due to its rare reserves , the cost of the dolerite material , which is most commonly applied on the asphalt coating layer in Guangxi , is high .

  13. 文章根据广西高速公路目前车流量、车型比以及车速情况,结合交通环境噪声的实测数据,对高速公路交通噪声的变化规律进行分析研究。

    Considering the current traffic flow , vehicle types and travel speed in the expressways of Guangxi , the article makes an analysis and study on the variation rule of traffic noise on the expressway .

  14. 广西山区高速公路路面类型设计比选及对策

    Comparison between Various Pavement Designs for Mountainous Expressway in Guangxi and their Countermeasures

  15. 广西山区高速公路分离式路基设计实践

    The Designing and Application of Discrete Highway Roadbed in Guangxi 's Mountain Area

  16. 广西柳南高速公路密断级配磨耗层材料设计与试验研究

    Design and Experimental Research of Materials for Dense Wearing Coat of Liuzhou-Nanning Expressway in Guangxi

  17. 新华社报导说,这辆大客车在广西地区高速公路上与一辆越野车相撞后翻落山谷。

    Xinhua news agency says the bus left the road after colliding with a sport utility vehicle on a highway in the Guangxi region .

  18. 以实现植被恢复为目标,结合广西某高速公路膨胀土土样,进行了一系列的室内实验,初步提出了复合改性方案。

    A series of laboratory experiments are done on representative samples of expressway from Guangxi with the goal of vegetation restoration , the method of ecological restoration to lime-stabilized soil is determined primarily .

  19. 文章结合广西宾南高速公路桥头跳车的一些处理措施,分析介绍了无砂大孔混凝土在桥头跳车中的应用,并对该项技术的处治效果及经济效益作出分析和评价。

    The author , combining with the bridge head bumping treatment measures applied in Nanning-Binyang Highway , introduces the application of sand-free coarse porous concrete to reduce bridge head bumping , meanwhile analyzes and assesses its treatment effect and economic benefit .

  20. 采用实验分析的方法,以边坡植被恢复学、土壤学、植物生态学和土力学为理论基础,研究了广西某高速公路膨胀土边坡石灰改性后的植被恢复方法。

    Based on the theories of slope vegetation restoration , agrology , bionomics and soil mechanics , the vegetation restoration method after lime stabilizing of expressway expansive soil in Guangxi Province is studied by inside experiment , which called composite improvement .

  21. 目前,在广西已建成高速公路的桥梁中,大多数跨径为16-30m的大、中小桥梁多采用装配式的预应力混凝土空心板简支梁桥。

    Nowadays , having completed the bridge of the highway in Guangxi , the majority span of the big 、 middle 、 small bridge is 16-30m .

  22. 本文以广西六宜高速公路为依托,采用六宜高速公路的原材料,通过室内试验,在密级配沥青混凝土AC-13C和AC-20C中加入玄武岩纤维,来研究沥青混合料的路用性能。

    This paper guangxi six appropriate highway to rely on , the six appropriate highway of the raw material , through the laboratory test , in the dense gradation asphalt concrete AC-13C and AC-20C with basalt fiber , to study the way of the asphalt mixture with performance .

  23. 广西钦防高速公路挖方边坡坡面综合防护技术研究

    Protective Technique Research of Excavating Side Surface of Guang Xi Qin Fang Freeway

  24. 通过广西岑梧高速公路二标段路基填筑的施工实践,阐述了采用含砂高液限黏土填筑路基的施工工艺方法。

    In terms of technology , blended cement , curing time , equipment , finished products and other aspects the construction method utilizing high liquid plastic limit clay in road bed filling is elaborated .

  25. 文章以广西南宁友谊关高速公路加铺沥青路面改造工程为依托,介绍了TLA改性沥青TLA掺量的确定及制作方法;

    Friendship With the asphalt pavement improvement works in Nanning to Youyiguan Expressway as an example , the Paper introduces how to determine the TLA modified asphalt dosage and the production method for mixture .

  26. 广西阳朔至平乐高速公路生态保护设计

    Ecosystem Protection Design of Yang-ping Expressway in Guangxi

  27. 随着高等级公路建设突飞猛进,软岩在公路建设中如何使用就成为工程技术人员普遍关注的问题。在广西修建的许多高速公路需要利用极软岩作为公路填料。

    With the rapid development of high grade highway , how to use the extremely soft rock in highway construction is a important problem cared by many engineers .

  28. 接着介绍国内外高速路已有成功的融资经验对广西启发,深入探索解决广西高速公路建设项目的融资策略,最后得出论文五点结论和提出本文的建议和问题,存在有待完善的研究工作。

    And then to explore the financing strategy of highway construction projects in Guangxi through reference the successful domestic and foreign experiences . At last it comes to the conclusion of the thesis and points out the proposal of the author and the research work remains to be completed .