
  1. 青海高速公路湿陷性黄土地基处理技术研究

    Study of the Treating Technology of Collapsibility Loess Subgrade in Qinghai Highway

  2. 青海某高速公路服务区基础侵蚀原因分析及处理措施

    Analysis on the foundation corrosion reason in Qinghai highway service area and treatment measures

  3. 高速公路建设项目社会影响评价还存在许多有待完善的地方,本文以青海省高速公路建设项目为对象开展社会影响评价研究。

    There are many defects that should be perfected for the social impact evaluation of expressway projects .

  4. 在地理信息系统相关技术的支持下,建立青海省高速公路网规划系统,并在详细分析系统需求和系统功能的基础上,设计系统总体框架和功能模块。

    This paper builds Qinghai freeway network planning system in support of GIS . The system frame and function module are designed , based on the detailed analysis of system requirements and system functions .

  5. 综合铁路、公路系统在填石路基质量控制中的一些具体作法,参照在青海马平高速公路填石路基震动压实方面的实际经验,就适用于现阶段填石路基质量控制方法进行了讨论。

    Combined some concrete treatment methods of quality control over stone filling road foundation in railway and road system with actual experience to vibration compaction of stone filling road foundation , at present , some quality control methods over stone filling road foundation are discussed in this paper .

  6. 青海省平阿高速公路高边坡病害防治工程控制爆破设计

    Blast Control Design of Disease Preventing-Treating Engineering for High Bank of Qinghai Provincial Ping-Aa Freeway