
yǎng hù
  • conserve;conservation;curing;maintain;nurture
养护 [yǎng hù]
  • (1) [mantain;conserve]∶ [建筑物、设备等的] 维修,保养

  • 道路养护

  • (2) [conservation]∶对自然资源的有计划的管理以防止开发、毁坏或忽视

  • 生物资源养护

养护[yǎng hù]
  1. 房子很大,难以养护。

    The house is large and difficult to maintain .

  2. 这个花园很大,难以养护。

    The garden is large and difficult to maintain .

  3. 小型轿车还有一个优点是养护成本比较便宜。

    A small car has the added advantage of being cheaper to run .

  4. 她对车子本身没有进行半点养护。

    She did none of the maintenance on the vehicle itself

  5. 英国轮胎与车辆养护公司是英国最有名的汽车养护企业,在全英国有400多家分店。

    National is Britain 's leading autocare service with over 400 branches nationwide .

  6. 维护部负责公园的一般养护。

    The maintenance department is responsible for the general upkeep of the park .

  7. 机器要不好好养护,久而久之就要生锈。

    If the machinery were not maintained properly , It would get rusty as time passes .

  8. 如果混凝土养护得很差,那么在精心选定混凝土的级配、拌和和密实成型上所耗费的精力将是徒劳无益的。

    The effort spent on careful grading , mixing and compaction of concrete will be largely wasted if the concrete is badly cured .

  9. 苏卡瑞说:“我们希望改善动物的健康状况,让农场主更轻松地养护大片草场,让动物在此自在地漫步。”

    " We want to improve the quality of animal health and make it easier for farmers to maintain large landscapes where animals roam free , " says Sukkarieh .

  10. 龄期对碳纤维RPC力学性能的影响跟养护制度有关。

    An impact on carbon fiber RPC mechanical properties relates to the fact that maintain the system age .

  11. SBS改性沥青具有优良的路用性能,在现代高等级公路的建设和养护过程中有着广泛的应用。

    The SBS modified asphalt has been wildly applied in modern freeway pavement , because of its fine using performance on the road .

  12. 研究结果表明:采用合适的外加剂MH,常压干热养护工艺也适用于灰砂混凝土。

    The experimental results show that technology of atmospherical dry heating curing can be used to lime sand concrete with a fit admixture .

  13. 本文研究了养护温度对粉煤灰水泥及纯水泥的强度,CH含量及C3S水化程度的作用。

    The effect of the curing temperature on the strength , the CH content and the degree of C_3S hydration of the fly ash cement and pure cement was studied .

  14. 热养护时间能被缩短4h,经济合理的热养护时间是8h。

    The time of heat curing can be shorten 4 hours , the economical and adequate time are 8 hours .

  15. 本论文以京沪高速铁路32m混凝土箱梁蒸汽养护项目为研究对象。

    The research focuses on the 32m concrete box girder for express railway from Beijing to Shanghai .

  16. 界定CC&AC路面的结构性破坏和功能性破坏,对CC-AC的养护技术特性、对策及CC层、AC层常见破坏的养护技术进行了探讨。

    The constitutive destruction and the function destruction of CC - AC pavement are limited , the technical characteristic and the countermeasure of maintenance , and the common destruction of CC level and AC level are discussed .

  17. 养护3d、7d时,水泥胶砂的强度随石灰石粉掺量的增加先增大后降低,石灰石粉掺量10%时达到最大值。

    The strength of cement mortar with ground limestone volume increases in the first and reduces at 3 days and 7 days . It reached the maximum value when ground limestone volume at 10 % .

  18. 本文利用人工神经网络搭建起联系混凝土养护条件与力学性能的主要方面立方体抗压强度之间的桥梁,在此基础上利用MATLAB的曲线拟合功能,建立养护温度强度数学表达式。

    In this article we use the ANNs to build links between the concrete conditions of conservation and the cube compressive strength , On this basis , using MATLAB curve-fitting functions , to establish conservation temperature & the mathematical expression of strength .

  19. 研究了硫铝酸钙型膨胀剂(UEA)对高性能混凝土补偿收缩性能,重点提出来养护条件对掺加膨胀剂高性能混凝土体积稳定性的影响,强调了加强早期湿养护的重要性;

    And the expansive agent UEA could compensate shrinkage , but different curing conditions have significant effects on the volume stabilization of HPC .

  20. SL1型翻斗式遥测雨量计的维修和养护

    Repair and Maintenance of SL1 Self recording Tipping bucket Rain Gauge

  21. 当水玻璃模数≥2时,砂浆在80℃养护24h不能脱模;

    The sand mortar of alkali-activated metakaolin cementitious materials can not be demoulded at 80 ℃ for a period of 24 h when the modulus values of water-glass are no less than 2 ;

  22. 得到RPC混凝土在热养护后14d内强度有倒缩现象,并存在着较大的化学收缩和干缩。

    The results indicate that the strength of RPC has the phenomenon of reduction within 14 d after heat curing , and has great chemical shrinkage and dry shrinkage .

  23. 早期养护对HSPC和泵送混凝土早期裂缝控制的特殊意义

    Special Significance of Early-age Curing to the Control of Early-age Crack in the HSPC and Pumping Concrete

  24. 热养护能促使水化初期生成的高含水率的CSH向低含水率的CSH变化;

    Heat curing makes the high water content of CSH gel formed in the initial hydration period transform to the low water content of CSH gel .

  25. 研究了不同养护温度下粉煤灰基矿物聚合物的抗压强度,以及经过1d高温养护后常温条件下强度的发展特点。

    The development of the compressive strength of fly ash based mineral polymer at different curing temperature as well as at normal temperature after curing in high temperature for one day were studied .

  26. 伴随着科学技术信息化的发展,传统的养护管理水平已不能适应公路建设发展的需求了,因此,将地理信息系统(GIS)引入到边坡养护管理中是大势所趋。

    By the informational development of science and technology , the traditional management for the slope conservation can not fit in the growing demands of the highway construction ; therefore , introducing the geographic information system ( GIS ) into the slope conservation management is the latest trend .

  27. 所以受冻条件下,我们对标准养护28d的混凝土所产生的冻胀应力和温度应力的测定,及其与混凝土受冻损伤之间关系的探索就具有重要意义。

    So it is very significant that we measure the frost-heave stress and thermal stress of concrete under freezing condition , then in comparison with the damage of frozen concrete .

  28. 在自然条件下,由于温度高,相对湿度RH较低,导致在自然条件下养护混凝土的早期收缩发展较快,且产生的收缩结果比标准养护条件下要大。

    In the natural conditions , due to the high temperature , relative humidity , resulting in low RH under natural conditions of early shrinkage of concrete curing is developing faster , and produce more contraction results under the natural condition than standard maintenance .

  29. 利用有限元软件ANSYS模拟了32m混凝土箱梁在进行蒸汽养护时的温度场分布情况,证实已设计的蒸汽养护方案是可行的,分析得到的温度分布规律可以为类似的工程借鉴。

    By means of FEA software & ANSYS , the paper simulates the temperature field of the 32 m box beam during steam curing , which shows the steam curing means designed is workable , and it is suitable for similar engineering .

  30. 对RCC-AC复合式路面的结构破坏状况、产生原因以及如何养护进行了系统的分析,为RCC-AC路面的养护提供了依据。

    The paper systematically analyzes the structure damage condition , cause and maintenance method of RCC-ACC composite pavement , which provides the maintenance of RCC-AC pavement with a basis .