
  1. 浅谈我国养鹿业可持续发展的对策

    Strategies for The Sustainable Development of Deer Farming Industry in China

  2. 我国养鹿业的现状和发展方向

    The Current Situation and Developmental Orientation of Deer Farming in China

  3. 多菌体共发酵纤维素酶在秸秆养鹿中的应用

    The Application of Corn Stalk fermented by Cellulose for Feeding Deer

  4. 黑龙江省养鹿业的现状与发展

    Status and Development of Deer Farming in Heilongjiang , China

  5. 利用人工授精技术优势促进我国养鹿业发展

    Development of Deer Farming by the Dominant Position of Artificial Insemination Technique

  6. 一些农民已转而养鹿了。

    Some farmers have turned to keeping deer .

  7. “驯鹿越来越不开心。”31岁的养鹿人埃拉说道。

    " The reindeer are becoming unhappy ," said Issat Eira , a31-year-old reindeer herder .

  8. 这些指标可为华南地区发展养鹿业提供一定的参考依据。

    These results provided a reference evidence for the development of deer farming in southern China .

  9. 合理利用品种资源优质高效发展养鹿业

    Reasonable Utilization of Deer Breed Resources and Development of Deer Farming with Better Quality and Higher Efficiency

  10. 西西伯利亚的养鹿业类型学研究是俄罗斯民族学的一个重要课题。

    The pattern of the Reindeer Industry in West Siberian of Russia is an important issue for ethnology .

  11. 村子里只有一家商店,出售种类屈指可数的生活必需品。当地人靠养鹿、狩猎和捕鱼为生。

    A single shop provides the town 's bare necessities and the locals work as reindeer-breeders , hunters and ice-fisherman .

  12. 我国养鹿业历史悠久,是世界上三大鹿业生产国之一。

    China is one of the three productive country in the world and we have a long deer farming history as well .

  13. 拉塞尔现在在多塞特郡养鹿,妻子是园艺专家、电视节目主持人阿里。拉塞尔拒绝对照片做出评论。

    Mr Russell , who is now a deer farmer in Dorset and married to gardening expert and TV presenter Ali , declined to comment .

  14. 由于本病的发病率较高,尤其对幼鹿的危害十分严重,给我国的养鹿业带来巨大的经济损失。

    Because the incidence rate of Mucosal Disease is rather high , especially for young deer , enormous economy loss can be cause for deer industry of China .

  15. 随着对野生动物保护力度的加强和养鹿业的迅速发展,越来越多的刑事案件和民事案件涉及了鹿类动物种、亚种或品种的鉴别。

    With the increasing development of wildlife conservation and foster deer enterprise , there are more and more criminal cases and civil cases that relate to the identification of deer species , subspecies or breeds .

  16. 古怪的熊用啤酒养稀有的鹿,用梨子照顾珍奇的母马。

    The queer bear reared the rare deer with beer and cared for the dear mare with pears .

  17. 家里养头这样的鹿,妈妈会很省心的。

    It save mama 's trouble if we feed the deer in our home .

  18. 希望将来有一天我们的天然公园养着成千上万头鹿。

    We hope that there 'll be tens of thousands of deer in the nature park someday .

  19. 在动物园中一个差不多半个篮球场那么大的围栏中,养着六只鹿和三只绵羊。

    In a fenced area about half the size of a basketball court , six deer and three sheep are kept at the zoo .

  20. 新西兰是一个重要的农业国,在这个国家中,虽然养牛业起作关键性的作用,但是最近有些农场主目光已转向养鹿了。

    New Zealand is an important agricultural country where cattle keeping is taking a key role , but some farmers have recently turned to keeping deer .