
  • 网络Yule;GEORGE YULE;Julus
  1. 尤尔太太得遭受几年十分痛苦的日子。

    Mrs Yule had to pass through a few years of much bitterness .

  2. 几年来,尤尔和柯克偶遇了很多次。

    Over the years , Yul and Kirk had crossed paths many times .

  3. 尤尔听了他们老练的、连珠炮似的一番谈话。

    Yul listened to their sophisticated , rapid-fire conversation .

  4. 百合子和尤尔几乎在生产的每个方面都看法一致。

    Yuriko saw eye to eye with Yul on almost every aspect of the production

  5. 在工会里,尤尔吉斯也学着谈政治了。

    In the union , Jurgis learned to talk politics .

  6. 虽然尤尔现在挣得不如之前多,但她却拥有空闲的夜晚和周末,可以陪在儿子们身边。

    Although she makes less money now , she has evenings and weekends free to spend with her sons .

  7. 今日翻译公司的老板尤尔加.奇林斯基尼需要为她的一位客户找个人,把记事簿翻译成表情符号,但找不到这方面的专家。

    Jurga Zilinskiene , head of Today Translations , needed someone to translate diaries into emojis for one of her clients , but could not find a specialist .

  8. 尤尔最终拒绝了升职的机会,并搬回到科罗拉多州。她目前是一家公共服务信用合作社的副总裁,这家公司离她家只有五英里远。

    She ended up turning down the promotion and moving back to Colorado , where she is now vice president at a public service credit union that is five miles from her home .

  9. 两名极限运动爱好者威尔加德和克里斯蒂安潘德拉日前爬上了位于高达650英尺(200米)的挪威埃德菲尤尔冰冻瀑布,从而使人类首次踏足这一冰瀑之颠。

    Two extreme sports enthusiasts Will Gadd and Christian Pondella have conquered the 650 feet ( 200 meter ) high frozen waterfall in Eidfjord , Norway , thus becoming the first to climb this ice climbing mecca .

  10. 新部门由移动通信、上网本、移动无线和超便携英特尔原有的四大部门合并而成、并由麦克•贝尔和赫尔曼•尤尔(他俩均是英特尔现任高管)两人共同负责。

    The group will be led by Mike bell and Hermann Eul ( two current Intel executives ) , and is made up of four existing divisions : mobile communications , netbook and tablet , mobile wireless and ultra mobility .