
  1. 当年生的嫩芽、嫩叶与嫩梢,亦危害老叶。该虫在福建尤溪1a发生3代,以1~2龄幼虫在缀叶中越冬。

    It has 3 generations annually in Youxi County of Fujian and overwinters as 1 ~ 2-year-old larvae on deciduous leaves .

  2. 福建尤溪县鼠形动物初步调查

    Preliminary Survey on Murine-like Animal in YouXi County , Fujian

  3. 尤溪流域林地生态可持续发展研究

    Study on Sustainable Development of Forestry Ecology in Youxi Watershed

  4. 福建上杭-尤溪地区岩浆岩的分形特征

    Fractal Characteristics of Magmatic Rocks in Shanghang-Youxi , Fujian

  5. 尤溪县林业综合评价与可持续对策研究

    Comprehensive Evaluation on Forestry and Suggestions about Forestry Sustainable Development in Youxi County

  6. 施用不同比例有机氮对尤溪烤烟产质量的影响

    Influence of Organic Nitrogen Application Rate on Leaf Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco

  7. 尤溪东华地区逆冲推覆体构造特征

    Characteristics of Thrusted Nappe Structures in the Donghua Area of Youxi County , Fujian Province

  8. 尤溪县生物多样性保护优先地区分析

    Assessing Biodiversity Conservation Priorities in Youxi County

  9. 尤溪县油茶产业发展的制约因素与对策

    The Constraints and the Countermeasures on Industry Development of Camellia Oleifera Abel in Youxi County

  10. 基于层次分析法的生态旅游资源评价&以尤溪县联合梯田旅游区为例

    AHP-based Eco-tourism Resource Evaluation : A Joint Terrace Tourist Areas , Case Study of County Youxi

  11. 尤溪县蠕动滑坡地质灾害环境因素探讨

    Discussion on the Environmental Factors of Geologic Hazards Caused by a Creep Landslip in Youxi County

  12. 尤溪县主要造林树种病虫害记述

    Inscribes and describes of diseses and insect pests of main tree species for plantation in Youxi County

  13. 福州市尤溪洲闽江大桥是国内首座在拱肋(圈)上不设立柱和斜撑的空腹式刚架拱桥。

    Youxizhou Mingjiang Bridge of Fuzhou is the first open-spandrel rigid-frame arch bridge without vertical columns and oblique supports .

  14. 福建尤溪梅仙矿床闪锌矿中黄铜矿交生体的交代成因

    The Replacement Origin of " Chalcopyrite Disease " in Sphalerite in the Meixian Deposit , Youxi County , Fujian

  15. 闽中尤溪-德化-永泰地区金矿地质特征、成矿条件及成矿规律

    Geological Characteristics , Ore-Forming Conditions and Regular Pattern of Gold Ores in Youxi , Dehua and Yongtai Areas of Middle Fujian

  16. 在福建省尤溪县采用机械布点、网格取样、逐格调查的方法以县为总体进行了鸟类资源调查。

    The bird resources of Youxi County were surveyed by using the method of mechanical dotting , plot sampling and line transects .

  17. 应用微量血凝抑制试验检测福建省龙海和尤溪县正常人血清1068份。

    A total of 1068 human sera from Long Hai and Yiu Qi counties , Fujian province was examined for rubella virus antibody with HI test .

  18. 林业专业合作经济组织内部契约选择初探&以福建尤溪护林联防协会为例

    Choosing the Type of Internal Contract of Specialized Forestry Cooperative Economic Organizations & Taking the Joint Defense Association in Protecting Forest in Youxi of Fujian Province as an Example

  19. 为了探讨我国中华按蚊种下分型的问题,我们于1979~1982年对郑州、上海和福建尤溪地区的中华按蚊唾腺染色体进行了观察。

    The chromosomes of salivary glands of Anopheles sinensis from Zhengzhou ( Henan ), Shanghai and Youxi ( Fujian ) districts were studied in 1979-1982 to detect their subspecies classification .

  20. 尤溪国有林场杉木人工林林分材种出材率表的编制人工林毛白杨木材材色测定及其株间变异

    Working out Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantation Stand Species Outturn Percentage Table of Youxi National Forest Farm Determination of Wood Color Characteristics and Its Variation among Trees of Chinese White Poplar Plantation

  21. 结合福建尤溪涂布纸有限公司的生产经验,介绍了机内轻量涂布纸的涂料配方,涂布工艺和涂布设备等。

    The coating material formula , coating technology and coating equipment for inner machine light weight coating are introduced based on the production experience in Fujian Youxi Coating Paper Co. Ltd. .

  22. 尤溪县的气象预测因子为3月中旬的雾日数(X67)和5月上旬的雾日数(X72)。

    The meteorological forecast factors of Youxi County are foggy days in the middle ten days of March ( X_ ( 67 )) and foggy days in the first ten days of May ( X_ ( 72 )) .

  23. 在尤溪杉木人工林生态站7年定位观测基础上,进行杉木幼林生态系统养分循环研究,建立了养分循环的分室模型。

    On the basis of seven year fixed position observation in Youxi Ecosystem Experimental Station , the nutrient cycle in Chinese fir young plantation ecosystem was studied and the compartment models of N 、 P 、 K cycle were established .

  24. 本文简述了尤溪县的物种资源状况,分析了近年来物种丧失的原因及后果,提出以建立自然保护系统为核心的生物多样性保护措施。

    This article briefly narrated the species resource status in Youxi County , analyzed the reasons and consequences of species loss in recent years and raised the protective measures of biological diversity taking the establishment of nature protection system as kernel .

  25. 以尤溪枕头山森林公园中心服务区景观规划设计为例,对乡村旅游景观中乡土建筑景观营造从理论到实践过程做出进一步的阐述。

    It used the example of the landscape planning and design of Youxi Pillow Mountain in the Forest Park Service Center , and further explained the process of landscape of rural tourism in the local architectural landscape from theory to practice .

  26. 地方鸡种中,仙居鸡,白耳鸡,泰和鸡,北京油鸡,大骨鸡,萧山鸡亲缘关系较近。茶花鸡与固始鸡存在某种联系,尤溪麻鸡与其它鸡种的距离相对较远。

    The genetic relationship between Baier chicken , Xianju chicken , Taihe chicken , Beijing oil chicken , Big bone chicken and Xiaoshan chicken is close , Gushi chicken seems related to tea flower chicken , the distances between Youxi pocked chicken and other native breeds are far .