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  • 网络madam you
  1. 《红楼梦》中的李纨与尤氏分别是荣国府和宁国府“玉”字辈大奶奶。

    Li Wan You Shi are separate the " Y ü" generation hostess of the Rongguo Mansion Ningguo Mansion .

  2. “吃毕晚饭,因天黑了,尤氏说:”“先派两个小子送了这秦相公家去.”

    " After dinner , because it was dark , Madam You suggested that they send two men-servants to see Qin Zhong home "

  3. “一时凤姐尤氏又打发人来问宝玉:”“要吃什么,外面有,只管要去。

    Presently Xifeng and Madam You sent to remind Baoyu , if he wanted anything to eat from their room , just to ask for it .

  4. “这贾璜夫妻守着些小的产业,又时常到宁荣二府里去请请安,又会奉承凤姐儿并尤氏,所以凤姐儿尤氏也时常资助资助他,方能如此度日。”

    " Jia Huang and his wife had very slender means and were only able to live as they did by keeping on good terms with both households and by making up to Xifeng and madam you , who often helped them out . "

  5. “因东边宁府中花园内梅花盛开,贾珍之妻尤氏乃治酒,请贾母,邢夫人,王夫人等赏花.”

    " As the plum blossom was now in full bloom in the Ning Mansion 's garden , Jia Zhen 's wife Madam You invited the Lady Dowager , Lady Xing , Lady Wang and the others to a party to enjoy the flowers . "

  6. 尤三姐是贾珍之妻尤氏的妹妹,她花容月貌,性格刚烈。

    Third Sister You , a very pretty and strong character , was the sister of jia Zhen 's wife .