首页 / 词典 / good

  • outstanding
  • particularly;especially
  • have a grudge against;blame
  • fault;wrongdoing
  • 特异的,突出的:~为(wéi )。~异。无耻之~。

  • 更加,格外:~其。

  • 过失:效~(学着别人做坏事)。

  • 怨恨,归咎:怨天~人。

  • 姓。


(特异的; 突出的) outstanding:

  • 无耻之尤

    have absolutely no sense of shame; brazen in the extreme;

  • 择尤

    pick out the best


(更;尤其) particularly; especially:

  • 尤佳

    especially good;

  • 尤甚

    especially bad;

  • 此地盛产水果,尤以梨桃著称。

    The place abounds with fruit, especially pears and peaches.

  • 这一点尤为重要。

    This is even more important.


(怨恨; 归咎) have a grudge against; blame:

  • 怨天尤人

    blame God and man -- blame everyone and everything but oneself


(过失) fault; wrongdoing:

  • 效尤

    knowingly follow the example of a wrongdoer


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 尤昊

    You Hao

  1. 官方印发的材料将皇帝描述为“尤以学识渊博而著称”。

    Official handouts describe the Emperor as ' particularly noted as a scholar ' .

  2. 这种香料尤用于家禽的饲料中,以加深蛋黄的颜色。

    This spice is used particularly in poultry feed to deepen the colour of egg yolks .

  3. 那件事真把他们搅得天翻地覆,男孩子们尤受其害。

    That really messed them up , especially the boys .

  4. 他那天的讲座让听众印象尤深。

    His lecture that day impressed the audience .

  5. 此地盛产水果,尤以梨桃著称。

    The place abounds with fruit , especially pears and peaches .

  6. 他显然对你这种怨天尤命的态度不满意。

    He seemed annoyed at your complaining manner .

  7. 关心他人,尤须关心自己。

    Mind other men , but most yourself .

  8. 出现紧急情况时尤显他的干练。

    He is at his best in emergencies .

  9. 我们重视荣誉尤甚于金钱。

    We prize honour above money .

  10. 院本杂剧、诸宫调和俗谣俚曲尤以崭新面貌和杰出成就出现在文学史上,对于北曲的形成和走向产生了影响。

    The Jin dramas and folk songs gave a fresh presence and stood out in Chinese literary history , influencing the shaping and development of Bei qu ( northern tune ) .

  11. 在很多国家,本地德比(localderby)或者德比(derby)都指来自同一个小镇、城市或地区的两支队伍之间的体育比赛,尤多见于足球联赛。

    In many countries the term local derby , or simply just derby means a sporting fixture1 between two teams from the same town , city or region , particularly in association football .

  12. 生命是短暂的,宁静的时刻尤少;我们应当阅读珍奇的书籍而不蹉跎时光。

    Life being very short , and the quiet hours of it few , we ought to waste none of them in reading valueless books .

  13. “吃得更健康”,这一愿望可能会发展成强迫症。越来越多的人们患上“完美食欲症”,尤以30多岁的女性居多。

    The desire to eat more healthily can veer , with rising numbers of people - mainly women in their 30s - suffering from orthorexia nervosa .

  14. 结果在老化小鼠的各脏器中,NFκB的表达量及活性均有不同程度的增加,尤以肺脏的改变最为显著。

    Results The expression and DNA binding activity of NF κ B increased remarkably in organs of aged mice , especially in the lung .

  15. 位于Pa的标记细胞从前向后逐渐增多,主要位于Pa的后部,尤以后部背内侧区为多。

    The labelled cells of the Pa were clustered in the back part , especially in the back dorsomedial part of it .

  16. 核糖核酸酶抑制因子(ribonucleaseinhibitor,RI)广泛存在于哺乳动物的各种组织器官中,尤以人胎盘中的含量最为丰富。

    Ribonuclease inhibitor ( RI ) is widely spread in the tissues and organs of mammal , especially in placenta .

  17. 测定血清蛋白的含量可以作为反映肝细胞损伤的指标,尤以ALB及PA灵敏。

    Serum proteins can take for the mark of liver fuction injury , especially ALB level and PA level are sensitive marks .

  18. 然而P2P流媒体在给Internet用户提供高质量的媒体服务的同时,也引发了诸多问题,其中尤以安全问题最为突出。

    However , while p2p streaming media is providing high-quality media services to the Internet users , it also brings a great deal of problems , among which the security problem is especially noticeable .

  19. 此近交系猪来源的MSCs在干细胞治疗的基础和临床研究中尤有价值。

    MSCs derived from bone marrow of this highly inbred porcine breeding were especially valuable in basic and clinic research of stem cell therapy .

  20. 结论五莲县20岁以上人群中近2/3者患有慢性代谢性疾病,IR在MS及慢性代谢性疾病中普遍存在,尤以糖尿病及MS为甚。

    Conclusion Near two-thirds of the dwellers over twenty years old in Wulian suffered chronic metabolic disease . IR was common in MS and chronic metabolic disease , especially in diabetes and MS.

  21. 转移淋巴结对主支气管壁的侵袭是N2转移的又一特点,尤以腺癌为突出。

    An another characteristic of N2 metastasis was that the metastatic lymph node could invaded into the bronchial wall , especially in adenocarcinoma .

  22. 结论中青年卒中主要病因是脑动脉瘤、AVM,尤多见于出血性卒中。

    Conclusions The main etiologic factors of stroke in middle aged and young patients are cerebral aneurysm , AVM .

  23. 结果新生儿窒息后肾动脉血流速度减慢,尤以舒张末流速为甚(P<0-01);血液灌流阻力增大(P<0-01)。

    Results In neonates with birth asphyxia , the renal arteries blood velocity especially the end diastolic flow velocity was decreased remarkably ( P < 0 01 ), and the blood perfusion resistance increased significantly ( P < 0 01 ) .

  24. 该文的方法适用于求取较为简单的二维逆Z变换问题,尤以偏导数法和逆卷积法更具实际意义。

    So the methods given in this paper can be used to get some simple inverse Z transform . The partial derivative method and deconvolution method are of practical use .

  25. 结论:拟行PCI术的患者,尤高龄者,应行全面的评估,特别是消化道疾病史。

    Conclusion : The patients before undergoing PCI , especially the elderly , need to have a general examination , make an overall assessment with care to digestive disease .

  26. 靛红能促进皮质和纹状体内DA、5-HT、NE的释放,尤以对DA作用明显(P<0.05,P<0.01)。

    2,3-indole can promote the release of DA 、 5-HT and NE especially the effect on DA is significant ( p < 0.05 , p < 0.01 ) .

  27. 结果表明:通过合适的超声电沉积工艺,得到的镀层中SiC纳米粒子含量较高,且分散均匀,没有出现团聚现象;同时镀层中的镍晶粒得到了细化,取向也由择尤取向趋于随机取向。

    It was shown that Ni / nano-SiC composite coatings with a rich content and homogenous dispersion of nano particles in the coatings could be obtained by this method with appropriate technique parameters .

  28. 结果:中医治疗各组均能显著降低心肌缺血面积,提高存活率(P<0.05,P<0.01),尤以综合组明显。

    Results : Effect of reducing ischemic area and raising survival rate ( P < 0 . 05 , P < 0 . 01 ) showed in all the groups treated by different TCM treatment , especially in the group treated with comprehensive TCM .

  29. 尤对AMI合并心源性休克患者,不仅能明显降低死亡率,挽救生命,而且成功率高,疗效显著,恢复快,可作为AMI首选治疗方法。

    It has specific role in patients with AMI complicated by cardiogenic shock that emergent stenting can not only obviously reduce , but also have high successful rate and notable effect .

  30. C组随时间的延长,SBP、MAP、DBP、HR均下降,尤以30min为著(P<0.05或P<0.01)。

    In group C , SBP , MAP , DBP , HR decreased significantly as the infusion time went by ( P < 0 05 or P < 0 01 ) .