首页 / 词典 / good

  • overflow;fill
  • full;whole
  • more
  • 满,遍:~满。~月(a.整一个月;b.婴儿满月)。~望(满眼)。~天(满天,形容极大的)。

  • 补,合:~补。~缝。~封。

  • 更加:~坚。欲盖~彰。

  • 水满的样子:~漫。

  • 久,远:~留(病久留不去,后称病重将死)。~亘(连绵不断)。

  • 姓。

  • 古同“弭”,平息,消灭。


(遍布; 充满) overflow; fill:

  • 弥漫

    fill the air


(填满; 填补) fill:

  • 弥缺

    fill a vacancy


(满) full; whole:

  • 弥月

    (of a infant) full month;

  • 弥年

    whole year


(更加) more:

  • 老而弥坚

    become more firm as one grows old;

  • 欲盖弥彰

    try to cover sth. up only to make it more conspicuous


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 弥子瑕

    Mi Zixia

  1. 学者们就弥源太是否皈依进行过辩论。

    Scholars have debated whether or not Yagenta became a convert

  2. 此书刊印精美,且为孤本,弥足矜贵。

    This book is a treasure both for its beauty and for being the only copy extant .

  3. 抗美援朝战争锻造形成的伟大抗美援朝精神,是弥足珍贵的精神财富,必将激励中国人民和中华民族克服一切艰难险阻、战胜一切强大敌人。

    The great spirit forged during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea is a " precious spiritual wealth " that will inspire the Chinese people and the Chinese nation to overcome all difficulties and obstacles , and prevail over all enemies .

  4. 外伤后急性弥慢性脑肿胀的CT诊断与临床分析

    CT Diagnosis and Clinical Analysis of the Post Traumatic Acute Diffuse Brain Swelling

  5. 用弥可保和维生素B(12)穴位注射治疗神经性耳鸣疗效观察

    A comparative study on the therapeutic effect of acupoint injection to neurogenic tinnitus with methycobal

  6. 睑结膜鼻孢子虫病文献复习并附4例报道CO2激光治疗(氵弥)漫性睑球结膜乳头状瘤

    The Diffuse Papilloma of Palpebral-bulbar Conjunctiva Treated with CO_2 Laser A Case Report

  7. 弥可保和维生素B(12)治疗周围性面瘫的疗效比较

    Comparison of the efficacy of methylcobalamin ( MC ) and cyanocobalaminB_ ( 12 ) in treatment of peripheral facial palsy

  8. 文中具体研究了区域的纵向弥散度的识别问题,采用试错法(trialanderrormethod),得到了理想的结果。

    In this paper , the longitudinal dispersivity in the area is identified by FCM . Using the trial and error method in the course , the satisfied results are getted .

  9. X射线对弥猴(Macacamulatta)精子发生的效应

    The effects of X-irradiation on the spermatogenesis of the monkey , macaca mulatta

  10. 方法用弥可保和维生素B_(12)注射液穴位注射治疗神经性耳鸣并比较它们的疗效。结果弥可保组92例有效率83.69%;

    Meth - ods Acupoint injection was taken to treat neurogenic tinnitus with methycobal in 92 cases and with vitamin B_ ( 12 ) in 124 cases , and then , to compare the outcome of treatment between them .

  11. 应用绿枝扦插弥雾育苗技术从扦插到苗木移栽仅需25~30d,成苗率85%。

    It only needs 25 ~ 30days from cuttage to transplanting and the emergence rate is85 % .

  12. 目的对照观察弥可保和普通维生素B12治疗眼肌麻痹性斜视的临床效果,评估弥可保的治疗有效性和优越性。

    Objective To compare the effect and advantage of methylcobalamin for the treatment of paralytic strabismus prospectively with Vitamine B_ ( 12 ) .

  13. 目的观察口服DDAVP片剂(商品名弥凝)治疗中枢性尿崩症的疗效。

    Objective To observe the efficacy of oral DDAVP ( minirin ) in patients with central diabetes insipidus .

  14. 采用冷变形在晶体内产生一定的织构和增加的效后金属化合物的数量及弥散度,使基体贫Ni,而控制逆转变奥氏体的大小。分布和数量,改善了磁滞性能。

    After cold rolling and followed by aging , the appearance of texture and the increase in percentage and dispersivity of inter-metallic compound , which control the size , distribution and percentage of reverted austenite through depleting Ni in matrix , improve the hysteresis properties .

  15. 结果单次口服弥凝0.1mg后,尿量迅速下降为服药前的1/10,尿渗透压上升为服药前10倍。此作用维持4~20h。

    Results The urine volume reduced significantly and urine osmolality increased after a single dose of minirin ( 0.1mg ), and this action lasted 4 ~ 20h .

  16. 除了你以外,人人都知道弥若兹是个篡位夺权的小人。

    Everyone except your majesty knows that Miraz is a usurper .

  17. 阿祖弥,请你解释一下!他们为什么没死!

    Azumi , explain yourself ! Why aren 't they dead !

  18. 基于LabWindows/CVI的盖弥计数管坪曲线测定实验系统

    The Experiment System of GM Counter Based on Labwindows / CVI

  19. 可以用来消弥这一危机的些许时光正在逝去。

    The margin of time for averting crisis was melting away .

  20. 他立刻发现赛尔弥点到了关键。

    He saw at once that Selmy had hit the mark .

  21. 弥3:10以人血建立锡安、罪孽建造耶路撒冷。

    Who build Zion with bloodshed And Jerusalem with violent injustice .

  22. 旅程结束,电影完成,弥足珍贵。

    When the film was done , our journey was finished too .

  23. 背负鼓风式机动弥雾器全面抽出式机械通风

    Knapsack air-blast sprayer with engine drive general exhaust mechanical ventilation

  24. 这些经历看起来可能很不好,但是确实弥足珍贵。

    These experiences may look awful but they are precious .

  25. 其次是修弥选民与政界人士之间破裂的关系。

    The second is mending the broken relationship between electors and politicians .

  26. 这是一个属于我们的永远的遗产,弥足珍贵。

    Theirs is a precious legacy for all time belong to us .

  27. 弥子瑕年纪大了以后,脸上现出了衰老的容颜。

    After the older son defect , the aging faces the appearance .

  28. 我逐渐意识到我拥有的事如何地弥足珍贵。

    I gradually recognize how rare what you give to me is !

  29. 锦/棉混纺织物色底弥彩印花工艺探讨

    Discuss the process of camouflage printing on dyed nylon cotton blend fabric

  30. 弥达斯只好戴上一条大头巾以遮盖丑态。

    King Midas tried to hide his misfortune under an ample turban .