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yōu líng
  • actor or actress
优伶 [yōu líng]
  • [actor or actress] 优,俳优;伶,乐工。指古时以乐舞、戏谑为业的艺人,后指戏曲演员

  • 陈氏、 鲍氏之圉人为优。--《左传.襄公二十八年》。正义:优者,戏名也。

  • 优伶戏女,自优孟抵掌 孙叔,实始滥觞。--《少室山房笔丛》

优伶[yōu líng]
  1. 性别、社会性别与优伶性别研究

    Research on gender , social gender and traditional opera actors ' gender

  2. 演员在中国古代称作优伶。

    In ancient China , actor was called Youling .

  3. 论男性文士对于女性优伶的文学描述及其文化阐述

    On the Literate and Cultural Description of Male Scholars to Female Opera Actress

  4. 优伶也有精神,却没有精神的自觉。

    Spirit , hath the actor , but little conscience of the spirit .

  5. 论男性文士和女性优伶的文化交游

    Culture On the cultural communication between the traditional male scholars and the traditional actresses

  6. 但他们对于一切大事业的表演者与优伶,却很能赏识。

    But they have a taste for all representers and actors of great things .

  7. 唐代宫廷优伶研究

    Study on the Court Playactors of Tang Dynasty

  8. 这也令她感到不安——任何一位优伶遇到这种情况都会感到不安。

    This , too , she finds unsettling , as any diva no doubt would .

  9. 群众与荣誉却围着优伶而旋转:世界如是进行着。

    But around the actors revolve the people and the glory : such is the course of things .

  10. 前者使男性优伶也沦为与女性优伶卑贱同格,“男女皆卑”;

    The former makes the actors as inferior as actresses , that is , man and woman are all inferior .

  11. 笑话的缘起应与古代的优伶相关,与古典小说现也是相为印证的。从其材料来源、体制、价值取向来说,笑话都可视为小说的另类。

    According to the material resources , system and value orientation , joke novels can be regarded as another kind of novel .