
  • Excellent employees;outstanding employee;Outstanding staff;top performer
  1. 唱歌快要结束时,公司向先进员工、优秀员工和先进集体颁奖。

    Towards the end of singing , our company rewarded the advanced employees , outstanding staff and advanced collective award of SOMSO .

  2. 并将物质激励与精神激励相结合,以物质激励为核心,注意精神激励。有效激发员工的工作热情,增强了员工的归属感和责任感,吸引和稳定了公司的优秀员工。

    Material incentives combined with the spirit of the incentive stimulated the enthusiasm of the staff . Attracting and retaining outstanding staff of the company .

  3. 加入WTO后,我国旅行社面临的最大挑战是如何留住优秀员工。

    The greatest challenge Chinese travel agencies face after the entry into the WTO is how to keep the excellent staff .

  4. 酒店留住优秀员工的对策探讨建立员工职业发展管理系统留住企业优秀人才

    Establishing Career Development Management System & An Approach to Keep Talents

  5. 日本还需要吸纳适应能力很强的优秀员工。

    It also needs to attract talented workers with adaptable skills .

  6. 他认为,坐过牢的人一般都能成为优秀员工。

    He believes former prisoners have generally made good employees .

  7. 留住优秀员工已经成为雇主的优先事项。

    Retaining good people has become a priority for employers .

  8. 奖金被延缓发放——这是留住优秀员工的一种方法。

    The bonuses were retention payments - a way to keep good employees .

  9. 员工是企业发展的动力,拥有一批具有主动性的优秀员工对企业发展具有重要意义。

    Employee is the power of enterprise development .

  10. 那么,在效率与留住和培养最优秀员工之间,组织如何能做到平衡呢?

    So how can organisations balance efficiency with retaining and nurturing the best employees ?

  11. 我们的优秀员工标准是:专业、廉洁、敬业、效益。

    The standards of our employees are to be profession probity dedication and benefit .

  12. 如何在进步的同时不招来敌意或怨恨,优秀员工能做到以身作则。

    These employees lead by example in how to advance without creating animosity or resentment .

  13. 唯一残留下的是这样一则声明:我们努力关心我们的优秀员工。

    All that remains is the statement : we try to look after our good employees .

  14. 但我们不知道怎样才能在不损失优秀员工的情况下停止发放奖金。

    But we don 't know how to stop paying them without losing our best staff .

  15. 出色的组织会始终如一地精准考核员工绩效,并经常给予适当奖励,认可优秀员工的表现。

    Great organization consistently and accurately assess performance and regularly acknowledge their best performers with appropriate rewards .

  16. 之后,我们便开始在面试中提出一些有针对性的问题,确定求职者是否具备这些优秀员工们的素质。

    We started asking interview questions to see whether a potential hire had those a player qualities .

  17. 此人更加关注保持业绩、稳住优秀员工。

    That person has a deeper interest in keeping the numbers up and not losing good employees .

  18. 所以做一名优秀员工应该明白合作精神对实现企业目标的重要性。

    So do a good employee should understand to realize the goal of enterprise spirit of cooperation .

  19. 再次是优秀员工流失严重,国有企业成了其他企业的培训学校。

    Finally , with high turnover of talents , state-owned enterprises are actually training schools of other enterprises .

  20. 另外两个分别是历来存在的对监管环境的担忧和留住优秀员工的问题。

    The other two were traditional worries over the regulatory environment and the problem of keeping good staff .

  21. 我们的愿景:打造有自觉意识的多元化经营企业,一个由优秀员工推动的优秀团体!

    Our vision : To build a conscious multiple enterprise with an excellent team driven by excellent people !

  22. 玛撒:你会找到其他优秀员工取代他。

    Martha : You 'll find other good employees to replace him . You 're a good boss .

  23. 而如何留住企业优秀员工、激发其潜能就要依靠激励机制了。

    To keep the excellent employees of enterprises and to tap their potentials depend on an encouraging mechanism .

  24. 启事称:我们正在寻求一支高素质、高学历、专业化、年轻化的优秀员工队伍。

    We are seeking a high-quality , professional and young staff with top degrees , the advertisement said .

  25. 毕竟这改变不了你是一名优秀员工的事实,对不对?

    After all , if you 're a good worker , then you 're a good worker , right ?

  26. 当想要保留优秀员工,创造一个令人愉快的工作环境对工作满意度起着重要作用。

    When aiming to keep good staff , creating a pleasing workplace plays an important role in job satisfaction .

  27. 你的优秀员工和他们的业绩会赢得尊敬,进而可以吸引更多的优秀员工加入,创造出更好的业绩。

    Your great employees and their results command respect , and in turn , attract more great employees and results .

  28. 虽然一个企业一定比例限度内的员工流动是合理的,但是优秀员工的离职给企业带来的成本是巨大的。

    Although appropriate employee turnover is reasonable in an enterprise , the cost of the outstanding employee turnover is huge .

  29. 进入知识经济时代,企业对优秀员工的重要价值已经有了更加清醒的认识。

    Into the era of knowledge-based economy , the company has more understanding about the key value of excellent employees .

  30. 对于在华跨国公司而言,股票激励计划正变得越来越重要,因为争夺优秀员工的竞争日益激烈。

    Share incentive plans are becoming more important to multinationals in China because of the intensifying battle to keep good staff .