
  • 网络Moral conflict
  1. 真实的道德冲突与学生的道德成长

    Moral Conflict of Authenticity and Students ' Moral Development

  2. 现代社会,个体与群体之间的道德冲突是不可消弭的。

    In modern society , the moral conflict between individuals and groups can not eliminate .

  3. 它往往以家庭的伦理矛盾和道德冲突来折射社会现实。

    It reflects the social reality on family and moral conflicts .

  4. 科技与伦理道德冲突的四种类型

    Summarizing Four Types of Conflicts between Science and Technology and Ethics

  5. 高校教师面临的道德冲突及其调适途径

    The Moral Conflicts Confronted by College Teachers and the Way of Adjustment

  6. 道德冲突与小学语文育人功能

    Moral contradiction and educational functions of Chinese for primary schools

  7. 新闻传播活动中的道德冲突与伦理救治

    The moral conflicts and ethical rescues in the activities of journalism and media

  8. 网络空间的道德冲突使网民陷入道德相对主义之中;

    Moral conflicting in network space makes net man fall into moral relativism ;

  9. 试析《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中的道德冲突

    On the Moral Conflicts in Romeo and Juliet

  10. 文学世界中的道德冲突

    Moral Conflicts in the World of Literature

  11. 道德冲突的消解和转化,必然为社会和谐奠定精神基础。

    To remove ethical conflicts is bound to lay the spiritual foundation of social harmony .

  12. 道德冲突与道德选择

    On Moral Conflicts and Moral Choices

  13. 道德冲突世界中的生命伦理学:基本争论及干细胞辩论的要点

    Bioethics in a World of Moral Conflict : Forits of Fundamental Dispute and the Stem-cell Debates

  14. 自由意志给予人在道德冲突的各种情况下独立行使自己的意图、决定和行为。

    This freewill gives the person independence of intention , decision and action in various situations of moral conflict .

  15. 第二章从经济形态、金钱观念、道德冲突三方面进行内容比较。

    Chapter from an economic form , money concepts , the content of morality compared three aspects of conflict .

  16. 在现实条件下,要合理解决当代道德冲突问题,必须从社会和个人两方面入手。

    In the contemporary realistic conditions , we should solve the problem of moral conflicts from both the social and individual aspects .

  17. 雇佣本地员工,还可以使企业快速减少与所在国社会文化、政治法律、宗教道德冲突。

    The conflict of local society , culture , politics , law , religion and morality can be rapidly reduced by hiring local employees .

  18. 作者表达了在新旧伦理道德冲突下,美国南方家庭开始崩溃和解体;最后是自我缺失的隐喻。

    U.S. Southern family relationships began to disintegrate in the old and the new ethical conflicts . Finally , there is the metaphor of self-missing .

  19. 即人们之间道德冲突的原因不在于对所持道德原则上的不同,而在于对道德原则的感受与认知上的差异。

    That is , the reasons for the moral conflict is not the differences of moral princiPle , but the differences of moral experience and cognition .

  20. 在界定道德冲突的基础上,概述当代大学生在面临道德冲突时的困惑,及道德冲突对大学生道德观的影响。

    Based on definition the moral conflict , it summarizes the confusion and the influence of students ' moral values when contemporary college students face moral conflict .

  21. 这课程探讨二战后至今,科学和科学家在美国社会的角色转换、道德冲突,以及公众对他们理解。

    This course explores the changing roles , ethical conflicts , and public perceptions of science and scientists in American society from World War II to the present .

  22. 在利益冲突与道德冲突中如何选择自己的行为,关系着职业工作的社会意义,也是对自身能力的重大考验。

    How to make one 's choices before such conflicts is of much social significance to the construction of our professional ethics , as well as an ordeal to one 's individual capabilities .

  23. 法律内在的道德冲突仅仅依靠法律本身是无法彻底解决的,我们必须寻找更高的更具有普适性的伦理精神来加以超越。

    The inherent conflict between the morality and law can not be solely resolved by the law itself , we must look to a higher and more universal ethical spirit to overcome the conflict .

  24. 尽管我们将一窥哈利波特学校的原貌,但这部充斥着黑暗、怪物和道德冲突的冒险电影中却没有几个真正的小孩。

    But even though there 's a glimpse of what is to become Harry Potter 's school , actual children are largely absent from an adventure bristling with darkness , monsters and moral conflict .

  25. 由于道德冲突导致师德缺失,权威挑战导致魅力消失,人际冷漠导致情感流失,出现了当前教师人格作用弱化的现象。

    Absence of teacher 's morality because of moral conflict , loss of charm due to authority challenge , and emotion loss because of apathy lead to the weakening role of present teacher 's personality .

  26. 这类剧作多以家庭伦理关系和道德冲突为主要的描写内容,折射出古人的家庭生活观念,也映照出古代社会生活的生动图景,具有重要的研究价值。

    Those scripts are mainly about the relations of family ethics and moral conflicts , which show the ancient 's opinions of family life and the active pictures of social life in ancient time as well .

  27. 真实的道德冲突对人们提出明确的道德行为方面的要求,对他们的切身利益提出明确的挑战,因而蕴含直接的道德教育价值。

    Since such moral conflicts of authenticity always pose clear requirements for human beings ' moral behaviors and challenge the vital interest of people involved , strong and direct values of moral education are thus included .

  28. 本文针对这三个道德冲突问题,提出四个解决办法:确立道德选择伦理原则、加强行业道德自律、提高公众媒介素养、建立融合监管系统。

    In this paper , three ethical conflicts , the four proposed solution : to establish ethical principles of moral choice , to enhance moral self-discipline , improve the public media literacy , the establishment of integrated regulatory system .

  29. 电视新闻道德冲突的原因,既有社会矛盾反映在媒体传播的过程中的外因,又有新闻事业自身发展遇到矛盾和冲突的内因。

    Both the external causes of the social conflicts which is reflected in mass media communication and the internal causes of the contradictions and conflicts in the progress of news career result in the TV news ' moral conflict .

  30. 要解决大学生道德冲突问题必须从思想上入手,加强大学生思想政治教育,让社会主义道德观扎根于大学生的头脑中,才能在面对道德冲突时做到从心所欲不逾矩。

    To resolve the moral conflict of university students must start from ideology , strengthen ideological and political education . Make the socialist ethic rooted in the minds of college students , in order whenever face of moral conflict can make choice at will .