
  • 网络Moral category
  1. 在市场经济条件下,诚信首先是一个经济范畴,其次才是伦理道德范畴。

    In market economy good faith first of all belongs to economic category and then belongs to moral category .

  2. 荣辱观既属于道德范畴,也是历史范畴,具有鲜明的阶级性和时代性。

    The outlook for honor and dishonor already belongs to the moral category , also is the historical category , Has the bright class nature .

  3. “中和”,既是一种道德范畴,也是一种哲学范畴。

    Neutralization is both a moral scope and a philosophic scope .

  4. 公与私是贯穿人类社会的一对重要的哲学和道德范畴。

    Public and private is an important pair of philosophical and morale category throughout the society .

  5. 荣辱观是中国传统美德中最基本的道德范畴。

    The outlooks of honor and disgrace is a pair of basic moral concepts of Chinese traditional virtues .

  6. 诚信是人之本,中国传统伦理将诚信作为基本的道德范畴。

    Sincerity is the basic virtue of humanity . The Chinese traditional ethics regards sincerity as the fundamental morality category .

  7. 不具有法律规范性质的规章制度劳动者也应遵守,遵守的义务相当于职业道德范畴。

    Laborer has obligations of obeying to those rules and regulations without the legal norms , which equivalent to professional morality .

  8. 一般认为,公正是一个关系范畴,是一个道德范畴,是一个历史范畴,其基本的价值理念就在于平等。

    Generally speaking , justice belongs to the category of relation , morale and history , the concept of which is equality .

  9. 诚信属道德范畴,诚信教育是思想政治教育的重要组成部分。

    The credibility belongs to the category of morality and the credibility education is the important constituent of ideological and political education .

  10. 传统的教育伦理学把教育公正当作教师合理地对待学生的个体公正道德范畴。

    The educational justice is regarded as the teacher 's individual morals category that the teacher reasonably treats students in traditional educational ethics .

  11. 德性善是伦理学中的主要道德范畴,也是人们道德生活中追求的最高目标。

    The moral kindness is the major moral category in ethics , and also is the highest goal that people pursue in moral life .

  12. 论证了奢侈消费在宏观上不属于道德范畴,只能就具体奢侈消费行为进行伦理评价。

    It demonstrates that the luxury consumption is generally not subject to ethic , and only the behaviors of consuming luxury can be morally evaluated .

  13. 从解释学的视野看,孝还可以是一个认识论的范畴,其伦理内容要靠其他道德范畴来补充说明;

    Seen from the hermeneutic perspectives ," filial piety " is also an epistemological category whose ethical content must be supplemented by other moral categories .

  14. 可是即便证明了动物属于超道德范畴且它们不会感到痛苦人类也提不出对动物漠不关心对待动物的根据。

    But even if animals could be proved amoral and immune to pain , human beings would have no basis for even careless treatment of them .

  15. 优秀运动员的社会责任既可以是法律上的义务,也可以是伦理或道德范畴的义务或者角色定位。

    The social responsibility of elite athletes may be either a legal obligation , authority , or an ethical or moral scope of duties or role .

  16. 诚然,孝做为孔子思想的基础,与其它道德范畴,譬如仁、礼等有密切的关系。

    The filial piety was the base of confucianism , however , it was closely related to other morality such as benevolence , propriety and so on .

  17. 伦理责任作为重要的道德范畴,对于维护社会秩序、提升个体德性、促进社会文明有着重要的社会价值。

    As an important morality , the ethics responsibility is of great value in maintaining public order , improving private morality and promoting the level of social civilization .

  18. 良心是道德范畴的一个核心概念,是个体成功社会化的本质特征。良心表现在一个关于什么是对的、什么是错的内在感,促使个体在道德动机和行为上朝向积极的一面。

    Conscience is a central concept of morality and is also fundamental features of individual successful socialization . Conscience is about a inner sense what is right and what is wrong .

  19. 良心是人类最古老的道德范畴,也是与人们生活息息相关的道德观念,在现实生活中,人们常用有良心来赞誉某人的道德行为,用没良心去谴责某人的非道德行径。

    Conscience is a part of traditional morality , and it 's a social concept related to human life . Nowadays , conscience is used to judge a person 's moral behavior .

  20. 政府制度选择必然是利益冲突条件下的公共选择,是在一定的伦理原则支配下进行的伦理行为。政府制度选择必须遵守以公正为核心道德范畴的伦理准则。

    Administrative system selection , which is an inevitable public choice under conditions of interest conflicts and a moralized behavior under the guidance of certain ethics , follows ethical criterion round justice .

  21. 本文第一部分对诚信的内涵进行分析,指出诚信是传统的伦理道德范畴,诚信问题自古就有,并被重视。

    In the first section , the author throws a light on the definition of " honesty-credit ", she regards it as a category of ethics which has been resisting since ancient times .

  22. 社会主义市场经济的市场规则应属于正当层次的道德范畴。这是由它具有既与市场经济相一致,又与终极的道德理想相衔接;

    The market rules of socialism market economy should belong in the levels of proper morals for its consistence with socialism market economy and its joining with ultimate moral aim , while having good social results and serviceability .

  23. 诚信,有史以来在中国人的观念中是属于道德范畴,然而在现代市场经济条件下,诚信的内涵和作用都有了新的发展。

    From time immemorial , honesty and credit have been thought that belong to morality field by Chinese people , but in the modernistic market economy condition , the meaning and function of honesty and credit have been developed .

  24. 只是伦理属于道德范畴,主要靠内心自律,而法律则具有国家强制力,更为有效,属于他律。

    The main difference lies in this : ethics belongs to moral scope , relying on inside control mainly , while law is more effective with the national power behind , belonging to the category of the control outside .

  25. 本文分别从传统意义和现代意义对诚信的内涵进行了梳理:在传统诚信观中,诚信是具有基础性地位的重要道德范畴;

    This article separately carried on from the traditional significance and the modern significance to the good faith connotation has combed : In the traditional good faith view , the good faith is has the foundational status the important moral category ;

  26. 互利原则是社会主义市场经济发展的内在要求和健康发展的调节者,是市场经济中处理各种利益关系最现实、最经常的基本道德范畴。

    The principle of mutual-benefit is the internal requirements and the regulator of the development of socialist market economy . And also it is one of the most realistic and most frequent basic moral categories to deal with the interests relations in market economy .

  27. 中国古代诚信思想经过三次历史转换:《尚书》中体现的诚信仅仅是王德的一小目,其地位也没有孝、慈等道德范畴高。

    The honesty thought in Chinese ancient times went through three historical transformations . In Collection of Ancient Texts , honesty was only a small item about king 's morality and its position was not so high as those moral categories of filial piety and kindness .

  28. 不过需要说明的一点是,这些道德范畴之间产生的道德冲突,集中体现了特定时期特定境遇的道德现象,它们会随时代的发展可能自然消解,也可能滋生出其他的冲突。

    However what needs to be explained is that , the moral conflict among these moral categories of the centralism has manifested the specific circumstances of moral phenomenon in the specific time ; they may disappear along with the development of nature , but may also multiply other conflicts .

  29. 军事伦理学应当研究道德战范畴

    The Category of Moral War Should Be Studied by Military Ethics

  30. 道德教育范畴论审理

    The Revision about the Categories of Moral Education