
  1. 胜利油田职工文化艺术培训中心办公楼为坚固的框架结构,平面呈U形,其周围环境复杂。

    The Employee Culture Training Center office building in Shengli Oilfield has a strong frame structure and complex surroundings and is of U-shape in plane .

  2. 基层工会如何提高职工文化活动的吸引力

    How to Improve the Attraction of Workers ' Cultural Activities in the Grass-roots Union

  3. 短期培训在提高企业职工文化水平及综合素质方面起着很重要的作用。

    Short term training plays an important role in the improvement of workers ' educational level and their comprehensive quality .

  4. 但是,由于目前男女职工文化业务素质和职业构成的差异,男女实际收入尚有一定差距。

    However , due to current differences in cultural and professional competence as well as occupational composition , some real income gaps still exist between men and women .

  5. 影响煤炭安全生产的问题主要有安全投入不足,安全监察难,人才匮乏,职工文化素质低等,造成问题的原因主要是由于企业盈利性差,没有能力进行安全投入;

    The problems of safety production of the coal enterprises lie in the following aspects , shortage in safety input , difficulty in security supervision , deficiency in security talent and lack in education for the employees , etc.

  6. 职工精神文化权益维护之刍议

    How to Safeguard Staff 's Rights in Spirit Culture

  7. 论市场经济下的企业职工体育文化

    On Athletics Culture of Enterprise Staff in Market Economy

  8. 概括出了现阶段职工体育文化建设存在的问题,提出了市场经济特定时期企业职工体育文化发展的新思路。

    This thesis generalizes problems of current enterprise staff athletics culture constructing and raises new ideas of the development of the enterprise staff athletics culture in certain market economy .

  9. 企业环境面貌和工作生活条件显著改善,职工群众精神文化生活更加丰富。

    Business environment outlook and working and living conditions improved significantly , workers enrich people 's spiritual and cultural life .

  10. 因此构建健康向上、协同进步的企业文化体系,营造和谐的文化氛围,提升职工们的文化精神,是建设和谐企业的有效途径。

    So , establishing the healthy , upward , coordinate and progressive enterprise culture system , constructing the harmonious cultural atmosphere , and lifting the cultural spirit of the workers are the effective paths for building the harmonious enterprise .

  11. 这就要求企业安全文化建设也要履行社会责任,基于企业社会责任建设职工安全健康文化、家属协管文化、安全应急文化、产品安全文化、安全环保文化和安全同盟文化。

    This request that the security culture constructure of enterprises also fulfills the social responsibility , constructs the staff safety healthy culture , cooperated management culture , safe emergency cultural , the products security culture , the security environmental protection culture and the security union culture .

  12. 第二十七条工会会同行政方面组织职工开展业余文化、技术学习和职工培训,提高职工的文化、业务素质;组织职工开展文娱、体育活动。

    Article 27 Trade unions shall , in conjunction with administrative authorities , organize employees to undertake after-hours cultural and technical studies and occupational training so as to improve the cultural and occupational quality of the workers , as well as organize them to develop recreational and sports activities .

  13. 关于在下岗失业职工中培育创业文化的调查与思考

    Investigation and Consideration of Cultivating Pioneering Culture of Laid-off Workers

  14. 在竞争日趋激烈的知识企业职工对本企业文化的理解与认同越发显得重要。

    While the competition is becoming more and more intense in the era of the knowledge-based economy , it now assumes even greater importance for employees to be assimilated with the corporate culture .

  15. 着眼建设一流高原采油厂的需要,大力实施人才强企战略,努力提高职工职业技能和文化素质,强化三支队伍建设,提高队伍整体素质,促进员工全面发展。

    Focus on first class plateau oil production plant , and vigorously implement talent thriving enterprise strategy , efforts to improve vocational skills and cultural qualities of workers , strengthen the " Three Teams ", and raise the overall quality and promoting comprehensive development of staff .

  16. 通过努力建设以安全文化为核心的学习型企业文化,不断提高职工素质,用文化理念引领广大职工的安全行为,才能使煤矿的安全形势持续好转。

    Through efforts to build the safety culture at the core of the learning culture , and constantly improve the quality of workers , with the cultural idea of security behaviors to lead the workers in order to make the situation continued to improve mine safety .

  17. 职工教育深入开展,职工文化素质得到提升。

    Depth education of workers , trade unions and cultural qualities be raised .

  18. 目的是增强企业职工身心健康,丰富职工业余文化生活,培养职工一种积极快乐向上的生活理念。

    The aim is to strengthen the physical and mental health of staff , enrich spare-time culture life , and cultivate a kind of positive , happy and upward life philosophy .

  19. 一是职工体育的良性发展代表着企业积极向上的文化形象,在丰富职工业余文化生活,强化企业精神文明建设起着不可替代的作用;二是职工体育是全面提升职工健康素质的有效载体。

    First , the development of staff sports represents a positive culture image of enterprise and plays an irreplaceable role to richen the leisure life of workers and strengthen the spiritual civilization in enterprises . Second , the staff sports are effective carrier to comprehensively promote workers ' physical constitution .

  20. 在新形势下,企业和职工面临各种挑战,应以创新的精神,提高职工的政治、文化、技术和心理素质,建立市场经济需要的高素质职工队伍。

    Facing with various challenges under a new situation , enterprises and workers and staff members should improve their political , cultural , technological and psychological qualities in order to have a high-quality rank of workers and staff members adapting to market economy .