
zhí ɡōnɡ xué xiào
  • industrial school;staff children's school
  1. 二是建立各级各类职工学校,完善了职工教育体系;

    Second , set up various workers ' schools to perfect the education system ;

  2. 从农村到城市都举办了各种识字班、民众夜校、职工业余学校,成千上万的妇女参加了扫盲学习。

    Various literacy classes , popular evening schools and workers ' spare-time schools mushroomed in both rural and urban areas , and women attended these in their millions .

  3. 成人高等学院主要有以下类型:职工高等学校、治理干部学院、教育学院、农民高等学校、广播电视大学和中国电视师范学院。

    The adult is advanced the Institute basically has the following kind : university of colleges and universities of worker colleges and universities , administrative cadre institute , pedagogic courtyard , farmer , broadcasting television and Institute of Chinese TV normal school .

  4. 参考国内外对采空区地表建筑物采取的抗变形措施,进行双板基础的设计,介绍了双板基础在兖州机厂职工子弟学校教学楼的应用情况。

    According to the domestic and international anti-deformation measures used on surface buildings above goaf , a two-slab foundation is designed here , and a practical engineering application of the two-slab foundation on the Teaching Building of children school in Yanzhou Factory is introduced .

  5. 双职工家长在学校放假期间面临着谁来照看孩子的难题。

    Working parents have to face the conundrum of who will take care of their children during school holidays .

  6. 学校的校训是学术、劳动、自制。深泉十分民主,学生领导的委员会有权决定招生,教职工应聘和学校政策的制定。

    The atmosphere is intellectual , rugged and ascetic , and the college is a democratic body , where student-led committees decide admissions , hire the faculty and mind most matters of policy .

  7. 全体教职工应当齐心协力修订学校课程。

    The staff should work together to revise the school curriculum .

  8. 高校女职工组织作为作为学校党政组织联系妇女群众的重要桥梁,维护着高校广大女教职工的合法权益。

    Female workers'organizations in University contact the School leaders and the masses of women , it maintains the legitimate rights and interests of female .

  9. 学校人力资源主要是指学校系统内外具有教育、教学、科研和管理能力的教职工,是现代学校管理最根本、最核心的资源。

    School 's human resources are the teaching staff in and out school system who have the abilities of teaching , researching and managing , and are the most important resources in modern school .

  10. 生产资源分为校内生产资源和校外生产资源,生产资源又可分为资产资源和人力资源两种类型。消费资源分为大学生消费资源、教职工消费资源、学校消费资源。

    Production resources are divided not only into on-campus resources and off-campus resources but also into asset resources and human resources while consumption resources into student-specific consumption resources , staff-specific consumption resources and school-oriented consumption resources .

  11. 笔者首先以某大学为对象,对教职工的需求及学校改革的目标进行了调查,并作了相应的分析。这是进行有效激励机制设计的基础性工作。

    At first , the author selects a university as the subject by investigating the need of teachers and the reform aims of school and making the corresponding analysis , which is the basic work of the design of the effective incentive mechanism .

  12. 多数教职工会选择所在学校内的羽毛球场地,而校内场地短缺,特别是室内场地严重不足,不能很好的满足广大教职工进行羽毛球的活动需要。

    Most faculty members will choose the school where the badminton venue , while the shortage of school facilities , especially in a serious shortage of indoor venues can not be well positioned to meet the general needs of faculty for badminton training .