
  • 网络professional requirements;Professional Qualifications
  1. 浅谈图书馆参考咨询工作人员的职业要求

    On the Professional Requirements for Library 's Reference and Consultancy Personnel

  2. 影印版西文图书的著录现代编目员与新的职业要求

    Cataloguing of Reprinting Western-language Books Modern Cataloguers and New Professional Requirements

  3. 讲好普通话是教师的职业要求,教好普通话是语文教师的基本能力之一。

    Teachers ' career calls for the ability to speak standard Chinese .

  4. 刑事警察职业要求刑警有适合的心理控制类型和心理控制能力。

    Study on the psychological constitution of the criminal police in our country ;

  5. 专业教育是按职业要求实施的教育。

    The professional education is the education which is according to the occupation .

  6. 要准备回答这个问题,先认真查看职业要求。

    To prepare an answer to this question , look at the job listing .

  7. 应遵守法律并依据法律和职业要求进行披露。

    Shall observe the law and make disclosures expected by the law and the profession .

  8. 信念:相信完全有能力胜任未来的职业要求。

    Belief : I believe I am completely able to do well in my job .

  9. 论新闻采访的职业要求

    The professional requirement of news interview

  10. 新闻工作者必须使个人的政治信念服从于公正不倚的职业要求。

    Jour nalists must subjugate personal political convictious to their professional commitment to fairness and balance .

  11. 该职业要求极其严格,每个职位大约有50人共同竞争。

    It has extremely strict requirements , and approximately 50 people apply for each available position .

  12. 考虑职业要求

    Think of the Job Listing

  13. 这一行业的基本职业要求就是把你的信息与同事们共享。

    Sharing information with your colleagues in the firm is the basic professional courtesy expected from you .

  14. 按照工作资格要素的标准来衡量员工,获得在各种工作资格要素方面员工自身的条件与职业要求之间的匹配度。

    Matching degree between job and employee is obtained through estimating employee by factors of job qualification .

  15. 高认同组教师和一般认同组教师在职业要求、职业的满意度、教师职业能否发挥个人才能上没有显著性差异。

    And there are no significant differences in profession requests , job satisfies and exert talent between two groups .

  16. 基于职业要求的高职机电类专业课程教学内容体系构建

    The Construction of Teaching Content System for the Curriculum of Electromechanical Specialty in Higher Vocational Education Based on Professional Demand

  17. 这一类别大多数职业要求有本科或更高学位。

    Most occupations in this minor group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification .

  18. 安格说,在美国只有四种高速发展的职业要求从业者具备四年大学文凭或更高。

    Only four of the fastest growing occupations in the United States require a four-year degree or more , says Unger .

  19. 高校教师继续教育:从职业要求到生命关怀&一种后现代的视角

    University Teachers ' Continuing Education : From the " Job Requirements " to " Life Concern " & A Post-modern Perspective

  20. 我的职业要求我不停的从一个地方到另一个地方出差,大部分时间安排都非常紧凑。

    My profession demands that I move from place to place , and most of the time under very tight schedule .

  21. 法官人格在变迁和重整中产生的缺陷同法官守护正义的职业要求相去甚远。

    The defect of the judges'personality in the process of developing and revitalizing is far from meeting the request of defending justice .

  22. 如执行者和会计之类的职业要求具备一定的逻辑分析能力。我并不打算解释右脑为什么会比左脑发达或者左脑为什么不如右脑发达,这不是重点。

    And left-brain gives us logic , analytic ability etc. , i.e.those characteristics that peculiar for executors , accountants , for instance .

  23. 仪表端庄自然,服饰大方整洁,符合职业要求。

    Fourth , the instrument is dignified naturally , the dress is in good taste and neat , accord with the job demand .

  24. 摘要当前,我国的基础英语教育发生了巨大的变化,中学英语教师面临新的职业要求。

    At present , teachers of English in middle schools are facing new professional demanding due to great changes in the elementary English education in china .

  25. 警察院校学生既有普通院校学生品德素质的共性,又有着特殊职业要求的个性。

    The students of police colleges are characterized by both the commonness of moral quality of students in other colleges and the individuality of the requirement of special career .

  26. 这些人的职业要求他们对我们和许多其他参与金融市场的金融机构开展业务的公共目的作出判断。

    These are people whose profession calls on them to make judgments about the public purposes for which we and many others who are participants in the financial markets conduct our business .

  27. 教师“专业化”不仅是一种职业要求,更是教师生存的一种生活状态,强烈的人文关怀是保障教师专业发展的基本生态条件。

    Teacher professionalization is not simply the requirement of profession , it is a life state of their existence , and humanistic concerns are the guarantee of their basic eco conditions of the Development .

  28. 独立审计风险的评估仅仅是审计风险控制的前提,由于信息化环境下审计风险的空前复杂和难以把握,独立审计人员必须严格按照风险导向审计的职业要求,进行风险控制和完成审计工作。

    Because the risks in the information environment is unprecedented complex and difficult to hold , independent auditors must control the audit risks and fulfill the job strictly by the guide of risk-based audit approach .

  29. 医科大学生由于其学习环境、学习强度、职业要求、职业期望的特殊性,他们的心理状况体现出不同于其他学科学生的特点。

    Medical students as a result of their learning environment , learning the strength , job requirements , professional expectations are unique , they reflect the psychological state is different from the characteristics of students in other academic disciplines .

  30. 应读专业:由于这职业要求具备的专业技能很多,因此可以就读的专业也很多,如会计学、金融学、经济学、工商学、数学或者法律都能帮助你找工作。

    Get the Degree : Because this profession requires skills in a range of subject matters , choose from degree programs in accounting , finance , economics , business , mathematics , or law to help prepare you for a job .