
  • 网络remedial education;supplementary education;shadow education
  1. 美国社区学院逐渐形成了包括转学教育、职业教育、补习教育和社区教育在内的多样化的课程,形成了自身独特的课程职能体系。

    In this process , American community colleges have gradually engendered the diversified curriculum including transfer education , vocational education , remedial education and community education , which form the unique curriculum function system of them .

  2. 同职业教育、社区教育和补习教育相比,转学教育在美国两年制学院最初半个多世纪中一直是最重要的课程,后来才走向衰退。

    Compared with career education , community education and remedial education , transfer education has been the most important curriculum for more than half a century since the naissance of American two-year colleges . The decline of transfer education is only the matter later .

  3. 晚清实业补习教育的引进与试行

    Introduction and Implementation of the Industry Continuation Education in the Latter Qing Dynasty

  4. 民国学者对职业补习教育的理论研究

    On the Vocational Education Research of the Scholars in the Republic of China

  5. 为适应通过考试的需要,大规模的补习教育事业应运而生。

    The need to pass the examinations gives rise to a huge tutoring industry .

  6. 略论我国补习教育发展中的和谐与冲突问题

    Discussing the Problem of the Harmony and the Conflict about Supplementary Education Development in Our Country Slightly

  7. 补习教育在全球范围内存在并盛行已经是不争的事实。

    It has been established that supplementary education exists and prevails all over the world at present .

  8. 补习教育虽被喻为影子教育,但越来越受到关注。

    Private tutoring , considered a shadow of our education system , deserves more attention than ever .

  9. 伴随着我国基础教育改革的进一步扩大和加深,补习教育呈现出了前所未有的发展趋势。

    Following the further enlargement and strengthening of basic educational reform of our country , supplementary education demonstrates the unprecedented development trend .

  10. 补习教育有其存在的合理性,但是对学校教育乃至整个教育系统也产生了一定的负面影响。

    To some extent , supplementary education has its existent rationality ; meanwhile , it has an adverse impact on school education and the whole system of education .

  11. 已逾学龄未受基本教育之国民,一律受补习教育,免纳学费,其书籍亦由政府供给。

    All citizens above school age who have not received primary education shall receive supplementary education free of charge and shall also be supplied with books by the government .

  12. 自20世纪60年代中期以来,肯定性行动计划通过特别招生计划、财政资助、补习教育、少数民族研究课程等措施,有力地促进了美国少数民族高等教育的发展。

    Since the mid 1960s , American minorities higher education has developed rapidly owing mainly to affirmative action programs measures such as special admission programs , financial aids , compensatory education , minorities study programs and so on .

  13. 1929年,国民政府颁布《识字运动宣传计划大纲》,次年颁布《实施成年补习教育计划》,在全国推进识字运动,预期六年完成。

    Publishing " Propaganda Scheme Outline of the Literacy Education Movement " in 1929 and " Implementing Scheme of Adult Continuation Education " in the next year , the National Government boosted the Literacy Education Movement all over the country , which was intending to be finished in 6 years .

  14. 课外补习:落实终身教育理念的必要措施&论新课程实施过程中的课外补习

    Extra-Class Continuation : the Necessary Measures for Implementing Lifelong Education

  15. 教育补习作为一种教育现象,近年来愈演愈烈。

    As an educational phenomenon , private tutoring becomes more and more intensified in recent years .

  16. 因此政府应该允许课外补习存在,同时也要看到补习教育对应试教育的强化以及对素质教育带来的挑战,给予课外补习一定的规范与监管。

    Therefore , the government should permit the existence of private supplementary tutoring . At the same time because private supplementary tutoring strengthens test education and challenges the quality education , the government should have it regulated and monitored .

  17. 女子社会教育模式由平民学校、平民教育促进会、平民教育讲演团、工人补习学校、工人夜校、农村补习教育社、工助互助团、报刊杂志等部件组成。

    The female social education pattern consisted of populace school , populace education promoting committee , populace education lecturing committee , workers ' continuation school , workers ' night school , rural continuation institute , workers'mutual help group , newspapers and magazines etc.