
  • 网络Iron replenishment;pump iron
  1. 维生素E干预对静脉补铁慢性肾脏病大鼠氧化应激的影响

    The effects of vitamin E supplementation on oxidative stress in rats with adenine-induced kidney disease receiving intravenous iron therapy

  2. 维生素E对静脉补铁诱导的氧化应激及脂代谢紊乱的干预

    Effects of Vitamin E on Oxidative Stress and Disturbance of Lipid Metabolism Induced by Intravenous Iron Infusion in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients

  3. English和Snow说,为受疟疾威胁的儿童补铁所带来的风险“似乎超过了任何直接的益处”。

    English and Snow say the risks associated with giving the supplements to children exposed to malaria " seem to outweigh any immediate benefits " .

  4. 缺铁补铁组智商的变化主要表现在视觉记忆(P<0.01)、有意义记忆、语言推理及数量推理(P<0.05)等四方面有明显改善;

    Obvious improvement in IQ of iron-treatment group mainly performed at four ways : visual memory ( P0.001 ), conscious memory , language deduction and amount deduction ( P0.05 ) .

  5. E组一次补铁200mg;

    Group E , 200 mg one time ;

  6. 目的探讨小剂量间断补铁治疗小儿轻度缺铁性贫血(IDA)的临床效果及其细胞学分析。

    Objective To investigate the cytologic characters of low dose iron supplementation in children with iron deficiency anemia ( IDA ) of children .

  7. 目的比较维持性血液透析患者口服和静脉补铁治疗肾性贫血的疗效,以及对促红细胞生成素(EPO)作用的影响。

    Objective To compare the efficiency of intravenous and oral iron and influence of erythropoietin ( EPO ) in the patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis .

  8. 两组患者的总补铁量均为1000mg。

    The total supplement iron amount of both groups was 1000 mg .

  9. 目的:比较铁和维生素A缺乏同时存在地区,大剂量补充VA和每周补铁在改善儿童贫血方面的效应。

    Objective : To compare the efficacy of vitamin A supplementation with weekly iron supplementation on the iron and vitamin A status of preschoolers in suburb Chongqing , China .

  10. 将幽门螺杆菌阳性者分为两组(A1、A2组)。A1组给予补铁及幽门螺杆菌根除治疗,A2组仅幽门螺杆菌根除治疗;

    HP positive patients were divided into group A_1 and group A_2.Group A_1 was given iron supplement therapy and HP clearing and group A_2 was only given the therapy of HP clearing .

  11. 因此TPS-Fe是一种非常有潜力的补铁添加剂。

    Therefore TPS-Fe is a very potential iron additive .

  12. 两种铁补充效应的评价均表明,每3日间隔补铁的RBA为每日连续补铁的2.4倍,血液、骨骼等组织器官的铁生物利用为1.8~1.9倍。

    Both evaluation of the effect of iron supplementation showed that in every 3 days iron supplemented was 2 . 4 times of daily iron supplemented .

  13. 过量锌补铁各组肝铁增加,Hb升高,但后者与Zn/Fe无明显关系;

    In the groups of excess zinc supplemented with iron , the iron in liver and the content of hemoglobin of rats increased significantly , but the rising degree remain unchanged at different ratio of Zn / Fe .

  14. 树干注射YLG可作为潜在性缺铁的一种补铁措施。

    So , trunk injecting YLG could be a fertilizing way for the potential iron deficiency .

  15. 每周补铁是铁剂补充的新的方式,已证实其在严格监控下,与每天补充60mg元素铁具有相同的改善贫血的效应,但在人群中实施的效果则由具体的社区条件所决定。

    It was verified that weekly iron supplementation has the same efficacy with daily iron supplementation , while it 's effectiveness is determined by the local condition .

  16. 结论静脉补铁治疗维持性血液透析的慢性肾衰患者铁缺乏、改善肾性贫血有效,疗效优于口服补铁,配合EPO治疗效果明显,从而减少输血。

    Conclusion Is the maintenance treatment of intravenous iron Section chronic kidney hemodialysis patients iron deficiency , anaemia improve kidney effective , superior efficacy of oral supplementation with EPO treatment results clearly , thereby reducing the blood transfusion .

  17. 较长时间的缺铁(168h)严重限制根的生长并导致根生长畸形,短时间(24h)补铁不能消除较长时间的缺铁对根的生长带来的不利影响。

    Longer-time ( 168h ) iron deficit seriously inhibited root growth and caused abnormal growth of roots . Shorttime ( 24h ) iron re-supply could not eliminated disadvantageous effect to root growth by iron deficit .

  18. 方法对确诊ESRD的透析患者常规使用促红细胞生成素治疗贫血,分别以CHr和铁蛋白及转铁蛋白饱和度(TSAT)作为铁指标指导补铁,比较两组的疗效。

    Methods CHr was used as iron indice as ferritin and transferring saturation ( TSAT ) in 57 ESRD dialysis patients using EPO for anemia , and the effects were compared .

  19. Fe-Met能有效促进动物生长,补铁后7d,Ⅱ组日增重3倍于FeSO4组。试验表明,Fe-Met在促进大鼠生长、肝脏铁贮方面效果显著,并利于早期血红蛋白恢复。

    Fe-Met could notably promote the rats weight , which were triple times in group ⅱ than that of the FeSO_4 group in 7 th days of iron supplement .

  20. 结果:铁正常对照,IDA每3日或每日补铁三组大鼠血红蛋白转换效率分别为9.21%,6.9%及2.8%,后两组相对生物利用率(RBA)为74.9%及31.6%。

    The results showed that after iron supplemented period , the rate of hemoglobin regeneration if rats in iron-normal , iron-deficient with iron supplementation at daily or every 3 days were 9 . 2 % , 2 . 9 % and 6 . 9 % respectiVely .

  21. 部分儿童补铁治疗有效。

    Supplementation of iron is effective for a part of children .

  22. 淀粉铁、蔗糖铁对铁缺乏大鼠的补铁效应

    The preventive effects of STARCH-Fe and SUCROSE-Fe on iron deficiency rats

  23. 间隔补铁大鼠的肠粘膜铁含量及其生物利用率

    Intestinal mucosal iron levels and its utilization in intermittently Fe supplemented rats

  24. 对缺铁、缺锌儿童补铁、补锌联合效应的研究

    A study on the zinc-iron combined supplement to the zinc-iron deficient children

  25. 并对儿童进行了补铁补锌强化食品的疗效观察,效果较好。

    It has a good curative effect for children by scientific formula .

  26. 乳猪小肽螯合铁的补铁效果

    The Effect of Small Peptide Chelated Iron in Suckling Pigs

  27. 提高了经济效益,是一种优于硫酸亚铁的补铁添加剂。

    It is increased the economic profit and better than ferri sulfate .

  28. 慢性炎症状态对血液透析病人补铁治疗的影响

    Influence of chronic inflammatory state on hemodialysis patients receiving intravenous iron replenishment

  29. 补铁与心血管疾病

    The iron-supply and the cardiovascular disease Feels grateful heart

  30. 方法膳食调查、血液铁水平测定及补铁效果、妊娠结局观察的临床对照研究。

    Methods Clinical control study of iron status and outcome of pregnant women .