
  • 网络tonics
  1. 对465首治疗RA方剂用药频次进行分析,列前四位的依次是补益药、解表药、祛湿药和活血祛瘀药。

    According to analyzing drugs frequency in 465 recipes prescription for RA , indicates the forward 4 is tonics , drugs for treating exterior syndromes , drugs for eliminating dampness and drugs for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis in turn .

  2. 结果:补益药使用频率最多。

    Result : The most being used herbs were tonic herbs .

  3. 人们常常把“补益药”、“滋补药”、“营养药”等统看成补药。

    It is often the " drug benefit "," tonic medicine "," nutritional medicine " as a tonic such as EC .

  4. 用药以补益药、清热泻火药、清热凉血药、止血药、活血祛瘀药、清热燥湿药为主。

    However asthenia of Qi is the main reason in the root , asthenia in the branch is heat poison and blood stasis .

  5. 几种中药补益药对雄性大鼠垂体&性腺重量的影响及其锌、锰元素的测定

    Effects of some " reinforcing agents " on the weight of pituitary & gonadal gland in rats and determination of zinc and manganese contents in these herbs

  6. 从大肠癌治疗的整体药物来看,大肠癌的治疗用药主要有活血药、补益药、理气药、温里药、清热药、攻下药等等。

    From the overall treatment of colorectal cancer medications , drug treatment of colorectal cancer are mainly Traditional medicine , tonic , qi medicine , warm in medicine , antipyretic , capture drugs and so on .

  7. 中药功效学分类中补益药居于首位,活血化瘀药也占了相当大的比重,虽然排名第二但与补益药不分伯仲。

    Traditional Chinese medicine efficacy learn classification in boosting medicine first , promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis drugs also account for a considerable proportion of ranked second , although with relatively medicine regardless of the same caliber .

  8. 观察了补益药菟丝子、淫羊藿、巴戟天、仙茅、沙苑子、淡苁蓉、枸杞及当归对雄性大鼠垂体&性腺的增重作用,并测定其中锌、锰元素的含量。

    Effects of eight kinds of Chinese Traditional Medicine " Reinforcing agents " on gaining weights of the pituitary & gonadal gland in male rats were observed and the determinations of both zinc and manganeses levels in them were made .

  9. 补益复方药诱变和抗诱变作用的探讨

    The antimicrobial drugs experimental study on Antimutagenic Effect of restorative mixtures

  10. 脾虚证(脾气虚证、脾阳虚证、脾阴虚证)大鼠肝、脾、肾PKC活性和亚型变化及补益脾胃方药调节作用的实验研究

    Experimental Research on PKC in Spleen , Liver , kidney of Rats with Spleen Deficiency Syndromes and Effective Mechanism of Chinese Herbs for Reinforcing Spleen

  11. 脾气虚证、脾阳虚证和脾阴虚证老龄大鼠模型心、脑组织中mtDNA缺失、呼吸链复合体酶活性的变化以及补益脾胃方药作用机制的实验研究

    Experimental Research on mtDNA and Respiratory Chain Complex Kinase in Heart and Brain of Rats with Spleen Qi Deficiency , Spleen Yang Deficiency and Spleen Yin Deficiency Syndrome and Effective Mechanism of Chinese Herbs for Reinforcing Spleen

  12. 治疗骨坏死应以补益肝肾、行气活血为治则,以补益药配伍活血药进行加减应用。

    In treating osteonecrosis we would use medicine with invigorating liver and kidney and activating blood circulation and taking invigorating medicine as the compatible one .