
  • 网络Supplementary Treaty;complementary treaty
  1. 巴黎专利权专门公约补充条约

    Treaty Supplementing the Paris Convention as far as Patents are concerned

  2. 随着时间的推移,我在与管理者达成的契约关系中增加了一条重要的补充条约。

    Over time , I developed an important addition to this contractual relationship with my managers .

  3. 随着时间的推移,我在与管理者达成的“契约关系”中增加了一条重要的补充条约。

    Over time , I developed an important addition to this " contractual relationship " with my managers .

  4. 李说,并补充道这个条约将会阻止不法商人将新加坡作为犯罪的基地。

    Lee said , adding the treaty would inhibit corrupt businessmen from using Singapore as a base .

  5. 有关条约的解释也就变得十分重要了,这篇文章是通过把目的解释方法以及相关作为主线,并且结合其他解释方法作为补充的格局进行条约目的解释的研究。

    The interpretation of the treaty also becomes very important , this article is through the teleological method of interpretation as well as relevant as the main line , and the combination of other methods of interpretation as a supplement to the pattern of teleological interpretation of treaty .