
zhàn lüè zhǐ huī
  • strategic command
  1. 美国战略指挥部空军中校LesKodlick将军称:“我们认为这是第一次两在轨卫星相撞。”

    Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Les Kodlick of the US strategic command , said : " We believe it 's the first time that two satellites have collided in orbit . "

  2. 不过,现在只对关键军事设备,即战略指挥和控制系统中的电子设备实施了强化。

    Currently , only critical military equipment is hardened e.g. , strategic command and control systems .

  3. C4ISR系统的构成包括:全球战略指挥控制系统、情报侦察监视系统、战术区域数字通信系统和三军联合战术通信系统。

    The C ~ 4ISR system is composed of global strategy command and control system ; intelligence reconnaissance and monitoring system ; tactics area digital communication system ;

  4. 他一道现场就让他做战略指挥。

    Have him maintain operational control the moment he 's on site .

  5. 在为期11天的访问中,中国代表团还应邀参观了一些敏感的军事设施,包括战略指挥中心,该中心负责管理核武器和网络战争。

    During the11-day visit , the Chinese general was also invited to visit some sensitive military sites , including the Strategic Command Headquarter , which was in charge of nuclear weapons and cyber war .

  6. 敌人的战略战役指挥许多不行,但其战斗指挥,即部队战术和小兵团战术,却颇有高明之处,这一点我们应该向他学习。

    However , although much of the enemy 's strategic and campaign command is incompetent , there are quite a few excellent points in his battle command , that is , in his unit and small formation tactics , and here we should learn from him .

  7. 这个时候,希特勒在战略和作战指挥方面,犯下了一个极大的错误。

    At this time Hitler made a crowning error in strategy and direction .

  8. 从战略交通运输网建设、战略运输力量结构调整完善、交通运输动员能力与战略运输指挥能力等方面,提出了对策建议。

    The thesis puts forward some proposals on how to systematize the network of our military strategic transportation , perfect the structure of the military transportation forces and improve the capability of mobilizing and commanding our military strategic transportation .

  9. 靠恒星近些的地方倒有更好的行星,可飞船的战略监管系统显然锁定在了潜伏模式,所以才选了最远最不打眼的地方,而且任何人反对都无效,除非飞船的战略总指挥亲自说话。

    There were better planets nearer in , but the ship 's Strateej-O-Mat was obviously locked into Lurk mode and chose the most distant and unobtrusive planet and , furthermore , would not be gainsaid by anybody other than the ship 's Chief Strategic Officer .