
  1. 俄日关系的新进展再论日俄战争的历史背景

    Russian-Japanese Relations : New Progress On Historical Background of Japan-Russia War

  2. 拿破仑战争的历史环境成因探析

    Analysis on the Causative Factors of Historic Circumstances of Napoleonic Wars

  3. 重新评价农民战争的历史价值

    Re-Evaluate the Historical Value of Chinese Peasants ' Revolution

  4. 绝对战争的历史式微与孙子的战争控制思想

    The Historical Declining of Absolute War and Sun Tzu 's Thinking of War Control

  5. 人类抵抗战争的历史贯穿始终。

    Throughout history man has fought wars .

  6. 以纪录伯罗奔尼撒半岛战争的历史而见称的古希腊历史学家(公元前460-395年)。

    Ancient Greek historian remembered for his history of the Peloponnesian War ( 460-395 BC ) .

  7. 再论日俄战争的历史背景

    On Historical Background of Japan-Russia War

  8. 在写了7部有关20世纪的战争的历史著作之后,我得出了许多结论。

    After writing the historical works of7 wars about the20th century , I drew a lot of conclusions .

  9. 可以说,在局部战争的历史上,朝鲜战争内含的冲突因素之多是空前的。

    As a local war of internationalization , the conflict factors in Korean War were unprecedented in the local war history .

  10. 回顾抗日战争的历史,审视这段历史给予我们的启示,引发出对当前思想政治教育的思考:要有忧患意识,以激发人们的责任感和使命感;

    Looking back on the history of the War of Resistance AgainstJapan may offer us some new enlightenment in our ideological and political education work .

  11. 虽然百年战争的历史很难理解,但我起码能把那段历史大致读通。

    It was hard enough to understand the whole hundred 's year war dispute , but at least I could understand a whole war easily through that .

  12. 回顾抗日战争的历史,可以肯定,抗日民族统一战线对于取得抗日战争的胜利,具有决定意义。

    By reviewing the history of anti-Japanese war , we can see that anti-Japanese national united front plays a decisive part in the process of winning the war .

  13. 人类战争的历史表明,战争不仅是物质因素的对抗,也是军人精神因素的较量。

    The history of the war of human being shows that the war is the contest of not only the material factors but also the army men ' spirit factors .

  14. 另外一件你可以做到的事,就是介绍一些有关美国革命战争的历史,嗯!这就表示你要做些功课了。

    Another thing you can do is to introduce some history lessons to the readers about the US revolutionary war . well ! This means you need to do homework .

  15. 本文从东北地区十四年抗日战争的历史脉络入手,对整个东北地区抗战时期的歌曲创作情况进行调查整理,并对具有体表性的抗战歌曲进行研究分析。

    Articles from the northeast region during the fourteen years of war between the historical context of start times for the entire war song writing to investigate the situation , and with the surface of songs for analysis .

  16. 现代军事信息系统的智能化、网络化发展趋势日渐明朗,以军事信息系统为对象的信息战作为一种全新的作战形式走上了现代战争的历史舞台。

    Modern military information system is becoming more and more intelligent and dependent on network . The information war targeting at military information system has stepped into the stage of modern war as a kind of new form .

  17. 有一大串人可能会给我做顾问,而且我非常非常喜欢伊迪丝·沃顿(EdithWharton)和亨利·詹姆斯(HenryJames),还有南北战争之后的历史——范德比尔特家族(Vanderbilts)和惠特尼家族(Whitneys)等等。

    I 've got a list of potential advisers , and I am a big , big fan of Edith Wharton and Henry James and that period of history after the Civil War - the Vanderbilts and the Whitneys and all of those people .

  18. 徐州战争文化的历史价值及其影响

    The Historical Value and Influence of War Culture in Xuzhou

  19. 她有一部战争时期的历史着作正在印行。

    She is publishing a history of the war period .

  20. 战争机制的历史分析

    The Analysis of Mechanism of Man 's War

  21. 战争的社会历史作用决定了战争的性质。

    The role of the social history of wars determines the property of the wars .

  22. 《芝加哥太阳时报》的评价是《猎鹿人》教我们永远不要忘记战争的惨痛历史。

    Chicago Sun-Times commented that The Deer Hunter tells people never to forget the war .

  23. 浅谈苏联战争文学的历史演变

    Historic Evolution of Russian War literature

  24. 并认为,太平天国战争前后的历史,体现了中国传统社会自身的一个真实发展过程。

    The author holds that the history before and after the Taiping Kingdom War showed a real proceed of development of China 's traditional society .

  25. 黔军在护国、护法和北伐战争中的历史作用战争或者灾难时期国民自我保护的行为。

    Qian Army s Contribution in Nation Protection , Law Protection and Northern Expedition ; activities organized by civilians for their own protection in time of war or disaster .

  26. 在抗日战争的特定历史环境下,重庆成为中国的战时首都和陪都,众多法学名宿和法律精英荟萃,构成中国近现代法制史上的一大奇观。

    In the specific historical circumstances of the War of Resistance against Japan , Chongqing became Wartime Capital of China , and Alternate Capital , many elite jurists and legal resident celebration of the arts , and constituted a great spectacle of modern legal history of China .

  27. 战争法发展的历史规律及动力机制

    Historic Rules and Dynamical Mechanism about the Law of War Development

  28. 战后局部战争有限化的历史轨迹

    On the Limitation of Local Wars After the Second World War

  29. 国际法上战争罪内涵的历史演变

    The Historical Change of the Contents of War Crime Based on the International Laws

  30. 战争年代的通俗历史。

    A popular history of the war years .