
mù gē
  • pastoral song;pastoral;madrigal;bucolic
牧歌 [mù gē]
  • [pastoral song] 牧童、牧人唱的歌谣;以农村生活情趣为题材的诗歌和乐曲

牧歌[mù gē]
  1. 在田园牧歌的表象之下,是京派为失落的古老文明唱一曲挽歌的文化冲动。

    Under the surface of pastoral song , there is a lament of cultural impulse sung for the lost ancient culture .

  2. 所以,对蒙古族长调牧歌的深入研究,是继承和发展蒙古族音乐文化的重要基础理论工作。

    Thus , the study of the pastoral song is an important theoretical work to chary on the develop the Mongolian musical culture .

  3. 你象一只悠扬的牧歌,美了雪山,美了草原。

    You look like a melodious madrigal , beautiful snowy mountain , beautiful prairie .

  4. 菲利普·罗斯在上月接受法国杂志《LesInrocks》的采访时宣布他封笔的消息。他的代表作有《波特诺的怨诉》,小说《美国牧歌》曾获普利策小说奖。

    The author of such novels as American Pastoral , for which he won a Pulitzer Prize , and Portnoy 's Complaint slipped his retirement announcement into an interview last month with French magazine Les Inrocks .

  5. 品种牧歌、阿尔冈金、苜蓿54、爱菲尼特、金皇后的生产结构较为合理,品种WL252HQ、宁夏、WL232HQ、WL323ML的生产结构不太合理。

    AmeriGraze 、 Algonquin 、 Alfalfa 54 、 Affinity 、 Gold Empress of productive structure is reasonable , that of WL252HQ 、 Ningxia 、 WL232HQ 、 WL323ML is unreasonable .

  6. 维多利亚、牧歌、中苜一号的相对生长速率较大,生产效率较高,苜蓿王、金皇后、WL323HQ的生产效率较低。

    The RGR of Victoria 、 AmeriGraze 、 Zhongmu No. 1 is high , of which product efficient is high , however , that of Alfalfa King 、 Gold Empress 、 WL323HQ is weak .

  7. 《美国牧歌》是这一阶段的代表作。

    American Pastoral is his representative work in this period .

  8. 从《牧歌》看蒙古族民间歌曲的流传

    The Spread of Mongolia Folk Song : As Pastoral for an Example

  9. 浅析张炜小说的田园牧歌表现形式及审美内涵

    Study of the Arcadian Forms and Aesthetic Connotation in Zhang Wei 's Novels

  10. 第一部分:反田园牧歌的乡村叙事。

    The first part is about anti-Pastoral villages narrative .

  11. 远处,似乎传来了牧人粗犷的牧歌。

    Now I am seemingly hearing pastoral songs afar .

  12. 他的作品《美国牧歌》是他美国三部曲中的第一部小说。

    His work American Pastoral is the first novel of his American Trilogy .

  13. 而诗性则表现为温厚的牧歌情调和淡远的审美情趣。

    And poetic quality shows warm interest about pastoral and distant aesthetic interest .

  14. 歌剧被视为新从寻获的牧歌式或史诗式好人的国土,

    opera as the rediscovered country of this idyllically or heroically good creature ,

  15. 都市牧歌:张欣审美的古典情致

    Urban Pastoral : Zhang Xin 's Classical Aesthetics

  16. 现在这些城市已与田园牧歌相去甚远,随着其平庸市名而渐渐平寂。

    The cities that now go by that generic name are far from Arcadian .

  17. 湖南牧牛山歌(下简称湖南牧歌)湖南牧童牧牛时唱的歌曲。

    Pastoral songs in Hunan are the songs sung by shepherd boys while herding cattle .

  18. 乡村题材的作品主要描绘小人物的美,谱写田园牧歌;

    His works on countryside mainly describe the beauty of zilches and compose idyllic life ;

  19. 他在塔希提岛牧歌式的生活;美国黄金时代的牧歌式的传奇。

    His idyllic life in Tahiti ; the pastoral legends of America 's Golden Age .

  20. 摘要本文论述张爱玲笔下的女性大多拥有牧歌意识。

    This paper reveals that most females in Zhang ai-ling 's novels have pastoral consciousness .

  21. 《边城》与其说是一只悱恻动人的爱情牧歌,不如说是一只悲切哀婉的风俗挽歌。

    The border Town is more a grievous custom elegy than a moving love eclogue .

  22. 奥地利阿尔卑斯山的风景已经成了她破碎的牧歌的完美背景。

    Austria 's alpine landscape has been the perfect backdrop for her destruction of the idyllic .

  23. 这是一种牧歌式的构想。

    It was an idyllic conception .

  24. 乌托邦的气息&20世纪末田园牧歌小说中的意象

    Utopian Aura : Images in the Pastoral Novel of the Late 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  25. 距此田园牧歌几步之遥,便是法国民众讥讽“赤字夫人”的小册子。

    Not far from this idyll , the French were lampooning " Madame Deficit " in grotesque pamphlets .

  26. 房间里的田园牧歌

    Rurality in the room

  27. 央移谱民歌包括山歌(牧歌)、劳动歌、爱情歌、风俗歌、颂经调等。

    Yamyipo folk song includes mountain song , work song , long song , custom song and sutra praying .

  28. 美国梦中的迷失者&《美国牧歌》主人公瑞典佬的悲剧评析

    Getting Lost in " American Dream ": Comment on the Tragedy of the Swede , Hero of American Pastoral

  29. 她们的田园牧歌生活简单质朴:身穿羊绒衫怡然自得地生活在大自然的环抱中。

    There 's a simplicity to their idyllic way of life : swathed in cashmere and surrounded by nature .

  30. 憧憬着牧歌的生活,相信史前时代有爱好艺术的良善的人们。

    the yearning for the idyllic , the faith in the primordial existence of the artistic and good man .