
  • 网络Pastoral area;the animal husbandry areas;pastoral region
  1. 阿勒泰地区是一个纯牧业区,季节轮牧是该区天然草地传统的利用方式。

    As a simple stock raising district , the seasonal grazing is the traditional use means .

  2. 日月山是青海东部外流河与内陆河的分水岭,也是青海东部农业区和牧业区的自然分界线。

    Riyue Mountain is a watershed for valley of eastern Qinghai and inland river , it is also a line of demarcation for agriculture and herd industry in eastern Qinghai area .

  3. 2003年春季,全省大部分牧业区气温偏高,降水偏多,有利于天然牧草的返青及返青后的生长发育;

    The spring of 2003 , most animal husbandry areas of the whole province , temperature simply more , help natural the turn green and growing afterses by on the high side , precipitation ;

  4. 随着全国农业结构调整,畜牧业逐渐由草原牧业区向农区牧业扩展,饲草种植也逐渐由北方传统天然草场向南方山地、丘陵地区扩展。

    As the national agricultural structural adjustment is promoted , animal husbandry gradually develops from the pastoral areas to the agricultural areas , and the forage plantation expands from the traditional natural grassland to the South Mountain and hilly areas .

  5. 黄河滩区农牧业生态区的开发和利用

    The Development and Utilization of Ecological Region Used for Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Production in Yellow River Beach

  6. 准格尔旗位于我国农牧业交错区,生态环境脆弱,水土流失和土地退化严重。

    Located in the transitional zone from agricultural areas to husbandry areas , Zhungeer county has typical characteristics of fragile ecological situations with serious soil and water loss .

  7. 黄土高原地区是中华民族文化的发祥地,也是我国历史上早期农牧业生产区和政治中心,粮食是该区人民赖以生存的最基本产业。

    The loess plateau region is the birthplace of Chinese national culture and was once the early production area of grains and herds and the political center in our history . Grains are the primary industry on which the people live .

  8. 本文主要以内蒙古牧区危害最大的自然灾害之一&雪灾为研究对象,选取锡林郭勒盟1962年、1977年、2000年三次特大雪灾,并选择典型的四个牧业旗作为研究区。

    Select three big snow disasters in 1962 , 1977 and 2000 , and select the typical four livestock counties as the research area .