
mù yè
  • animal (or livestock) husbandry;stock raising;livestock farming
牧业 [mù yè]
  • [animal husbandry;stock raising] 牲畜饲养业

  1. 阿勒泰地区牧业转场中风害的分析及防御对策

    Analysis and Defensive Measure on Gale Disaster of Animal Husbandry Transferring in Altay Area

  2. 对蒙牛现代牧业的投资及该公司的扩张计划正是解决这个问题的一项尝试。

    The investment and expansion plans for Mengniu Modern Animal Husbandry is one attempt to solve that problem .

  3. 这个农场农牧业都搞。

    This farm engages in animal-breeding and agriculture .

  4. 基于GIS与GPS的农牧业资源调查方法初探

    Primary study on GIS and GPS-based investigation approaches of agriculture and animal husbandry resources

  5. 虚拟GIS及其开发技术探讨宁夏农牧业发展与环境变迁研究

    VGIS and research of its techniques development

  6. 利用GIS与GPS技术进行农牧业资源调查已成为近年来的发展趋势。

    GIS and GPS have been used in the investigation of agriculture and animal husbandry resources in recent years .

  7. 基于GPS影像的几何精纠正在农牧业动态监测中的应用&以庆阳地区为例

    A study of rectifying remote sensing image based on GPS for the application of dynamic monitoring in farming and stockbreeding & Taking the region of Qingyang as an example

  8. 根据GIS的空间数据处理、空间分析功能与GPS的精确空间定位能力,提出了一种基于GIS与GPS集成的农牧业资源调查方法。

    Based on powerful function of spatial management , spatial analysis in GIS and accurate positioning ability of GPS , a method for agriculture and animal husbandry resources investigation was presented in this paper .

  9. 以区域农牧业可持续发展为研究对象,采用地理信息系统(GIS)、遥感(RS)、全球定位系统(GPS)的3S技术和数据库技术,建立了区域资源环境、社会经济空间和属性数据库。

    Taking regional farming and animal husbandry sustainable development as the study object , the spatial and attribute databases for natural resources and social economy were built by using GIS , RS and GPS .

  10. 12月7日,中国现代牧业(ChinaModernDairyHoldings)在香港上市后,它的投资方&美国私人股本公司KKR向其投资者发了一份通知。

    KKR sent a note to investors on December 7 , in the wake of the Hong Kong listing of China Modern Dairy Holdings , a Chinese company in which the US private equity firm had invested .

  11. 科尔沁沙地的过度开垦对沙漠化程度的影响要大于牧业活动,多元回归分析表明,沙漠化程度与人口密度、耕地指数和载畜量的复合关系有着最高的相关系数(R2为0953)。

    Multi-regression analysis showed that multi-relationship of the desertification degree and the population density , cropland indices , and grazing capacity was closer and had highest correlation coefficient .

  12. 美国农业部长谢福尔(EdSchafer)对会议代表表示,绿色能源正在为美国经济创造很好的新机会,特别是在蓄牧业。

    Agriculture Secretary Ed Schafer told delegates that green energy is creating great new opportunities for the U.S. economy , especially in the farming sector .

  13. 论文的共同作者、巴西农牧业研究院(Embrapa)的JoséSilva说,巴西政府已经采取了一些措施,更有效地控制森林砍伐。

    Co-author Jos é Silva of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation ( Embrapa ) says that the government has taken some steps to control logging more effectively .

  14. 黄石市可持续发展对策宁夏农牧业发展与环境变迁研究

    The Countermeasure of Sustainable Development in Huangshi On the Development of

  15. 清代西北地区农业开发与农牧业经济结构的变迁

    Northwest agricultural development and economic structural change in the Qing Dynasty

  16. 推广电围栏对我国西部农牧业发展的重要作用

    Popularizing Electric Fence is Important to Agriculture Development in West China

  17. 农牧业废弃物堆肥腐熟质量控制指标研究

    Study on Index System for Maturity Evaluation of Agricultural Wastes Composting

  18. 四个结合的创新方式推动农牧业信息化

    Innovative mode of " Four Combination " to Promote Agriculture Informationization

  19. 拉美的有机农牧业前景广阔

    Wide Prospect of Organic Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in Latin America

  20. 灰色线性规划在花溪区牧业结构优化中的应用

    Application of Grey-Linear Programme for Optimization of Livestock Structure in Huaxi

  21. 大庆发展现代农牧业工程的研究

    Research on the Development of Daqing Modernized Agriculture and Stock Raising

  22. 海西农牧业发展研究

    Study on Development of Agriculture and Stock Raising in Haixi State

  23. 内蒙古农牧业气候生产潜力的探讨

    Probing into Productive Potential of Agricultural and Livestock Climate in Inner Mongolia

  24. 我国南方的草地资源与草地牧业

    Grassland Resources and Animal Husbandry on Rangelands in South China

  25. 解决方案是:清除地球上的蓄牧业。

    Solution : 'Eliminate animal farming on planet Earth . '

  26. 青海农牧业资源与人才开发

    The Natural and Human Resources Exploiting in Graziery and Agricultural of Qinghai

  27. 浅谈&农牧业结构调整与发展对策

    Adjust & develop countermeasure on agriculture and animal husbandry organization

  28. 依托青海特色优势提高农牧业综合生产能力

    Rely on special superiority and improve comprehensive productivity in agriculture and animal husbandry

  29. 青海省贫困地区农牧业收入状况调查

    Investigation on Income Situation of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in Qinghai Poverty Region

  30. 农业中的林业、渔业和牧业收入具有扩大收入差距的作用;

    Forestry , fishery and stockbreeding increase income difference .