
mù yánɡ rén
  • shepherd;goatherd;sheep man
牧羊人 [mù yáng rén]
  • [shepherd] 被雇照管、饲养和看守羊的人,尤指在放牧羊群时

  • 孤独的牧羊人

  1. 他深受震动,就问那个年轻的牧羊人叫什么名字。

    He was so impressed that he inquired the young shepherd 's name .

  2. 牧羊人在看管他的羊群。

    The shepherd is tending to his sheep .

  3. 每年夏天牧羊人都将羊群赶到牧场去。

    Every summer the shepherds drive the sheep up to pasture

  4. 他有一根牧羊人用的带铁头的棍杖。

    He had shepherd 's crook tipped with iron .

  5. 牧羊人看守着自己的羊群。

    The shepherds watched their flocks .

  6. 也许现在是农民翘着脚休息的时候了,因为机器人被用来检查庄稼,挖杂草,甚至成为了牧羊人。

    Perhaps it is time for farmers to put their feet up now that robots are used to inspect crops , dig up weeds , and even have become shepherds , too .

  7. 牧羊人的同意了,他把钱装起来,把狗递过去。

    The shepherd agreed , pocketed money and handed over the dog .

  8. 一个访问苏格兰的美国人碰到一个牧羊人带着个漂亮的牧羊狗。

    An American visiting Scotland met a shepherd with a beautiful sheep dog .

  9. 美国人愿出价50美元买这只狗,可是牧羊人拒绝了。

    The American offered the owner $ 50 for the dog , but the shepherd refused .

  10. 起初,尝试着从羊群中偷取羔羊,但是牧羊人一见到狐狸,便放狗追他。

    He began by trying to steal a lamb from a flock of sheep , but the shepherd saw him and set his dogs on him .

  11. 从前,有一群羊向牧羊人抱怨自己和狗受到了差别待遇。

    Once upon a time the sheep complained to the shepherd about the difference in his treatment of themselves and his dog " Your conduct , " said they ,

  12. 老师说:“如果牧羊人把20只羊放到牧场上去吃草,有5只羊跳出了围栏,还会剩下多少只?”

    The teacher said : " If the shepherd1 put twenty sheep out to feed on the grass in a field , five of them jumped a fence , how many sheep would be left ? "

  13. 但是,就在那个晚上,牧羊人想吃羊肉,于是把手放在披着羊皮的狼上,一刀就杀了他。

    But that very night as it happened , the shepherd , requiring a supply of mutton for the table , laid hands on the wolf in mistake for a sheep , and killed him with his knife on the spot .

  14. 有一头猪跑进正在牧场里吃草的羊群中,牧羊人抓住了他,要把他送到屠夫那里,猪鬼哭狼嚎般拼命挣扎着想逃出来。

    A pig found his way into a meadow where a flock of sheep were grazing . The shepherd caught him , and was proceeding1 to carry him off to the butcher 's when he set up a loud squealing2 and struggled to get free .

  15. 天使们离去后,牧羊人赶往Bethlehem。

    After the angels depart , the shepherd rushes to Bethlehem .

  16. 20世纪90年代末,希腊牧羊人的儿子乔治?米切尔(GeorgeMitchell)在休斯敦经营一家名为米切尔能源(MitchellEnergy)的中型公司,当时这家公司面临天然气产量不断减少的局面。

    In the late 1990s , George Mitchell , the son of a Greek goatherder , ran a midsize Houston-based company with shrinking natural-gas production .

  17. 另一部影片是冰岛的《公羊》(Rams),这是一部黑暗的喜剧,讲述几个乡村牧羊人的故事,由格里默·哈克纳森(GrimurHakonarson)编剧并执导。

    and Iceland 's " Rams , " a dark comedy about rural sheep farmers written and directed by Grimur Hakonarson .

  18. “从新建筑一个生命并不难,就像要从废堆里重建Akbar并不是是不可能”牧羊人继续说。

    " It is not difficult to rebuild a life , just as it is not impossible to raise Akbar from its ruins ," The Sheperd continued .

  19. 而一到了为每年生产商品采集羊绒时,奢华针织品制造商布鲁奈罗・库奇内利(BrunelloCucinelli)就会将员工与进口商一道派去会见蒙古牧羊人。

    Luxury knitwear maker Brunello Cucinelli sends employees along with importers to meet with Mongolian shepherds when selecting cashmere for its annual production .

  20. 晚餐:牧羊人馅饼,茶,一杯水。

    Dinner : shepherds pie , tea , glass of water .

  21. 牧羊人在天黑之前匆匆把羊群赶在一起。

    The shepherds made haste to gather their sheep before dark .

  22. 牧羊人在大房子里住着,发现到处都是灰尘,打扫不过来。

    He lived in the big house and found everywhere dirty .

  23. 在南非,牧羊人有优先选择道路的权利。

    In South Africa , shepherds have the right of way .

  24. 羊群增加了100只,牧羊人比过去更累了。

    The sheepherder is more tired because of the100 sheep more .

  25. 是一个牧羊人,和平的王子

    Soter . The good shepherd , the prince of peace ,

  26. 牧羊人用鞭子赶着他的羊向前进。

    The sheperd was urging his sheep along with a whip .

  27. 牧羊人把一群羊赶到山坡上。

    The sheepherder drove a group of sheep to the hillside .

  28. 牧羊人孤零零地连续看守了三个晚上。

    For three nights , the shepherd maintained his lonely vigil .

  29. 当他到达时,她跟牧羊人出去了。

    When he arrived , she was out with the shepherd .

  30. 牧羊人惊呆了,因为这确是准确的数目。

    The shepherd was astonished , since this was exactly right .