
  • Twilight;The Twilight Saga;Breaking Dawn
  1. 暮光之城的成功对吸血鬼文化有什么影响?

    How was the success of Twilight impacting the vampire genre .

  2. 然而,《暮光之城》系列电影一贯能够将情节剧与超自然的震慑力结合得十分巧妙。

    However , the Twilight films always manage to cleverly blend melodrama with supernatural thrills .

  3. 另一位知情人士告诉《People》帕丁森的老友都认为他们会重新走到一起,也许会和他们一起为《暮光之城》宣传一样快。

    Another source told PEOPLE Pattinson 's pals all think they will be a couple again , maybe as soon as they are together for the Twilight promos .

  4. 另一位知情人士告诉《People》帕丁森的老友“都认为他们会重新走到一起,也许会和他们一起为《暮光之城》宣传一样快”。

    Another source told PEOPLE Pattinson 's pals " all think they will be a couple again , maybe as soon as they are together for the Twilight promos . "

  5. 5月18日,和帕丁森相熟的知情人告诉USWEEKLY,这对《暮光之城》的合作演员决定暂时停止他们四年的感情。

    A source close to Pattinson told Us on May 18 that the Twilight costars were taking a break from their four-year relationship .

  6. (为什么英文专业的学生有必要阅读Twilight(暮光之城)系列)?

    Why might it be useful for an English student to read the Twilight series ?

  7. 名列榜首的是《暮光之城》男主角罗伯特·帕丁森,紧随其后的是音乐人TakeThat、AlexTurner与TOMFORD等等。

    Topping the list was Twilight superstar Robert Pattinson , followed closely by Take That , Alex Turner and Tom Ford , among others .

  8. 2009年,一个博客发起了“将凯奇P到任何人身上”的活动。正如活动名称所说,这一活动是要将凯奇的脸P到从玩具火车头托马斯到《暮光之城》演员等各种人身上。

    In 2009 , a blog launched called Nic Cage As Everyone , which , like it 's title , put Nicolas ' face on everyone from Thomas the Tank Engine to the cast of Twilight .

  9. 来自《暮光之城:破晓》上集欢迎RobertPattinson,KristenStewart和TaylorLautner

    From Twilight : Breaking Dawn Part 1 , please welcome Robert Pattinson , Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner .

  10. 在《暮光之城:破晓》第2部的大荧幕上扮演丈夫和妻子的这一对,将于10月28日在洛杉矶开始宣传《暮光之城》系列电影的最后一部,顶峰娱乐公司周一向《People》证实了。

    The pair , who play onscreen husband and wife in The Twilight Saga : Breaking Dawn - Part 2 , are scheduled to start promoting the final movie in the Twilight series in Los Angeles on Oct. 28 , Summit Pictures confirmed to PEOPLE Monday .

  11. 凯特琳的演讲稿是受到《暮光之城3:月食》的启发,里面用到了heck这个词(hell的委婉语),但是凯特琳当时却用了hell。

    The script for the speech , inspired by Eclipse : The Twilight Saga , includes the word heck , but Kaitlin used hell in the moment .

  12. 最适合约会的角色:2008年的”暮光之城“和2009年“暮光之城2:新月”中的BellaSwan

    Definitive role to date : Bella Swan in " Twilight " ( 2008 ) and " New Moon " ( 2009 )

  13. 禁映期按计划于下周结束,7月25日将上映《暮光之城4:破晓(上)》(TheTwilightSaga:BreakingDawnPart1)。

    It is scheduled to end next week , with the release of ' The Twilight Saga : Breaking Dawn Part 1 ' on July 25 .

  14. 《暮光之城:月食》的首个预告片因被传至YouTube视频网上,已吸引了数百万人观看。

    Millions of people have watched the first trailer for The Twilight Saga : Eclipse movie , which has been leaked to YouTube .

  15. 罗伯特·帕丁森(RobertPattinson)在《暮光之城:暮色》中饰演爱德华·卡伦,赢得了万千少女的青睐,也因此被观众牢记。

    Robert Pattinson will likely always be remembered as the guy who won a thousand teenage girl 's hearts after playing Edward Cullen in Twilight .

  16. 凯特琳的演讲稿是受到《暮光之城3:月食》的启发,里面用到了“heck”这个词(hell的委婉语),但是凯特琳当时却用了“hell”。

    The script for the speech , inspired by Eclipse : The Twilight Saga , includes the word " heck , " but Kaitlin used " hell " in the moment .

  17. 延续《暮光之城》(Twilight)的火热势头,克莉丝汀·斯图尔特(KristenStewart)确认将携手本·阿弗莱克(BenAffleck)出演新片《Focus》。

    Keeping the momentum going after her " Twilight " run , Kristen Stewart has confirmed that she will star in the upcoming film , " Focus " with Ben Affleck .

  18. 影片最精彩的是一幕戏中戏,对《暮光之城》(Twilight)系列大片没心没肺的嘲讽,这是《安妮》全片中唯一真正精彩的东西。

    The high point is a movie-within-the-movie , a blissfully silly sendup of the " Twilight " franchise that provides " Annie " with its only moment of genuine inspiration .

  19. 阿里巴巴与狮门娱乐联合提供的流媒体服务将让用户欣赏到这家电影公司的影视内容,包括《暮光之城》(Twilight)、《饥饿游戏》及电视剧《广告狂人》(MadMen)。

    The streaming service offered jointly with Lions Gate will give users access to the film studio 's content , including several titles from the Twilight and Hunger Games franchises as well as the TV series Mad Men .

  20. 据报道,RobertPattinson和KristenStewart准备在今夏拍摄完电影《暮光之城4:破晓》后完婚,届时只会邀请少数宾客好友。

    According to reports , the two of them Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are going to get married in summer with only a few guests and close friends invited .

  21. 《暮光之城》系列续集《新月》的导演ChrisWeitz在近日采访中表示这一部电影“会是有史以来最催泪电影”。

    ' New Moon'director Chris Weitz has said he hopes the latest film in the'Twilight'saga " will produce more tears than any movie before " .

  22. 《暮光之城》(Twilight)系列最后一部影片轻松登顶刚刚过去这个周末的北美票房榜,但该片上映首周末在美国国内收获的票房却并非该系列影片中最高的。

    The final installment of the ' Twilight ' series made easy work of the box office this weekend , but failed to take the crown as the franchise 's biggest domestic opening .

  23. 根据初步预计,顶峰影业(SummitEntertainment)出品的新片《暮光之城2:新月》(TheTwilightSaga:NewMoon)票房夺冠,5天的假期总票房高达6600万美元(在周末3天的票房为4250万美元)。

    According to early estimates , Summit Entertainment 's ' The Twilight Saga : New Moon ' finished first at the box office , pulling in a solid five-day holiday total of $ 66 million dollars ( $ 42.5 million over the three-day weekend ) .

  24. 据美国知名娱乐网站TheWrap报道,该片将由因《暮光之城》而名声大震的导演比尔·康顿(BillCondon)执导,斯蒂芬·切波斯基(StephenChbosky)执笔剧本。切波斯基是沃森参演的电影《壁花少年》(ThePerksofBeingaWallflower)的导演。

    Bill Condon , of Twilight saga fame , will direct from a script written by Stephen Chbosky , who directed Watson in The Perks of Being a Wallflower , notes The Wrap .

  25. 但是49岁的大妈CathyWard说,要玩就玩大的。她是暮光之城的狂热粉丝,在自己的整个背部纹上了暮光中的人物形象。

    But Cathy Ward , 49 , is such a die-hard fan of the Twilight Saga series of books and movies that she wanted something a bit more special her entire back covered in artwork from the vampire films .

  26. 上周北美票房的最大赢家非吸血鬼大片《暮光之城》的终结篇莫属,然而一部异军突起的印度宝莱坞电影却意外的闯进了榜单的top10。

    The final chapter of the blockbuster Twilight vampire franchise took the biggest bite out of North America 's weekend box office - while a Bollywood film made a rare showing in the top 10 .

  27. 除非你是山顶洞人,否则这则资讯真的称不上“新闻”。罗伯特·帕丁森(RobertPattinson)与克里斯汀·斯图尔特(KristenStewart)凭借《暮光之城》系列为顶峰娱乐公司捞金无数。

    Unless you 've been living under a rock for the past few years , it shouldn 't be any surprise that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have made a ton of money for Summit Entertainment with their " Twilight Saga " films .

  28. 罗伯特·帕丁森和克里斯汀·斯图尔特被亲切地称为RPattz和K.Stew,他们是在《暮光之城》片场开始他们的恋情的,当时斯图尔特扮演的贝拉·斯旺,一个爱上了帕丁森饰演的吸血鬼爱德华·库伦的女孩。

    R.Pattz and K.Stew , as they were affectionately known , began their romance on the set of Twilight , in which Stewart played Bella Swan , a girl in love with Pattinson 's character , Edward Cullen , who happens to be a vampire .

  29. 这位英国演员头发蓬乱,胡渣略显,帅气且性感。上周有报道称,《暮光之城》的三位主演罗伯特·帕丁森、克里斯汀·斯图尔特和泰勒·洛特纳(TaylorLautner)会分别去澳大利亚和日本做宣传。

    The British star , complete with tousled hair and overgrown stubble , looked windswept as he switched from smiley to sultry in the series of snaps.It was reported last week that Pattinson , Stewart and Taylor Lautner would be promoting the movie separately in both Australia and Japan .

  30. 爱这首歌,就像爱“暮光之城”!

    Love this song , and love the movie " Twilight "!