
mù ǎi
  • evening mist
暮霭 [mù ǎi]
  • [evening mist] 黄昏时的云霞与雾气

  • 暮霭沈沈楚天阔。—— 柳永《雨霖铃》

暮霭[mù ǎi]
  1. 欢愉的音波,在金色的暮霭中游泳。我亲身体会过创业成功的艰辛和欢愉;

    The joyous sound wave drifted through the golden evening mist . Throughout my life , I have experienced the joy and satisfaction of success and the pain and frustration of failure .

  2. 暮霭沉沉。

    Dusk [ Evening mist ] is falling .

  3. 晚霞渐渐暗淡,暮霭沉沉,野旷天低。

    The evening clouds grew darker ; the night mist thickened and the vast fields stretched dimly as far as the eye could see .

  4. 透过冬天的暮霭,一切仍然依稀可辩。

    Objects would still be faintly visible in the winter dusk .

  5. 茫茫暮霭中,她看见了一个并非虚幻的人。

    Then in the dusk she caught sight of an actual man .

  6. 早在太阳下山之前,昏暗的暮霭便已飘进这里的河谷中。

    The dusk came gliding into it long before the sun had set .

  7. 暮霭渐渐掩蔽了海洋和丛林。

    Darkness was blacking out both sea and jungle .

  8. 苔丝就在这种暗淡的暮霭中,不慌不忙地向前走去。

    Through this low-lit mistiness Tess walked leisurely along .

  9. 秋日苦短,暮霭正在拢来。

    Twilight was closing on the diminished autumn day .

  10. 他的呼声在暮霭中消失,连回响也没有了。

    His shout died away in the mist , without even awakening an echo .

  11. 在正午的暮霭中相聚又分离,

    In the mist of noon and part -

  12. 狗跳跳蹦蹦地跑回来直到暮霭笼罩的群山发出了回声。

    The dog came bounding back and barked till the evening hills echoed the sound .

  13. 您的两片朱唇,生来就是给晨羲中的江河和暮霭里的湖泊放声歌唱的。

    Your lips are for songs about rivers in the morning and lakes at twilight .

  14. 他在一层无比柔和的暮霭中,有种类似幽灵和黑夜的意味。

    Beneath a veil of incomparable sweetness , he had something about him that suggested death and night .

  15. 就在那儿,在可爱的绿色暮霭中,摩西·赫索格的心象一颗桃子,挂在枝头。

    There , in a lovely dusk of green , the heart of Moses Herzog hangs like a peach .

  16. 这时太阳已经沉到地平线以下,大地边沿那片红霞已褪成了淡粉郄的暮霭。

    The sun was now below the horizon and the red glow at the of the world faded into pink .

  17. 他们看见在树林和树篱的树阴里,有一些小小的蓝色暮霭,而其它地方都是灿烂的阳光。

    They saw tiny blue fogs in the shadows of trees and hedges , all the time that there was bright sunshine elsewhere .

  18. 在苍茫、孤寂的天际,一轮新月一跃升起,像银色的项圈镶嵌在暮霭中的沙滩上。

    A rim of the young moon cleft the pale waste of skyline , the rim of a silver hoop embedded in grey sand .

  19. 对于一颗疲惫的心?当太阳在暮霭中西沉,亲爱的朋友又得奔波。

    Can mean to a tired heart , when the sun goes down with a flaming ray , and the dear friends have to part ?

  20. 我能听到远处车辆往来的声音,还能看到遥远的城市开始在紫色的暮霭中发出光芒。

    I can hear the distant sounds of traffic . I can see the evening city lights beginning to appear in the distant purple haze .

  21. 东苑原本暮霭沉沉,因着她们的到来,倒也添加了不少新鲜娇嫩之气。

    East Yuan the native nightfall haze is deeply , pour to also add many fresh and juvenile and slight spirits deserving to wearing their arrivals .

  22. 回头一望,看到金字塔背衬着紫色的暮霭,猎户星座腰带上的三颗钻石在金字塔正上方闪耀。

    When they looked back they saw the three great pyramids bathed in the purple twilight with the three diamonds of Orion 's belt glowing directly above .

  23. 停下来,停下来,等匆忙的日脚跑进黄昏的暮霭;在那时共同祈祷着,在回家的路上徘徊。

    Stay , stay , Until the hasting day Has run But to the even-song And , having prayed together , we Will go with you along .

  24. 那天有一种青色的暮霭弥漫着沼泽和四野,连翻滚的波浪也涂着青青的光。

    On that day the swamp and the wilds surrounding it were wrapped in a bluish mist ; even the rolling waves were touched with an azure light .

  25. 只见她那闪烁发亮的眼镜、皮带扣、袜子和运动鞋在暮霭中晃动。

    Finally all I could see moving in the darkness were her glasses , a glint of them , the clasp of her belt , her socks , her sneakers .

  26. 在逐渐消失的暮霭中她啜着白兰地,从眼镜框上边看着钉在打字手稿上的一封短笺。

    There , in gray light fading , she sipped her brandy , looking over the rim of her glass to the handwritten note clipped on the typed manuscript pages .

  27. 在清早的晨羲里,亮光活跃,黑暗消极;在黄昏的暮霭电,活跃的不断增强的却是黑暗,昏倦沉寂的反而是亮光。

    In the twilight of the morning light seems active , darkness passive ; in the twilight of evening it is the darkness which is active and crescent , and the light which is the drowsy reverse .