
  • 网络Northern Michigan University;NMU
  1. 从北密歇根大学毕业后,舒尔茨在施乐公司做一名销售员。

    he was a Xerox salesman . After graduating from Northern Michigan University , Schultz worked as a salesman for Xerox .

  2. 后来舒尔茨被北密歇根大学录取,并且获得了体育奖学金。1975年,他获得了工商管理学学士学位,由此也成为家里第一位大学生。

    He was awarded an athletic scholarship to Northern Michigan University , and earned a degree in business administration in 1975 , which made him the first person in his family to graduate from college .

  3. 在布鲁尼的结论与此异曲同工——在他的书中,这一点在星巴克首席执行官霍华德o舒尔茨身上获得了充分印证。舒尔茨本人1975年毕业于北密歇根大学,那时他是寝室里唯一的犹太人。

    That 's largely Bruni 's conclusion - and it 's one echoed in his book by accomplished leaders like Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz , a 1975 graduate of Northern Michigan University ( where he was the only Jewish kid in his dorm ) .