
  • 网络Beijing Publishing House
  1. 《今日中国美术》北京出版社出版;

    《 Chinese Art Today 》 Beijing Publishing house ;

  2. 系中国作家协会会员,历任北京作家协会诗歌散文创作委员会主任、北京出版社编审、中国音乐学院特约研究员等职。

    He has been the Director of Poetry and Essay Writing Committee of Beijing Writers Association , senior editor of Beijing Publishing House , and special researcher of China Music Academy .

  3. 伍鸿熙等著,《黎曼几何选讲》,北京大学出版社。

    J.Cheeger , Comparison Theorems in Riemannian Geometry , North-Holland publishing company .

  4. 二○○一年北京作家出版社出版《明月无声》。

    The Bright Moon is Silent was published by Beijing Writer press in2001 .

  5. 希利斯米勒:《解读叙事》,北京大学出版社,2003年版。

    J.hillis miller , reading narrative , beijing : peiking University press , 2003 .

  6. 耿素云,屈婉玲,集合论导引,北京大学出版社,1990。

    Hrbacek and jech : introduction to set theory , Dekker press , 1999 .

  7. 付玉恒(音译)现为北京某出版社的编辑。

    Fu Yuheng is now working at a Beijing-based publishing house as an editor .

  8. 黄璜,理解电子政务-从理论到实践,北京大学出版社,2011年2月。

    Huang Huang , Understanding E-Government : Theory and Practice , Peking University Press , 2011.2 .

  9. 陈志昆在北京外文出版社工作,负责中文书刊在世界各地的发行。

    Chee Kwon worked in the Foreign Press Publishing House and helped distribute Chinese publications worldwide .

  10. 《受教育权入宪研究》,北京大学出版社2003年版,第149页。

    Wen Hui , On Educational Right into the Constitution , Peking University press , 149 ( 2003 ) .

  11. 这些译著在张文定先生的指导下已经由北京大学出版社未名译库出版。

    Their translations were published by the Weiming Translation Library of Peking University Press under the guidance of Zhang Wending .

  12. 北京图书馆出版社已将中国近代重要的图书馆刊编为《近代著名图书馆馆刊荟萃》出版。参考文献4。

    Recently , the Beijing Library Press complied major early for Chinese library journals into A Collection of Major Library Journals in Early Modern China . 4 refs .

  13. 通览北京大学出版社出版的学术史丛书,可以帮助我们加深对学术史的界定和阐释、学术史研究的主要领域和内容、学术史的研究方法等重要问题的探讨和把握。

    A thorough reading of A Collection of Academic History published by Beijing University Press will help us further understand definition and explanation of academic history . It will also help us explore key issues of major research areas in academic history and study research methods of academic history .

  14. 胡非。湍流、间歇性与大气边界层。北京:科学出版社,1995

    HU Fei . Turbulence , Intermittency and Atmospheric Boundary Layer ( in Chinese ) . Beijing : Science Press , 1995 .

  15. 《蒋焕油画精品集》北京工艺美术出版社;

    《 Oil Painting Monograph of Together We Go2004 》 Beijing Industrial art Publishing house ;

  16. 童玉明等.1994。中国成煤大地构造。北京:科学出版社。

    Tong Yuming et al.1994.Tectonics of Coal-formed , China . Beijing : Science Press ( in Chinese ) .

  17. 出版占有率前三位分别为北京体育大学出版社、人民体育出版社和高等教育出版社。

    Top three quantity of published papers are Beijing Sports University Press , Physical Education Press and Higher Education Press .

  18. 李云峰。黄土渗透性与孔隙性研究。北京:地质出版社,1994。

    Li Yunfeng . A study on penetrability and porosity of loess . Beijing : Geological Publishing House , 1994 .

  19. 袁学诚主编.1996。中国地球物理图籍。北京:地质出版社。

    Yuan Xuecheng ( ed. ) . 1996.Atlas of Geophysics , China . Beijing : Geological Publishing House ( in Chinese ) .

  20. 邓涛,薛祥煦,1999。中国的真马化石及其生活环境。北京:海洋出版社。1-158。

    Deng T , Xue X X , 1999.Chinese Fossil Horses of Equus and Their Environment . Beijing : China Ocean Press.1-158 .

  21. 国家测绘局科学研究所地名研究室,1983.中国地名录-中华人民共和国地图集地名索引。北京:地图出版社。

    Toponym group of national topographical bureau , 1983.toponym collections of china-toponym indexes of China maps of prc . beijing : map press .

  22. 武一生主编的《吕梁地区中阳民俗剪纸》一书于1990年由北京美术摄影出版社出版发行。

    Edited by Wu 's life ," Lu Liang Yang folk paper-cut areas ," a book in1990 by the Beijing Art Photography Publishing House .

  23. 孙岩,韩克从.1985.断裂构造岩带的划分[M].北京:科学出版社。

    SUN Yan , HAN Ke-cong. 1985 . Division of Tectonites in Fault Zone [ M ] . Science Press , Beijing ( in Chinese ) .

  24. 2002年6月,北京体育大学出版社《体育人类学》的问世给予中国体育理论界许多期待。

    In June 2002 , the publication of " Sport Anthropology " of Beijing Sport University Publishing House gives many expectation to the Chinese sport theory field .

  25. 这部诗集由北京湛庐文化出版社于5月19日出版,该出版社声称这本书是人类历史上由人工智能创作的第一本书。

    The poems were published on May 19 by Beijing-based Cheers Publishing , which claimed that the book is the first one written by an AI in human history .

  26. 戴金星,宋岩,戴春森,陈安福,孙明良.1995.中国东部无机成因气及其形成条件。北京:科学出版社。

    Dai jinxing , song yan , Dai chunsen , Chen Anfu and sun mingliang.1995.the origin of inorganic gas and formation conditions of the pools . beijing : science press .

  27. 中国科学院海洋研究所海洋地质研究室.1985.渤海地质[M].北京:科学出版社。

    Department of Marine Geology , Institute of Oceanology , Academia Sinica . 1985 . Geology of the Bohai Sea [ M ] . Science Press , Beijing ( in Chinese ) .

  28. 张湘炳,隋静霞,李志纯,刘伟,杨新岳,刘顺生,黄怀勇.1996.额尔齐斯构造带构造演化与成矿系列。北京:科学出版社。

    Zhang xiangbing , Sui jingxia , Li zhichun , Liu wei , Yang xinyue , Liu Shunsheng and Huang huaiyong.1996.tectonic evolution and mineralization series in the Erqisi tectonic zone . beijing : science press .

  29. 据案卷材料显示,包括外语教学与研究出版社、北京师范大学出版社在内的多家出版社为纳入“政府批准教辅,教材”向何行贿。

    Court documents viewed by Caixin show that a number of publishing houses , including Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press and the Beijing Normal University Press paid He to have their publications included in a government-approved catalogue .

  30. 据新华社报道,另一家主要的教材出版商北京师范大学出版社表示,明年将推出更加重视古典诗词学习的新版小学语文教材。

    Starting next year , the Beijing Normal University Publishing Group , another major textbook publisher , has said it will introduce new Chinese language and literature textbooks for elementary school pupils with more attention to classical poetry , Xinhua reported .