
  1. 第三章分析了中国参与北极航道开发的必要性。

    The third chapter analyzes the necessity for China to participate the development of the Arctic Passage .

  2. 俄罗斯不仅是中国的近邻,更是北极航道开发中的大国。

    Russia is not only the neighbor of China , but the great power in developing the Arctic Passage .

  3. 中国想要开发利用北极航道,就要积极同北极国家进行合作。

    It is necessary to cooperate with the Arctic countries actively , if China wants to exploit the Arctic Passage .

  4. 阿基莫夫表示,北极航道的建设将是未来中俄合作的一个重点。

    Akimov says in the future , construction involving the Arctic Waterways can be a focus for China and Russia to cooperate .

  5. 海冰状况是影响北极航道开通和船舶安全航行的主要因素之一,是船舶在北极航道安全航行的基本保证,对船舶驾驶员来说,随时了解沿途的冰况信息就显得非常重要。

    Sea ice in the Arctic is one of the main factors that influence the safe voyage and the opening of the Arctic Route .

  6. 然而俄罗斯并不能将中国完全排除在北极航道的开发活动之外,在未来的发展中,两国仍然存在合作的可能性。

    Yet China can not be excluded from the Arctic Passage development , and there is still possibility of the cooperation between China and Russian .

  7. 中国想要参与到俄罗斯北极航道的开发活动中,面临着包括俄罗斯在北极的军事存在、经济控制以及技术优势等多方面的障碍。

    When China participate in the development of the Arctic Passage , it will face many obstacles including military restrict , economic barrier and technical shortage .

  8. 但是目前而言两国直接在北极航道的开发利用上开展合作存在很大的障碍和难点。

    At present , there are a lot of obstacles and difficulties about the direct cooperation on the development and utilization of the Arctic Passage between the two countries .

  9. 首先就北极航道的所有权来说,北极地区国家之间存在着很大的争端。这涉及到国际法上关于公海、领海和专属经济区的法律规定。

    There is a considerable dispute between the countries of the Arctic about the ownership of the Arctic Passage , which related to the legal provisions of international law on the high seas , territorial waters and exclusive economic zones .

  10. 北冰洋是欧、亚、北美三大洲的顶点,北极航道是欧洲、北美洲与东亚地区海上运输的捷径,方便的通航、资源开发和战略地位将使北极航道成为国际海运航道的一个主要部分。

    The Arctic Route is the shortcut throughout Europe , North America and East Asia when go in for maritime transport . Easy navigation , resource development and strategic position will make the Arctic Route become a major part of the international shipping course .

  11. 气候变暖和冰盖融化每年都在延长北极航道的开放期,由此创造了一扇长达三至四个月的时间窗口&在这段时间,传统船舶也能够畅行于北极圈的冰流和冰山之间。

    A warming climate and melting ice sheets are opening up Arctic sea lanes for longer and longer periods each year , creating a three - to four-month window in which conventional ships can operate amid the ice flows and icebergs above the Arctic circle .

  12. 其次北极航道的军事地位也不断发生着改变,从二战的军事合作到冷战的军备竞赛,目前北极航道仍然是北极大国核潜艇活动的主要场所。

    Then the military status of the Arctic Passage has changed from military cooperation of the World War ⅱ to the arms race of the Cold War . Now the Arctic Passage is still the main place of the nuclear submarine of the Arctic states .

  13. 北极西北航道指的是西起美国阿拉斯加北部的波弗特海,向东经过加拿大北极群岛水域到达东部的戴维斯海峡和巴芬湾,最终连接太平洋和大西洋的航道。

    The Arctic Northwest Passage stretches from Beaufort sea at the north of Alaska in America in the west to the Davis Strait and Baffin Bay in the east across the Canadian Arctic archipelago waters and it finally connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans .

  14. 除此之外俄罗斯经济的恢复也越来越倚重北极地区及北极航道,中国目前的技术水平也很难吸引俄罗斯在北极航道的开发中与中国进行合作。

    In addition to the recovery of the Russian economy is increasingly relying on the Arctic and the Passage . Then the technology of China has little attraction to Russia .

  15. 北极的资源、航道以及军事地位都成了各国注目的焦点,环北极各国纷纷依据《联合国海洋法公约》中对海洋权利的概括性规定开始了北极海域的圈地运动。

    Arctic resources , routes , and military status have become the focus of world attention , based on United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea , circumpolar countries began the " enclosure movement " in Arctic region .

  16. 但是作为北极国家的俄罗斯制定了全面的北极战略,在北极航道的开发利用上也一直采取严格的控制措施。

    While , as the Arctic country , Russia has developed a comprehensive Arctic strategy , and has been to take strict control measures in the development and utilization of the Arctic Passage .

  17. 中国虽然是非北极国家,但是在未来的发展中同样深受北极地区影响,特别是即将开通的北极航道战略意义的影响。

    Although China is not the Arctic country , it has been influenced by the Arctic affairs , especially the Arctic Passage .

  18. 在全球变暖的大背景下,北极海域气温近年来也出现了明显升高现象,北极地区丰富的自然资源以及有着重要经济意义和战略价值的北极航道逐渐成为各国关注的焦点。

    With the acceleration of the global warming , the temperature of the Arctic has increased sharply . The abundant natural resources in the Arctic and the Arctic Passage that has economic importance and strategic value are taking the attention of the Arctic region and the world .