
  1. 王世贞书法观研究

    A Study on Wang Shizhen 's Thought of Chinese Calligraphy Critique

  2. 论王世贞笔下平民商人的崇官意识

    Discussion on the bureaucracy-oriented consciousness of merchant in biography written by Wang Shizhen

  3. 王世贞明史研究之成就与特点

    On Wang Shizhen 's Studies of Ming Dynasty

  4. 王世贞与性灵文学思想

    Wang Shizhen and the Personality Literature Thoughts

  5. 王世贞的史学思想

    Wang Shizhen 's Thought of Historical Studies

  6. 晚明著名文学家王世贞同时也是一位颇具影响的史学家。

    In the latter Ming dynasty renowned writer Wang Shi-zhen simultaneously is a influenced historian .

  7. 王世贞是明代中后期具有重要影响的文学家。

    Wang shi-zhen was an influential writer in the middle period of the Ming Dynasty .

  8. 论王世贞的史学理论

    Achievements of Wang Shizhen 's historiography

  9. 王世贞与张居正是十六世纪最为重要的两位士大夫代表。

    Wang Shizhen and Zhang Juzheng have been regarded as two most important representatives of scholar-officials in the sixteenth century .

  10. 王世贞笔下平民商人及其子弟或通过科举考试、经济手段谋取官位;

    Merchants and their children in biography written by Wang Shizhen or figure for official position by imperial examinations and economic means ;

  11. 因为:1。胡应麟和王世贞的交往实以王世贞对胡氏才学的赏识为前提;

    The reasons are : 1 / The contact between Hu and Wang Shizhen was coming from the appreciation of Wang for Hu ;

  12. 王世贞的书法观具有重要的历史价值,对当代书坛尤多启迪。

    Wang 's theory of Chinese calligraphy critique is historically valuable to enrich our approaches to the contemporary Chinese calligraphy theoretically and practically .

  13. 论王世贞商人传记中的商妇形象&兼论王世贞的妇女观

    On the Images of the Merchants ' Wives in Wang Shi-zhen 's Biography of Merchants & Comment also on Wang Shi-zhen 's Viewpoint on Women

  14. 主要阐述明代《史记》学研究现状、王世贞的研究现状以及研究方法与解决难点。

    It mainly talks about the previous studies of The Historical Records learning in the Ming Dynasty and that of Wang Shizhen , as well as the study methods and difficulties .

  15. 汪道昆《太函集》中曾提到王世贞与汪道昆等人有“白榆之约”,同修“西园故事”。

    In TaiHan Collection by Wang Daokun , he mentioned the appointment of white elm with Wang Shizhen and himself and some others , the enjoyment of the tales of west garden .

  16. 第四章探讨王世贞品评书法作品时采用的标准,以了解王世贞心目中的好作品须具有什么条件。

    The fourth chapter chapter the discussion evaluation criteria , that is Wang Shizhen appraises when the calligraphy work uses , thus we knew that the outstanding works should have any characteristic .

  17. 第三章《学古与创新》从题材选择、人物塑造、情感表达、语言风格四个方面分析王世贞商人传记的文学价值。

    Chapter 3 is " Studying Classical Prose and Creation ", analyzing the literary value of Wang shi-zhen merchant biographies from four aspects : choosing themes , creating images expressing emotion and using language .

  18. 而面对明中叶新思潮的挑战,王世贞吸收作家才思真情自我个性等方面的内涵,突破固有的理论局限;

    While facing the new current of thoughts challenge in the middle of Ming , Wang Shizhen absorbed the content of writers ' talent and true feeling about self-characteristics , also broke the inherent theoretical limitation .

  19. 本文以王世贞的文学思想和文学成就为主要研究对象,兼及与王世贞的文学活动产生密切联系的政治、史学和宗教等相关领域,选择一些重要的论题进行论述。

    This dissertation is mainly concerned with Wang Shizhen 's literary ideology and literary achievements , and with some relevant fields as well like politics , historiography and religion which are closely related to Wang Shizhen 's literary activities ;

  20. 考察王世贞建构书法典范的过程,以了解他何以会选择特定时期与特定书家的书迹作为楷模,这是书法历史的建构部分。

    Inspects Wang Shizhen how to set up the calligraphy model , from this we may know why he will choose the specific time and the specific calligraphy work as the model , this will be the calligraphy history construction part .

  21. 王世贞是明代《史记》学大家之一,独领明中后期文坛二十年,也是复古派后期的领袖。

    Wang Shizhen is one of the important figures in The Historical Records learning . He has dominated the middle and latter periods of the literary circles in Ming Dynasty for two decades , and is also the leader of the Retro Faction during its later period .