
  • 网络interrupt response;interrupt respond;IRQ
  1. MCS-51系统外部中断响应频率的测试与研究

    The Measure and Research of MCS-51 System 's External Interrupt Response Frequency

  2. MCS-51系统中断响应延迟对中断控制的影响与制约

    The Effect and Limit of MCS-51 System Interrupt Response Delay for Interrupt Control

  3. 例如,使用快速的现代处理器时,Linux可以提供20μ微秒的典型中断响应,但有时候响应会变得很长。

    For example , using a fast modern processor , Linux can provide a typical interrupt response of20 μ s , but occasionally the response can be much longer .

  4. 也介绍了实际应用过程中,在系统处理中断响应及DSP控制程序编写上需要注意的一些问题。

    How did the system deal with the require of interrupt and some questions which may occur during the control program was organized were also introduced , in actual applications .

  5. 然后,完成了键盘控制器的驱动开发,包括硬件的初始化,中断响应和键盘控制器与GUI设备抽象层接口的工作。

    And then , I developed driver for keypad , the work include hardware initialize , interrupt response and connecting the keypad device to GUI device level .

  6. 分别使用6MHz和12MHz晶振频率,测试MCS-51系统的外部中断响应频率。

    Using 6 MHz or 12 MHz quartz oscillator respectively , to measure the external interrupts response frequency of mcs-51 system .

  7. 通过Visualc++的多线程程序设计技术解决人机交互需要随时响应、数据处理计算时间长和中断响应必须实时响应三者之间的矛盾。

    Through multi-thread procedure designing technique of Visual C + + , we solve the contradiction between the three of that human-computer interaction needs responding at any time , data calculating is chronic , interrupt must respond in real time .

  8. 针对操作系统的实时性,以NUCLEUSPLUS嵌入式实时操作系统为研究对象,分析其内核的实时机制及上下文切换时间、中断响应时间这两个重要的实时性指标。

    This paper researches Nucleus Plus embedded operation system aiming at its real-time performance . It analysis its kernel of real-time mechanism and the two important criteria : contexts switch timing and interrupt answer timing .

  9. 在特定平台上对Linux的实时性重要指标:中断响应和上下文切换开销加以测试并分析,为Linux嵌入式中的实时应用提供了依据。

    The interrupt latency and context switch latency of Linux were measured and analysed to manifest the real-time performance of Linux in special platform , providing the datum when Linux was used as embedded operation system .

  10. Linux中断响应与Linux内核机制和内存管理机制紧密相关,而Linux上下文切换开销与Linux进程空间和硬件平台情况紧密相关。

    Experiment results show that the interrupt latency of Linux is influenced by kernel mechanism and memory management mechanism , and the context switch latency of Linux is influenced by process space of Linux and hardware .

  11. INTC具有中断响应快,中断处理方案多样的优点,适用于中断延迟要求较高的实时嵌入式系统。

    It has the merits of fast interrupt response and diverse interrupt processing schemes , is applied to the real-time embedded system with high request of interrupt delay-time .

  12. 在Windows核心层进行实时控制包括实时硬件访问和实时网络通讯两个方面,通过采用设备驱动程序开发包(DDK)设计核心模式驱动程序的技术途径解决了实时硬件中断响应和直接硬件访问的难题;

    There are two issues in the Windows kernel real-time control : real-time hardware access and real-time network communication . Through designing kernel mode driver by Device Driver Kit ( DDK ), the problem of interrupt respond and hardware access has been resolved .

  13. 实现PCI9054与计算机PCI总线的接口,包括总线仲裁,寄存器读写操作,EEPROM的配置和下载,DMA传输,中断响应等功能。

    Realize the interface between PCI9054 and the PCI bus , including the bus arbitration , read and write of the registers , the configuration of the EEPROM , the DMA transfer , interrupt response and so on .

  14. 最高可测试的外部中断响应频率大约是65kHz。

    The maximum measurable external interrupt response frequency is about 65 kHz .

  15. 软件系统有控制主程序、各种中断响应程序和各功能子程序。

    Software includes control main program , some interrupt programs , and functioning subprograms .

  16. 针对现有的实时系统内核中,由于关中断而带来的中断响应时间较长的问题,提出了利用中断延时队列来提高系统中断响应的方法。

    The author proposed a method using the interrupt-delay-queue to reduce the interrupt response time .

  17. 以中断响应方式实现电梯门的正常开关控制;

    The exact control of elevator door is realized in the way of interrupt response .

  18. 指出了微机型仪表设计中容易忽视的单片机中断响应时间对测量精度的影响。

    The influence of interrupting time of SCM upon measuring accuracy is pointed out , which is often ignored in designing instruments with SCM .

  19. 由于系统通过中断响应外部事件,使得硬件中断处理成为实时系统设计中的关键问题。

    Hardware interrupt handling is one of key significance in real-time systems , because it is usually through interrupts that the system is informed of external events .

  20. 目前的操作系统通常支持同步处理I/O请求,但因此产生的进程的阻塞和中断响应处理将对服务器处理I/O请求的效率产生负面影响。

    Presently , most operation systems supply synchronous method to implement I / O requests , but in this case blocked processes and handling interrupts produce negative performance .

  21. 这种扩展方法具有接口电路简单,软件实现容易,不耗费单片机内部资源,中断响应快的特点。

    This method of extending is of such characteristics as simple connection of circuits , easy design of software and consumption of no inner resources of the computer and fast response to interruption .

  22. 其中,主体电路设计部分包括了系统启动与复位、内存分配与管理、中断响应与处理、外部总线接口、时钟与电源管理、系统开发与调试功能等内容;

    The design of main circuit includes system startup and reset , memory assignment and management , interrupt response and management , external bus interface , clock and power control , system development and debugging function .

  23. 采用优化方案之后不降低处理器频率,中断响应速度是原来的3.5倍,中断返回速度是原来的2.6倍。

    The result shows the optimization can improve the speed of interrupt response by 3.5 times and the speed of return from interrupt by 2.6 times in the case of not reducing the frequency of processor .

  24. 实时性能测试部分,对Linux2.4内核、Linux2.6内核和改进系统在中断响应时间、上下文切换时间这两个实时陛关键指标上进行了对比测试。

    In the part of real-time capability testing , Linux 2.4 kernel , Linux 2.6 kernel and the improved system are compared on interrupt response time and context-switching time which are two key criterions of real-time testing .

  25. 为了实现流水线中的精确中断响应,本文采用了一种基于操作数指数和操作类型的浮点异常预测的方法,根据预测结果决定流水线的发射策略。

    Aiming at the precise interruption response in floating-point pipelining , we utilize a precise interruption prediction method based on the exponents of operands and the types of operations , by whose predicted results the issue strategy can be determined .

  26. 该方法消除了操作系统内核级操作对中断响应时间的影响,从而使得中断响应时间仅由处理器硬件决定,和以往的技术相比,具有较高的研究价值。

    This method eliminated the influence on the interrupt response time when operating systems have to keep out the probability that interrupt modify the key data simultaneously with the kernel services . Compared with previous technology , this method is much valuable .

  27. 有些方法,例如Thread.sleep(),很认真地对待这样的请求,但每个方法不是一定要对中断作出响应。

    Some methods , like Thread . sleep (), take this request seriously , but methods are not required to pay attention to interruption .

  28. 分析了单片机定时器溢出中断与CPU响应中断的时间误差,并给出了补偿误差的方法和实例

    This paper analyses the time error between timer overflowing interrupt and CPU responding interrupt , states method and instance of compensating error

  29. 用VB编程软件设计&仿真单片机8051中断系统的响应过程,采用动态教学方法,实验演示和动手相结合,使教学变得活灵活现,栩栩如生。

    With VB programming software to emulate 8051 single-chip computer 's responding process in the integrated system , dynamic teaching approaches and demonstrated are combined to render teaching process vigorous and lively .

  30. 仅仅因为一个任务是可取消的,并不意味着需要立即对中断请求作出响应。

    Just because a task is cancelable does not mean it needs to respond to an interrupt request immediately .