
  • 网络china watch;China Watching;China view;China Perspectives
  1. 中国观察人士表示,这份令人不快的声明听上去像是在呼应美国国务卿希拉里克林顿(hillaryclinton)去年的言论,当时她将南海稳定界定为美国的国家利益。

    Chinese observers said the statement sounded like an unwelcome echo of remarks by Hillary Clinton , US Secretary of state , last year in which she called stability in the South China Sea a national interest of the US .

  2. 这样的反应令中国观察人士感到惊讶。

    Such a heated reaction has taken Chinese observers aback .

  3. 这些爆料如果属实,对于中国观察人士将不是什么意外。

    The revelations , if true , would be little surprise to China observers .

  4. 邓:中国观察国家关系问题不是看社会制度。

    Deng : China does not regard social systems as a criterion in its approach to problems .

  5. 中国观察人士认为,中国将于近期加息是理所当然之事&很可能未来几天内就会有一次加息。

    China-watchers are taking for granted an early interest rate hike , with one probably coming in the next few days .

  6. 第二个担忧是坏账。对于这点,我仍比其他一些中国观察人士要更为乐观。

    A second concern is bad debts . Again , I am less worried about these than are some other China watchers .

  7. 这一数据深深根植在了中国观察人士的脑海中,尽管它只是来自一句粗略的陈述。

    That number has become lodged in the consciousness of China watchers , even though it was just derived from a broad-brush statement .

  8. 但中国观察人士表示,其他国会议员近期内不太可能支持与中国对峙至少是在夏季休会前。

    Yet China-watchers say the rest of Congress is unlikely to support confrontation in the short term , at least before the summer recess .

  9. 此前就有些中国观察人士怀疑,中国持有的美国国债数额被报少了。这次数据修改也证实了他们的怀疑。

    The revision appears to confirm the suspicions of some China watchers that the biggest U.S.creditor 's government-bond stake was being lowballed in the official data .

  10. 根据研究机构“中国互联网观察”(ChinaInternetWatch),今年中国零售电商市场预计将达到9110亿美元,2018年或将达到1.57万亿美元。

    The retail e-commerce market is projected to reach to $ 911bn this year and could reach $ 1.57tn in 2018 , according to China Internet Watch , a research group .

  11. 此前,人权组织“中国劳工观察”(ChinaLaborWatch,简称CLW)公布了一份报告,报告援引了对新洋电子工厂的5名14岁、15岁工人的采访内容。

    This followed a report from the rights group China Labor Watch citing interviews with five 14-year-olds and 15-year-olds working at the plant .

  12. 总部位于纽约的“中国劳工观察”(ChinaLaborWatch)获得的一份通知显示,裕元表示,两家工厂的合并将只影响文秘和后勤人员,不会影响组装线上的工人。

    In a notice obtained by China Labor Watch , a New York-based group , Yue Yuen said the merger of the two plants would affect only clerical and logistics staff , and not assembly-line personnel .

  13. 三星是全球销售额最高的科技公司。工作条件近年成为三星的薄弱环节,非营利机构中国劳工观察(ChinaLaborWatch)对它的中国供应链提出一系列颇具杀伤力的指责。

    Working conditions have become a vulnerable point for the group , the world 's largest technology company by sales , as it has been hit by a series of damaging allegations about its Chinese supply chain from the non-profit group China Labor Watch .

  14. 中国劳工观察还指控,另一家供应商海格国利电子(heg)频繁雇佣童工,但三星表示,没有发现任何雇佣童工的证据。

    CLW also alleged repeated use of child labour at HEG , another supplier , but Samsung says it has found no evidence of this .

  15. FCP中国半岛观察司认为,整体下滑,在住房价格在今年下半年房地产市场将成为一个受欢迎的特性,关注的问题。

    FCP China Peninsula to observe the division believes that an overall decline in housing prices in the second half the real estate market will become a popular feature of concern .

  16. 中国劳工观察(CLW)本周表示,一家所产产品包括iPhone5C的和硕工厂最近有“数名工人”死亡,其中一名工人是15岁的施招鲲。中国劳工观察称,施招鲲在10月9日因肺炎死于上海一家医院。

    China Labor Watch said this week that " several workers " in a factory making products including iPhone 5Cs had died recently . Among the dead was a 15-year-old named Shi Zhaokun , who CLW said died of pneumonia at a Shanghai hospital on October 9 .

  17. 而且这确实令一些中国的观察者感到惊讶。

    And it certainly surprises some China-watchers .

  18. 但中国不少观察人士相信,北京方面不愿封堵谷歌,因为这可能损害中国的形象。

    But many observers in China believe Beijing is reluctant to block Google because it could harm China 's image .

  19. 中国劳工观察指控三星供应商新洋电子,而三星公司则表示会就此展开调查。

    The company says it 's viewing allegations made by the group China Labour Watch involving Samsung 's supplier Xinyang electronics .

  20. 根据中国劳工观察,三至四千名员工上周五走出了富士康在郑州的工厂。

    Three to four thousand employees walked out of Foxconn 's Zhengzhou factory on Friday , according to China Labor Watch .

  21. 中国劳工观察表示,跨国企业应向供应商支付一个合理的价格来购买其产品,以确保工人得到适当的报酬和待遇。

    China Labor Watch said multinationals should pay suppliers a reasonable price for their products to ensure that workers are paid and treated properly .

  22. 中国劳工观察出版了一本去年对富士康工作条件的详细调查,报告显示该公司未能解决之前被提出的问题。

    CLW published a detailed investigation into working conditions at Foxconn last year but claims the company failed to address the issues it raised .

  23. 中国劳工观察在经过早期的秘密调查后,曾于2013年4月私下里向苹果提出了对宿迁工厂条件的担忧。

    China Labor Watch privately raised concerns about conditions at the Suqian plant with Apple in April 2013 , after an earlier undercover investigation .

  24. 根据中国劳工观察,富士康“现场质量控制线”上工作的大部分员工都参加了罢工。

    The majority of Foxconn employees taking part in the strike worked on the " onsite quality control line , " according to China Labor Watch .

  25. 据总部位于纽约的中国劳工观察表示,在某些情况下,该供应商让这些童工每天工作11个小时。

    According to New York based China Labour Watch , in some cases , the supplier placed children on shifts of up to 11 hours a day .

  26. 感知品牌选择超载对中国消费者观察倾向有重要的直接影响。此结论与以西方消费者为研究对象得出的结论一致。

    Perceived brand choice overload has a significant direct impact on Chinese consumers ' propensity to observe , which conclusions are the same as study of Western consumers . 4 .

  27. 三星此次报告新洋工厂童工事件,是该公司首次承认此类情况。此前,三星对“中国劳工观察”的两次类似指控不予理睬,称其无事实依据。

    Samsung 's report of child workers at the factory was the first such admission by the company , which had previously dismissed two similar allegations by CLW as unsubstantiated .

  28. 然而,海内外的中国经济观察人士目前都在担心,不稳定正以一种最危险的形态逼近中国通货膨胀。

    Yet observers of the Chinese economy , both at home and abroad , now worry that what looms ever closer is instability in its most dangerous guise that of inflation .

  29. 三星表示,在中国劳工观察上周提出这个问题后,三星已经进行了调查,没有找到任何证据,并表示三星执行对童工零容忍的政策。

    Samsung said it had conducted an investigation after CLW raised the issue last week and found no evidence , and that it had a zero tolerance policy on child labour .

  30. 但从2007中国创业观察报告中就已显示:与其它国家及国内其它地区相比,吉林省仍属于创业不活跃区域。

    But the " Report to Chinese Entrepreneurship Observation of 2007 " shows that Jilin province is still an inactive area of entrepreneurship compared with other countries and other places in China .