
  • 网络central station;Jungang;Centrale F.S.
  1. 中央站、分站、现场仪表、控制网络是BA系统的基本组件。

    Now BA System comprises the basic components , here they are : central station , sub-station , spot meters , Control Network .

  2. 综合DACT通过公用交换电话网将系统状况传输到中央站。

    The integral DACT transmits system status to a central station via the public switched telephone network .

  3. 这家设在布莱克霍克的科罗拉多州中央站夜总会没有回复要求其对此事表态的电话。

    The Colorado Central Station Casino in Black Hawk did not return calls seeking comment .

  4. 这是个蓝色的闹钟,在闹钟的中央站着个小王子。

    It is a clock in dark blue , with the Little Prince in the center .

  5. 到了那里,只见菜地中央站着一个人,衣服被炸得支离破碎,满脸漆黑。

    There was one person standing in the middle of the field with his clothes in pieces and his face was all black .

  6. 利用遍布结构的设计,即使有人在中央站进行全局操作管理整个企业,该软件亦能使用户在每个远程位置进行独立操控。

    Using distributed architecture , the software enables users to maintain independent control at each remote location while managing the entire enterprise from a central location .

  7. 房间中央站着一个高个子的穿着深色衣服的男人,表情惊讶,像是正要干什么却被人逮个正着。

    Standing in the middle of her room looking startled as though he were just caught in the act of something was a tall man in a dark suit .

  8. 为监测中尺度短时灾害性天气而研制的自动气象站系统,由自动气象站、中继站和中央站三大部分组成。

    For the purpose of monitoring meso-scale short-range disastrous weather , an automatic weather system is designed , which consists of an automatic weather station , a relay station and a central station .

  9. 第一层为无线探头系统,去除探头电缆对孕产妇的束缚;第二层为监护仪与中央站的多信道无线监护网络,实现孕产妇的移动监护。

    The first layer is wireless monitoring probe system that emancipates the pregnant from probe cables and wires . The second layer is the network between the monitor and center station that realizes the monitoring on the move .

  10. 我的病房就像纽约的中央火车站,整天人来人往。

    My hospital room was like Grand Central Station with everybody coming and going .

  11. 通过对基于中央处理站的雷达组网通信技术需求的分析,提出了一种类似于用户&服务器模式的ATM交换结构。

    By analyzing the requirements for communication of the netted-radar system based on central processing station , it presents an ATM switch architecture similar to the client-server model .

  12. 中央控制站(PC微机)以主从式工作方式实现对128个现场测控单元的监控管理,并通过通信控制器RS232/485转换模块完成网络通信。

    128 field measure-control units are monitored and managed by central control station with master-slave mode , and the network communication is performed by RS-232 to RS-485 communication controller .

  13. 该软件分为基准站部分和中央控制站部分,适合多个连续GPS基准站及中央控制站的自动数据观测、记录、通讯、管理、以及运行状态远程监测和控制等。

    This software includes two parts : the part for base station and the part for central control station . It can be used to control automatically the observing , recording , communicating , data managing , and operation states of the multiple GPS base stations .

  14. 旅程凉爽而快捷,但米兰中央火车站(MilanoCentrale)的闷热、拥挤和混乱,却让我毫无防备。这座宏伟的车站始建于1912年,但由法西斯分子完工和装饰。

    The journey is cool , fast but leaves me totally unprepared for the fuggy heat and crowded chaos of Milano Centrale , a monumentally grand station started in 1912 but finished and decorated by the Fascists .

  15. 上海地铁二号线中央公园站的结构设计

    Structural Design of the Central Park Station on Shanghai Metro Line 2

  16. 柏林中央火车站轨道交通的新平台

    Berlin Central Station A New Platform for Urban Rail Transit

  17. 油田大型中央润滑站监控设备输入系统设计

    The Design of Monitoring Equipment Input System on Oil Field Central Lubrication Station

  18. 他在中央火车站换车。

    He changed trains at central station .

  19. 我钻进了一辆出租车,出发去中央火车站。

    I hopped in a taxi , and we took off for Grand Central Station .

  20. 主要景点大多是在一个中央火车站的距离。

    Most of the major sights are within a reasonable distance of the central railway station .

  21. 纽约中央火车站询问台上方的大圆钟指着五点五十四分。

    Six minutes to six , said the great round clock over the information booth , in Grand Central Station .

  22. 不仅拖延了几十年,而且像中央火车站一样,是以极低的成本建成的。

    It is not only decades overdue , but like the central train station , it was built on the cheap .

  23. 大厅的正中央则站着侏儒和他的仆从,还有四个身着守夜人黑衣的陌生人。

    In the center of the room the dwarf stood with his servants , and four strangers in the black of the Night 's Watch .

  24. 由第七条路交通线上的时代广场到莱克星顿交线上的中央火车站最方便的路就是飞梭地铁。

    The Shuttle is a convenient way to get from Times Square on the Seventh Avenue line to Grand Central on the Lexington Avenue Line .

  25. 介绍了盾构施工方法在上海地铁2号线杨高路至中央公园站地下隧道中的应用。

    The papar introduces that the application of shield construction method into underground tunnel for Shanghai NO. 2 subway from Yanggao Road to the Central park .

  26. 机场也将建造自己的小型中央供热站和动力工厂,这将会为机场提供它自己的热力和电力支持。

    The airport will also build its own mini central heating and power plant which will provide the airport with its own heat and electricity supply .

  27. 正在进行的葬礼是为沙闪克。辛德举行的,他生前是一位高级警察督监,星期三夜晚刚来临的时候他在孟买中央火车站被一名枪手杀害。

    One funeral was for Shashank Shinde , a senior police inspector killed by a gunman at the city 's Central Railway Station early Wednesday night .

  28. 十年之后,腼腆的梦露站在中央地铁站的月台上微笑时,此时她左边的一位男士则目瞪口呆地怀疑地盯着她。

    A decade later , a coy Monroe stands smiling on a Grand Central subway platform as a man to her left stares in bug-eyed disbelief .

  29. 粮情监控系统是由中央控制站、通信控制器、现场测控单元等构成的分布式网络监控系统。

    The monitor-control system for barn management is a distributed network monitor-control system that is made of central control station , communication controller and field measure-control units .

  30. 两座机场都是这两座城市未来成为移民城市的预表,从纽约中央火车站到巴黎火车站大厅。

    Both are part of a vision of a mobile society , one that extends back through Grand Central Terminal to the great train halls of Paris .