
  • Olympic Park;Olympic Green
  1. 中国首都的雄心壮志,在奥林匹克公园(OlympicGreen)身上得到了最清晰的展示。奥林匹克公园内,钢铁缠绕而成的国家体育场鸟巢和气泡构成的国家游泳中心,已经赢得2008奥运会的明星地位。

    Nowhere is the Chinese capital 's ambition on clearer display than on the Olympic Green itself , where the tangled-steel Bird 's Nest national stadium and bubble-formed swimming centre have already won the status of stars of the 2008 Games .

  2. 奥林匹克公园中心区雨洪利用成套技术集成

    Integration of complete techniques for rainwater utilization in Central Area of Olympic Green

  3. 包括主赛场奥林匹克公园(OlympicPark)在内,其他重要设施似乎也都得到了及时交付。

    Other important facilities also seem to have been delivered on time , including the main sports venue , the Olympic Park .

  4. 这里的好学校、与(南向14千米处)悉尼中心商业区相接的便利交通以及附近奥林匹克公园(olympicpark)提供的度假式生活方式吸引了李。

    He was attracted to the excellent schools , reliable transport links to the Sydney Central Business District 14km south , and to the resort lifestyle the adjacent Olympic Park could provide .

  5. 慈善机构惠康基金会(WellcomeTrust)曾提出一个光辉的计划,要把奥林匹克公园变成一个世界一流的生命科学和先进技术中心。

    The charitable Wellcome Trust came up with a glorious plan to turn the Olympic Park into a world-class centre for the life sciences and advanced technology .

  6. TPV卷材在奥林匹克公园曲棍球场及射箭场渗漏治理工程中的应用

    Application of TPV membrane in leak treatment for Hockey Field and Archery Field of Olympic Park , Beijing

  7. 2014年,亚特兰大有好几场剪彩活动,但最重要的盛事是5月开馆的国家民权与人权中心博物馆(NationalCenterforCivilandHumanRights),它临近百年奥林匹克公园(CentennialOlympicPark)与佐治亚水族馆(GeorgiaAquarium)。

    Atlanta plans several ribbon cuttings in 2014 , but the main event is the National Center for Civil and Human Rights , scheduled to open in May next to the Centennial Olympic Park and the Georgia Aquarium downtown .

  8. 麦当劳今年1月将已执行36年的赞助协议延长了8年。麦当劳在伦敦奥林匹克公园(OlympicPark)有4家餐厅,其中包括它在全球最大的一家,能容纳1500名顾客。

    McDonald 's - whose four restaurants in London 's Olympic Park include its biggest in the world , which can seat 1500 customers - extended its 36-year backing of the Games in January by signing up as sponsor for another eight years .

  9. 今年,该集团在奥林匹克公园边上matchmakerswharf小区的118套公寓中,有70套出售给香港、新加坡和马来西亚的买家。

    This year , the group sold 70 out of 118 apartments in its matchmakers wharf development , which flanks the Olympic Park , to buyers in Hong Kong , Singapore and Malaysia .

  10. 因奥林匹克公园内的冷清气氛而受到诘问的北京奥组委(bocog)表示,计划允许更多的人进入公园,但没有给出任何细节。

    Quizzed about the subdued atmosphere within the park , the Beijing Organising Committee BOCOG has said it plans to allow more people to reach the area , but has given no details .

  11. 这些项目造价数十亿美元,包括一条新的地铁线路及若干快速公交路线,把位于巴拉·达蒂茹卡(BarradaTijuca)的奥林匹克公园和里约的其他地方连接在一起,届时,这里预计迎来超过50万的游客。

    Costing several billion dollars , those projects include a new subway line and express bus lanes that connect the Olympic Park in Barra da Tijuca to the rest of the city , which is expected to swell with more than half a million visitors .

  12. 北京奥林匹克公园建筑设计的审美特色

    On the aesthetical styles of Beijing Olympics Park 's architectural design

  13. 奥林匹克公园将是人们最大的休闲场所。

    Olympic Park will be the largest leisure place for people .

  14. 莱比锡2012奥林匹克公园,莱比锡,德国

    Leipzig Olympic Park , 2012 , leipzig , germany , 2002

  15. 聚丙烯纤维在奥林匹克公园中心车库工程中的应用

    Application of polypropylene fiber in center carport of Olympic Garden Project

  16. 一个美丽的奥林匹克公园正处在计划阶段。

    A beautiful Olympic Park is in the planning stage .

  17. 北京奥林匹克公园中心区下沉花园雨水泵站设计

    Pumping station design of Beijing Olympic Common Domain underground park

  18. 北京奥林匹克公园公交规划方法研究

    The Public Traffic Planning Methods of Beijing Olympic Green Research

  19. 北京奥林匹克公园网球中心赛场悬挑钢屋盖结构风振响应分析

    Wind-induced responses of cantilevered steel roof of Olympic Park Tennis Center Stadium

  20. 钢渣回填技术在奥林匹克公园中心区地下车库工程中的应用

    Application of steel slag refilling technique center carport of Olympic Garden Project

  21. 爸爸:奥林匹克公园里有一个小的森林。

    Dad : the Olympic Park has a small forest .

  22. 融入城市肌理的奥运舞台&对北京奥林匹克公园规划的思考与探讨

    Consideration and Discussion of the Planning of Beijing Olympic Park

  23. 北京奥林匹克公园后奥运时期发展旅游的新契机

    The Post-Olympic Development of Tourism in the Beijing Olympic Park

  24. 经过一番努力,有些人将终于能够进入奥林匹克公园。

    Some folk will manage to reach the Olympic park .

  25. 奥林匹克公园规划把该公园定位为北京新的城市活动中心。

    The Olympic Park is set as a new center of urban activities .

  26. 他在奥林匹克公园义务捡垃圾长达三个月。

    For three months he collected litter around Beijing and the Olympic Park .

  27. 北京奥林匹克公园奥运村D区地下防水施工技术

    Underground waterproofing technique of section D of Olympic Village in Beijing Olympic Park

  28. 北京市奥林匹克公园岩溶塌陷危险性评价

    The Danger Assessment of Karst Subside about the Olympic Park Area in Beijing

  29. 截至昨日,奥林匹克公园仍在建设当中。

    As of yesterday , construction was still going on in Olympic park .

  30. 设计显现地方精神:奥林匹克公园龙之谷方案景观构思

    Visualizing the Genius Loci : The Dragon Valley Scheme of Olympic Green Design