
  • Blue Mountains;Blue Hill;Blue Ridge
  1. 有一次Mila和Oa曾在悉尼边上蓝山附近的一个咖啡馆,吃一顿可爱的午餐。

    Mila and Oa were having a lovely lunch at a cafe in the Blue Mountains outside of Sydney .

  2. 开角型青光眼与心血管病死亡率的蓝山眼科研究

    Open-Angle Glaucoma and Cardiovascular Mortality . The Blue Mountains Eye Study

  3. 包括蓝山基金(BlueMountainCapital)和LucidusCapital在内的很多基金都是由摩根大通前交易员经营的。

    A number of the funds , including bluemountain capital and lucidus capital , are run by traders who formerly worked at JPMorgan .

  4. 皮特咖啡(Peet’sCoffee)正在以45美元的价格,出售半磅装的牙买加蓝山咖啡(JamaicaBlueMountain),第一批是上周三烘烤的,第二批定于这周烘烤。

    Peet 's Coffee is selling a half-pound bag of scarce Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee , one batch roasted on Wednesday and the second scheduled for roasting next week , for $ 45 .

  5. 蓝山首席运营官塞缪尔科尔(samuelcole)指责银行的行为就像“寡头”,他表示,他们没有与客户真诚合作,寻找各种清算选择。

    Samuel Cole , chief operating officer , accused the banks of acting like an " oligopoly " and said that they were not working in good faith with their customers to develop choice in clearing .

  6. 该矿田是郴州&蓝山北东向W-Sn-Pb-Zn成矿代的重要组成部分。

    It is a part of the Chenzhou-Lanshan NE-trending W-Sn-Pb-Zn mineralization belt .

  7. 蓝山是澳大利亚著名的旅游胜地之一。

    It is one of the famous tourist resorts in Australia .

  8. 湖南蓝山森林公园兰科植物多样性及保护

    Diversity and conservation of orchid plants in Hunan Lanshan Forest Park

  9. 从悉尼向西驾车约两个小时就是蓝山。

    The Blue Mountains are two hours ' drive west of Sydney .

  10. 万科·蓝山,广州,中国

    Vanko · blue mountain , guangzhou , china , 2005

  11. 我将和你妈妈去蓝山徒步旅行。

    I 'm going hiking in the blue mountains with your mother .

  12. 蓝山蜜梨害虫生态调控及无公害配套生产技术研究化学剂用来控制害虫。

    Ecological Control of Pear Insect Pests and Non-pollution Production Technology in Lanshan Country ;

  13. 红褐色斑点布满蓝山。

    A red fox stain covers Blue Hill .

  14. 一杯加奶加糖的蓝山咖啡。

    One Blue Mountain with cream and sugar .

  15. 根据日程安排,今日将乘车到蓝山游览。

    According to the schedule , the touring party will visit the Blue Mountains today .

  16. 蓝山也一直是马达加斯加和世界各地朝圣者前往朝拜的地方。

    It remains a place of worship to which pilgrims come from Madagascar and elsewhere .

  17. 蓝山眼科研究:老龄人群的开角型青光眼和甲状腺疾病

    Open-angle glaucoma and systemic thyroid disease in an older population : The Blue Mountains Eye Study

  18. 隐性远视与高血压之间不存在关联:蓝山眼科研究屈光不正以远视为主;

    Hypermetropia is not associated with hypertension : The Blue Mountains Eye Study Ametropia was mainly hyperopia ;

  19. 研究了湖南省株洲、桃源和蓝山等市(县)6处森林红壤的化学性质。

    Chemical properties of red soils in 6 places in the forestry of Hunan China were studied .

  20. 我要两箱缅因蓝山产的还有一箱欧洲产的。

    Let me get two boxes of blue hill Maine and a box of the European flats .

  21. 创造适宜和谐的生态住宅小区&以东莞蓝山锦湾一期园林工程建设为例

    Creation of an Ecological Residential District & An Experience of Dongguan Blue Mountain Landscape Architecture Construction Project

  22. 宜人蓝山&欧神诺杯首届室内设计邀请赛作品精选

    Charming Lanshan & selected works from the 1 ~ ( st ) OCEANO cup interior design invitational competition

  23. 顺道一提,我听说凯蒂咖啡刚进了一批牙买加蓝山。

    By the way , I heard Kitty 's just got in a shipment of Jamaican Blue Mountain .

  24. 然而,1981年,一个少年在澳大利亚蓝山的洞穴中发现了她的遗体。

    However , a teenager discovered her remains in a cave in Australia 's Blue Mountains in 1981 .

  25. 自1991年建校以来,澳大利亚蓝山酒店管理学院取得傲人的发展。

    Since its establishment in1991 , the Blue Mountains Hotel School Australia ( BMHS ) has enjoyed remarkable growth .

  26. 上周二,位于苏门答腊岛的塔蓝山火山喷出大片火山灰,冲入云霄。

    On Tuesday , Mount Talang , also on Sumatra , sent clouds of gas high into the air .

  27. 值得注意的是著名的蓝山一号咖啡是不能售给未获该项资格的公司。

    Note that their blue mountain grade a coffee could not be sold to any company without their prior approval .

  28. 我看到报道说蓝山附近一个小村庄的人平均寿命达到88岁。

    I read that the life expectancy of people in a small village near the Blue Mountains is up to88 .

  29. 事实是,他们没有得到许可,也没有加工过蓝山咖啡。

    The fact is they have not gotten any permission to market and they have not been processing Blue Mountain coffee .

  30. 安布希曼加的皇家蓝山行宫由皇城、家墓地和一组祭祀建筑群组成。

    The Royal Hill of Ambohimanga consists of a royal city and burial site , and an ensemble of sacred places .