
yán shí qū
  • rocky area
  1. 潮水已经退去,他们走过岩石区的潮水潭。

    The tide was out and they walked among the rock pools .

  2. 她清楚地记得她去岩石区潮水潭探险的那天。

    She remembered clearly that day when she 'd gone exploring the rockpools

  3. 退潮时,它便成为甲壳动物居住的岩石区潮水潭。

    When the tide ebbs it 's a rock pool inhabited by crustaceans .

  4. 根据数字图像分割技术将CT图像分为岩石区和损伤区(包括孔隙、微裂纹和人眼很难观察到的微损伤),获得CT图像的真实细观结构。

    Then we get the real micro-structure by the technique of image segmentation and the CT image is divided into two parts : rock area and damage area ( include hole and cracks and micro-damage which can 't be seen by eyes ) .

  5. 一种在岩石区湖水潭常见的海葵。

    A genus of sea anemone common in rock pools .

  6. 通过这个桥洞我们就可以到达环形码头和岩石区。

    We can reach Circular Quay and the Rocks through that little tunnel .

  7. 位于悉尼岩石区繁华地带。

    Located in the heart of Sydney Rocks area .

  8. 一些物种甚至是知名的闲逛来自海水上岩石区。

    Some species are even known to lounge out of the water on rocks .

  9. 环太平洋钙碱性岩石区雪硅钙石与氟化钙处理低磷污水的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Treating Low Phosphorus Wastewater by Combination of Tobermorite and Calcium Fluoride

  10. 环太平洋钙碱性岩石区

    Circum pacific calc alkaline petrographic province ultrabasic rock

  11. 成鱼发现于深的岩石区了;

    Adults found in deep rocky areas ;

  12. 岩石区已收到早安美国,福克斯新闻和泰拉班克斯显示来电。

    The Rocks have received calls from Good Morning America , Fox News and The Tyra Banks Show .

  13. 泥灰质岩石区几种岩溶地貌形态及成因探讨&以三峡地区为例

    Types of karst landform in mud limestone terrain and their genesis & a case study from Three-Gorge region

  14. 河谷斜坡带泥灰质岩石区地貌对岩溶的控制机理&以三峡地区为例

    Mechanism of landform control over karstification in mud limestone area along valley slope zone A case study from Three Gorges region

  15. 这幅《蒙娜丽莎》是为在澳大利亚悉尼举行的岩石区咖啡节而创作的,有13万人参加了此次为期一天的咖啡爱好者盛会,他们都见证了这件艺术作品。

    It was created for The Rocks Aroma Festival in Sydney , Australia , and seen by130,000 people who attended the one-day coffee-lovers event .

  16. 研究泥灰质岩石区地貌对岩溶的控制机理是弄清岩溶过程的出发点。

    The research on the mechanism of the landform control over karstification in mud limestone area was the starting point of clarification of karst process .

  17. 各岩石区之岩浆岩化学成分既有关联性又有差异性,表现在岩浆岩的酸度和碱度具有明显的变异。

    The chemical compositions of the magmatic rocks from the three petrofacies provinces show both similarities and differences as revealed by the strikingly different acidity and alkalinity of the rocks .

  18. 弯曲射线CT技术探测岩石破裂区数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Exploring Riving Region by Computerized Tomography Technique of Bending Ray

  19. 给出了岩石弹性区内一点的应力变化时程曲线;

    This resulted in giving the time history of stress of one point in elastic areas .

  20. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,加州摩洛岩石保护区的这只灰松鼠对游客们的零食来者不拒。

    The grey squirrel in Morro Rock Park , California just can 't say no to a snack from visitors , the Daily Mail reported .

  21. 在岩石裸露区和已开采的矿山采用构造岩石裂隙测量和脉岩测量追踪深部盲矿;

    In exposed rock areas and worked out mines , structure rock fissure survey and vein rock survey can be employed to trace deep blind orebodies .

  22. 运用爆炸冲击波理论,讨论了炮孔柱状装药爆破时的岩石粉碎区及其形成时间、爆腔半径及其扩胀规律。

    According to the theory of shock waves , the smash district and its forming time , the blasting cavity radius and its expanding characteristics are all discussed in this paper .

  23. 根据这些,可以圈出成矿远景区,如:伴生岩石分布区,两个次级构造单元之间的断裂带成矿远景区,阶地砂矿区等。

    According to these , ore prospect areas may be delineated , for example , areas of associated rocks and ore prospect areas of a fracture zone between two secondary tectonic units .

  24. 封闭爆炸情况下,岩石破碎区范围为1.1~3.6倍药包半径,损伤区范围为3.6~10.0倍药包半径;

    The broken range of rock is 1.1 to 3.6 times as much as the radius of explosive , and the damage range is 3.6 to 10.0 times as much as radius of explosive .

  25. 利用滑动变形计监测岩石边坡松动区

    Monitor of disturbed zone for rock slope by sliding deformeter

  26. 岩石边坡松动区与位移反分析

    Disturbed zones and displacement back analysis for rock slopes

  27. 然后,模拟了岩石隧道破坏区的损伤演化过程,模拟结果与现场岩爆观测事实非常一致。

    Then , the damage evolution process of rock tunnel damage area was simulated and simulation results are very consistent with field observations of rock burst .

  28. 少量继承锆石核记录了中元古代的年龄信息,表明前寒武纪岩石可能是区内花岗岩浆熔融源区的重要组成之一。

    A few inherited cores record Mesoproterozoic age information , which indicates that Precambrian rocks might be one of the important components in the granitic magma melting source region in the study area .

  29. 岩石中爆炸破碎区边界参数研究

    Study on Boundary Parameters of Crushing Zone During Explosion in Rock

  30. 桂东石灰岩石山区木本植物区系研究

    Study on the Woody Plants Flora of Limestone Mountain Zone in Guidong