
  • 网络Chinese garden;china garden
  1. 佳园寄乡思&新西兰达尼丁市中国花园的设计构思

    Reposing Nostalgia on the Garden & The Design of " Chinese Garden " in Dunedin , New Zealand

  2. 沿威尔逊之路,重返中国西部花园

    Wilson Returns to West China Garden

  3. 大连是一个十分干净的城市,被美名为“中国的花园城市”,“第二个新加坡”。

    Dalian is a very clean city and has designations of'Garden City of China'and'Second Singapore ' .

  4. 金科大酒店位于重庆最重要的行政管理区,是中国生态花园酒店结合最完美的五星级商务酒店。

    Located at the heart of the most important administrative area , Chongqing Jinke Grand Hotel is an ecological paradise of garden hotel .

  5. 在广泛的民众支持下,我们在达尼丁市中心兴建了一座正宗的中国古典花园叫兰园,以纪念达尼丁的中国传统。

    With widespread support , our city embarked on the creation of an authentic Chinese Scholar 's Garden built in the very heart of Dunedin to recognize Dunedin 's Chinese heritage .

  6. 今天我带我的新中国邻居去了花园。

    Today I lead my new Chinese neighbor to my garden in downtowm .

  7. 这是一处清幽如仙境的所在,也是一座富有中国民族特色的花园。

    The garden is a peaceful haven as well as a park with a unique Chinese flavour .

  8. 本文从造园要素的诸多方面对澳洲别墅花园进行了初步探讨,以期对中国现今的别墅花园设计带来一些新的思路。

    The author discusses about many aspects of garden elements in Australian villa gardens , and expects to bring some new ideas for the present villa garden building in China .

  9. 将现代人的环境理想、生态科技与中国园林设计体系完美结合,达到三者的高度统一,指导设计现代的有中国特色的屋顶花园。

    Will be the ideal environment for modern , eco-technology with the Chinese system , the perfect combination of landscape design to achieve high degree of unification of the three to guide the design of a modern roof garden with Chinese characteristics .