
  • 网络transit method
  1. 通过应用WILDGAK-1陀螺经纬仪进行逆转点法、中天法及时差法的定向实验,论述了3种定向方法的理论精度,并和实际定向精度进行了比较。

    This paper describes the orientation experiments of Reversal Point Method , Transit Method and time Difference Method by means of Wild GAK-1 gyro-theodolite , and the theoretical precisions of these three methods and the practical orientation precisions are compared .

  2. 实验表明,半周期中天法应用于JT-15陀螺仪的初寻北精度可以达到±8′,而且初寻北效率提高了一倍。

    Experiments show that semi-period transit method is adopted in the coarse north-seeking of JT-15 gyroscope ,± 8'north-seeking precision can be achieved and efficiency of coarse north-seeking is one time faster than period transit method .

  3. 用中天法进行矿井定向的一些问题

    Some problems existed in mine orientation by using transit method

  4. 半周期中天法在初寻北中的应用研究

    Application Research of Semi-Period Transit Method on Coarse North-Seeking

  5. 陀螺定向中天法容许的时间差

    Permissible Time Difference of Gyroscopic Orientation Culmination Method

  6. 陀螺经纬仪中天法定向的研究

    Research into the Transit Method of Gyrotheodolite Orientation

  7. 根据试验和实际定向资料,分析确定了中天法测量的精度;

    According to the data of experimental and field orientation , the measurement accuracy of the transit method is analyzed and determined in this paper .

  8. 由陀螺仪寻北中天法的基本原理出发,提出了一种固定照准部的初寻北半周期中天法。

    Based on the principle of period transit method , semi-period transit method of collimation is proposed to improve the north-seeking speed and the automatic degree .

  9. 认为,在原理上卯酉&子午交替观测法测定的纬度值是绝对的,而传统的拱极星上、下中天法不是真正绝对的;

    It is suggested that in principle , the latitude values determined by means of the former method are absolute , but those determined by the latter method are not really absolute .

  10. 本文论述了中天法定向时陀螺北方向值的计算公式、理论精度、观测值及计算值的限差;

    In this paper , the mathematical formula of Gyro north direction value , the theoretical precision , limiting error of observed value and calculated value and mean square error of a measurement in the orientation by using transit method are described .

  11. 本文根据矿山走向测量的精度要求,和陀螺定向逆转点法、中天法观测及数据处理模型的近似条件,分析讨论了对观测值变动范围的限制性要求。

    Based on the requirements for the accuracy of mine gyroscopic orientation survey and the similar conditions data-processing models by the method of inversion points and transit method , this paper analyses and discusses the limited requirement to the changing range of observed value .