
  • 网络Diurnal motion;daily motion
  1. 邱同学在上周日运动会上打破了记录。

    Qiu broke the record in the sports meet last Sunday .

  2. 几年前我思考着这件事,我去见“周日运动期刊”,

    A few years ago , I was thinking about this , and I went to " The Sunday Sport , "

  3. 天体周日视运动过程中天体高度的变化率

    The Altitude Ratio of a Celestial Body in its Diurnal Apparent Motion

  4. 运用球面三角知识量化太阳周日视运动规律

    Exercise . The application of spherical surface triangle on the quantization of sun circle daily turn around

  5. 用拉格朗日乘数法确定天体周日视运动过程中方位变化速度最慢点的位置,从而使有关结论完整化。

    By means of the Lagrange Multiplier , this paper points out the position of celestial bodies when their azimuth varies the slowest during diurnal motion , thus consummating the conclusion concerned .

  6. 我每周工作六天,周日的时候做做运动。

    I work six days a week , keep Sunday for exercise .