
  • 【生】peripheral process
  1. 含P物质的脊神经节细胞周围突的躯体&内脏分支投射

    The somato-visceral divergent projections of peripheral processes of substance P-containing spinal ganglionic neurons & tri-labeling study of combining fluorescein tracing

  2. 背根神经节降钙素基因相关肽阳性神经元周围突分支支配心和胃的研究&荧光素双标记与PAP结合法

    Simultaneous innervation of heart and stomach by dichotomizing branch of peripheral process of CGRP immunoreactive dorsal root ganglion neurons & a triple labelling study

  3. 脊神经节神经元周围突至肾及体壁的分支投射舌咽神经感觉神经元周围突分支投射的研究

    Studies on Divergent Projection of the Peripheral Processes of the Neurons in the Glossopharyngeal Sensory Ganglion

  4. 由此证明半数以上的前根细胞的周围突是通过交感神经分布的。

    It is concluded that the peripheral processes of these ventral root cells distributed via the sympathetic trunk .

  5. 神经冲动从大鼠脊神经节细胞周围突躯体分支到内脏分支上的传导

    Neural Impulse Conduction from the Somatic Branches of the Peripheral Processes of the Spinal Ganglion Cells to the Visceral Ones in Rats

  6. 大鼠腰后段背根节神经元周围突的分支分布&荧光素双标记法研究

    Distribution of the dichotomizing branches of peripheral processes of caudal lumbar dorsal root ganglion neurons in the rat & a double fluorescence labelling study

  7. 观察结果证明这些神经毒经神经节细胞周围突逆行作用于胞体,使胞体产生不同的病理变化。

    The results showed these neurotoxins had a retrograde effect on the cell body through the peripheral process of ganglion cell , inducing different pathological changes in cell body .

  8. 提示:神经冲动可从脊神经节细胞周围突行走在肋间神经中的躯体分支,经分叉处传导到行走于内脏大神经中的内脏分支,这些分支以A-δ纤维为主。

    These findings suggest that neural impulse can conduct from the somatic branches , which go through the intercostal nerve , of the peripheral process of the spinal ganglion cells to the visceral ones , which pass through the greater splanchnic nerve , these branches are mainly A-a fibers .

  9. 4~7d,星形细胞高度肿胀,胞质内充满水肿液,细胞器消失,细胞变性,毛细血管周围细胞足突明显肿胀,血管周围间隙见微小出血灶。

    To 7 d after , there was severe swelling of astrocyte , abundant fluids in the cytoplasm , organelles vanishing , neuron degeneration , severe swelling of end plate around the capillary and minor focus of hemorrhage in the Virchow Robin space .

  10. 它们自视神经盘处向视网膜周边都呈放射状走行,在向周围行进过程中突起来逐渐变稀变细,至视网膜周边部突起来已模糊不易辨认。

    They arranged radially from optic disc to peripheral of retina and became gradually looser and thinner .