
  1. 周璇(1920~1957)

    Zhou Xuan ( 1920 or 1918 ~ 1957 )

  2. 周璇曾经说过,她一生没有什么满意的电影,除了《马路天使》;

    Zhou Xuan once said she had not been satistied by her films except Street Angel .

  3. 当我2004年抵达上海,那里还存留着许多周璇的上海的影子。

    In 2004 , when I arrived , there were still some reminders of Zhou Xuans Shanghai .

  4. 我感觉糟透了,今天我要向周璇道歉,因为我糟蹋了她1937年的热门歌曲。

    I was awful , and to this day I apologize to Zhou Xuan for murdering her 1937 hit song .

  5. 上映,女主角周璇一鸣惊人。鉴于此,20世纪30年代后期,从某种程度上来说,常被认为是中国电影的第一个“黄金时期”。

    Accordingly , this post-1930s is now often referred to as the first " golden period " of the Chinese film to some extent .

  6. 20世纪早期中国的都市文化表征&从都市文化维度看周璇的流行歌曲

    Cultural Symbol of Chinese Urban Culture in the Early 20th Century & Analysis on Zhou Xuan 's Pop Music through the Perspective of Urban Culture

  7. 周璇,原名苏璞,1920年8月1日出生于江苏常州,1957年9月22日去世,终年39岁。

    Zhou Xuan , former name was Su Pu , was born on August 1st of 1920 in Changzhou , Jiangsu Province and died on 22 September 1957 , when she was 39 .

  8. 她的代表作《马路天使》、《忆江南》等片更是享誉海内外。其中《马路天使》在20世纪曾被评为“中国电影90年优秀影片”之一,周璇本人则荣获中国电影“世纪奖”。

    Her masterpieces Street Angel and Memories of the Southward enjoyed a high prestige in the world , of which Street Angel had been awarded one of Chinese Excellent Films in 90 Years " and she herself was awarded the " Centennial Award " in Chinese film .

  9. 周璇一生共出演了40多部影片,并主唱过电影主题曲和插曲100多首,成为人们心中永远的银幕偶像,可以算是中国最早的两栖明星,成为早期娱乐界的一颗耀眼之星。

    Zhou Xuan made a total of over 40 films in her life and was the chief singer of over 100 film theme songs and interlude songs , which made people believe that she was an eternal screen idol . She could be considered as the earliest Chinese amphibious star , a brilliant star in the early entertainment field .