
  1. 周成建失联之前,复星集团(Fosun)董事长郭广昌也曾失联,由于收购了地中海俱乐部(ClubMed),该集团成了中国在国际上最知名的公司之一。

    Mr Zhou 's disappearance followed close on the heels of that of Guo Guangchang , chairman of the conglomerate Fosun , one of China 's best known companies internationally because of its ownership of Club Med .

  2. 中国著名时装品牌美特斯邦威(Metersbonwe)的创始人周成建已重返工作岗位,一周前他的公司称与他失联。近期有一批企业家和金融家似乎被卷入北京的反腐败斗争,周成建是最新的一位。

    The billionaire founder of one of China 's most famous fashion brands has returned to work a week after his company said he had gone missing , the latest in a series of entrepreneurs and financiers apparently embroiled in Beijing 's anti-corruption campaign .

  3. 美特斯邦威在上周的公告中没有透露周成建失联的详情。

    No details of the disappearance were given in last week 's statement .

  4. 周成建,一个白手起家的企业家,在这条服装发展的道路上发挥了很大作用。

    Zhou Chengjian , a rags-to-riches entrepreneur , has played a big part in that sartorial journey .

  5. 周成建是中国最雄心勃勃的时装零售商之一,他的目标是在三到五年内将自己的品牌推向全球。

    Mr Zhou is one of the most ambitious of China 's fashion retailers , with aims to take his brand global within three to five years .

  6. 美特斯邦威1月7日发公告表示,由于该公司未能与两人取得联系,公司股票将临时停牌,其间公司领导将核实关于周成建被警察带走的媒体报道。

    In a statement on January 7 the company said it was unable to reach either man and that its shares were suspended while company officials investigated media reports that Mr Zhou had been detained by police .

  7. 周成建与涂珂被带走的消息在中国私营部门引起了不安情绪,此前反腐调查的目标主要是政府官员、国有企业和金融业的高管,基本未涉及私营部门。

    The detention of the two men caused jitters in the mainland private sector , which had been largely untouched by anti-corruption investigations that had targeted mostly government officials , executives of state-owned companies and financial industry executives .

  8. 上周五,美特斯邦威向深圳证券交易所提交声明,称公司创始人周成建与董事会秘书涂珂都已在岗履职。周成建在中国富豪榜排名第62位,去年的身家为265亿元人民币(合40亿美元)。

    Metersbonwe , one of the best known brands on the Chinese high street , said in a statement to the Shenzhen stock exchange last Friday that founder Zhou Chengjian , China 's 62nd richest man with a fortune of Rmb26.5bn ( $ 4bn ) last year , was back at work along with Tu Ke , board secretary .